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Tour the Denver Botanic Garden
Inside the large structure, tropical and subtropical plants are maintained providing year round interest at the Gardens. Large evergreens and Maples provide dappled shade for large gardens containing hostas, lilies, hellebores, astilbes, windflowers,...
El Segundo
Tree Protection Against Deer: Protecting Newly Planted Trees From Deer
So if you are asking yourself, how can I protect baby trees from deer? Deer are offended by human scents such as bars of soap and hair. Deer browsing leaves ragged edges on the bark and lower branches.
How To Protect Trees From Deer
Once this velvet is removed, deer may continue to polish their antlers by rubbing up and down the trunk.Deer also rub trees during mating season to attract females or to mark their territory, warning other males to stay away.
Deer Proof Gardening: What Vegetables Are Deer Resistant
Knowing which plants are irresistible to deer can help you properly useto deter deer from their favorites. Continue reading for tips onand a list of fruits and vegetables deer won't eat.The sad fact is that there are actually no completely deer proof...
Deer Fencing Designs – How To Build A Deer Proof Fence
If repellents aren't working, think about building a deer proof fence.Deer are elegant and graceful creatures but these attributes fall short when they have been in the garden eating your prize plants.
How To Keep Deer From Eating Plants – Garden Deer Protection For Plants
An alternative to tall fencing is an electric fence, which may be ideal for smaller garden areas.Some people even favor the “peanut butter” fence to keep deer out of the garden.
Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them
Perhaps, the deer were just hungrier and the scent of the soap was no longer a strong enough deterrent. Just remember that changing it up is important to its effectiveness.Another method of deterrent protection to consider is planting a border around...
Deer Resistant Garden Plans – Creating A Deer Resistant Garden
Deer love the tender new green foliage. However, those of us in more rural or under developed areas are quite familiar with the issue. A border made of a prickly or spiny plants is a good preventative and gives you a lovely green area to view.
Deer Resistant Plant List – Learn About Plants That Are Deer Resistant
Sometimes finding out what your deer will and will not eat becomes a process of elimination. Watching deer is an incredibly enjoyable pastime; however, the fun stops when the deer decide to make a lunch buffet of your garden.
Bulbs Deer Hate: Flower Bulbs That Deter Deer
Whileif they're starving, there are some bulbs deer hate to eat and will only consume in the most desperate conditions. If deer are a problem in your area, give up the idea of drifts of tastyand stick with deer resistant bulbs in your landscaping plans.Flower...
Deer Rubbing Tree Bark: Protecting Trees From Deer Rubs
These materials protect the tree from deer damage without causing damage of their own when force is applied to their surfaces. This rubbing behavior typically starts in early fall, with the male deer running the surfaces of their horns against saplings...
Deer Eating Fruit Trees: How To Protect Fruit Trees From Deer
Apply repellents at the first sign of damage. Conventional 8-foot woven wire fences are proven barriers to deer marauders. While they may not actually be eating the fruit, the real issue is the nibbling away at tender shoots, resulting in a compromised...
A Picture Tour of My Garden
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags butterfly garden , container , garden , Jessica Walliser , perennial bed , vegetable garden I've been away at a garden conference, so I just wanted to take this week to share with you some of my favorite images from the...
Farm Tour in Woodford County Kentucky
Northside Elementary Students Help Conserve and Restore Stream, Park Area After a big Kentucky breakfast, including the requisite biscuits and sausage gravy (good thing–we needed the energy!) we climbed into our bus and headed to Midway's Northside...
7 Farm Tour Rules For Kids
I have allowed teachers (not other parents) to sign the form for those children who have forgotten as long as they're on the phone with the child's parent who has expressed his or her permission.
Midwest Gears Up for Renewable Energy Tour
“This is an educational opportunity for family farmers and ranchers, a chance to see what others like them are doing to take advantage of this increased demand for renewable energy,” says NFU president Roger Johnson.
A Tour of the World\'s Food Plants
They were so ultra-popular with the European aristocracy that it was rumored people had died from bingeing on them. According to Edible, the United States Supreme Court in 1893 ruled that a fruit refers to “a plant part usually eaten as an appetizer,...
St. John\'s Wort Plant Care: How To Grow St. John\'s Wort
Other uses include containers,The species plants self-seed and can become weedy, particularly common St. John's wort (). Ornamental cultivars are well-behaved plants that aren't likely to grow out of control.
Tips On St. John\'s Wort Pruning: When To Cut Back St. John\'s Wort
Each of those stem tips will develop a separate blossom cluster.Even if your shrub hasn't flowered for a long time or appears beyond repair, give it a chance. You don't want to reduce summer flowers by cutting off the new growth that will produce them.In...
St. John\'s Wort Control: Learn How To Control St. John\'s Wort
Information on St. John's wort says it's a noxious weed in some areas.Learning how to control St. John's wort is a long and tedious process, but may be accomplished through significant effort.
Growing Tutsan Shrubs: Tips On Tutsan Care In The Garden
Tutsan seems to take to any soil type so long as it is well draining and any pH, even. It prefers shady to semi-shaded locations that mimic its natural positioning at the base of woods but can also thrive in sun.Plant seeds in fall or take hardwood cuttings...
St. Andrew\'s Cross Plant – Can You Grow St. Andrew\'s Cross In Gardens
Control weeds by pulling or hoeing lightly until the plant is established.St. Andrew's cross wildflowers generally require little fertilizer. Alternatively, get a head start and plant them indoors a few weeks before the last expected frost.
Still in Use: A Hay Rake So Old It Can Be Horse-Drawn
Fortunately, one of our friends came to the rescue with his welding equipment, working into the night to repair the rake in time for the following morning. The weld worked perfectly, the rake did its job, and it continues to serve us well.
Last Ride of the Silver Sage
Silver sage is pretty tough in that it is somewhat drought-tolerant and deer-resistant...but please, don't abuse yours like I did mine. Actually, that could be why the plant lasted so long.
El Segundo
Outwitting Backyard Creatures: Bulbs & Plants They Hate!
In the dead of night, or sometimes in broad daylight, furry creatures help themselves to snacks from the vegetable garden and shrub border. But the best defense is a good offense: choose plants that aren't attractive to animals in the first place.
El Segundo
Who Ate my Althea? Deer-Resistant Plants for the Midwest
A barking dog will turn away the deer intent on making easy cuisine of your gardens. Be warned that the deer may stop nibbling for only a short time and go back to eating your plants even with the deterrent there.Spray the plants with a blended mixture...
El Segundo
Gingers of Reunion Island
I hope you enjoyed this aromatic tour, wish I could hand out some crystallized ginger to make your day sweeter... Gingers are a well-known genus amongst exotic plant lovers and they certainly are great plants either as individuals with stunning flowers...
El Segundo