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Deer Proof Gardening: What Vegetables Are Deer Resistant
Knowing which plants are irresistible to deer can help you properly useto deter deer from their favorites. Below is a list of plants that deer love to eat.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });So what vegetables...
Deer Fencing Designs – How To Build A Deer Proof Fence
Attractive deer proof fencing takes a lot of materials and contractor know how. If your deer are especially sneaky, use 2 electric fences. Single strand electric fences or simple deer mesh are fairly easy control options.
How To Keep Deer From Eating Plants – Garden Deer Protection For Plants
Deer can cause extensive damage to your garden as well as other areas of the landscape. These should be at least 6 feet high for older trees.Repellents are another option to keep deer out of the garden.
Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them
The same is true after a hail storm or other like events that cause significant damage to rose bushes.If you live in an area that is known to have deer close by, think about protection early on.
Deer Resistant Garden Plans – Creating A Deer Resistant Garden
Deer are lovely to watch but not when they are stomping all over your vegetable garden or eating the tops off your bulbs before you ever get the chance to see a bloom. However, those of us in more rural or under developed areas are quite familiar with...
Deer Resistant Plant List – Learn About Plants That Are Deer Resistant
Deer resistant gardening is a hot topic amongst gardeners who don't necessarily want to scare off the deer but also want to keep their lovely gardens intact.With more and more natural land being taken from deer and in areas where population control is...
Bulbs Deer Hate: Flower Bulbs That Deter Deer
Unpleasant for the throat and unappetizing.. Any gardener who finds deer in the neighborhood will never look at Bambi the same way again. Nature provides these properties to keep predators away; it works well with deer in most instances.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Deer Rubbing Tree Bark: Protecting Trees From Deer Rubs
When they come into your yard and start damaging trees, they become something else entirely. Peeling back just the bark can open the tree up to damage from pests and disease, but typical deer damage doesn't stop there.
Deer Eating Fruit Trees: How To Protect Fruit Trees From Deer
However, they require more maintenance and frequent inspections than a conventional 8 footer and you need to maintain a 6-8 foot mowed swath along the perimeter to discourage deer jumping.You also encompass individual trees with a physical barrier of...
St. John\'s Wort Plant Care: How To Grow St. John\'s Wort
The blossoms last from midsummer until fall, and they are followed by colorful berries. It also withstands drought but grows best with irrigation during prolonged dry spells. Spread about 2 inches of compost or rotted manure over the area and dig it in...
Tips On St. John\'s Wort Pruning: When To Cut Back St. John\'s Wort
Cutting back St. John's wort shrub just before the new growth begins is ideal.Before you start cutting back St. John's wort, be sure your shears are clean and sharp. It also helps keep the plant in check overall, as it can be prone tofreestar.queue.push(function()...
St. John\'s Wort Control: Learn How To Control St. John\'s Wort
Burn the weeds after pulling. You may know about St. John's wort for medicinal purposes such as the relief of anxiety and sleeplessness. Don't burn off the area where St. Johns wort weed is growing though, as this encourages it to spread.
Growing Tutsan Shrubs: Tips On Tutsan Care In The Garden
In cold regions, apply a few inches of mulch around cut plants to protect roots from freezes.Other than that, Tutsan care is practically effortless. It was a common medicinal plant.
St. Andrew\'s Cross Plant – Can You Grow St. Andrew\'s Cross In Gardens
Be patient, as germination takes one to three months.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });In time, the plant spreads up to 3 feet (1 m.) to form a dense, flowering mat.
Still in Use: A Hay Rake So Old It Can Be Horse-Drawn
We started a few weeks ago with some of the faster-growing fields, but that was a relatively small project compared with last week , when we put up about 600 small square bales in two days, with plenty more still to come.
Last Ride of the Silver Sage
After several years of rough treatment, my old, lonefinally succumbed recently. Many gardeners don't allow their silver sage to send up a flower stalk as it takes an incredible amount of energy out of the plant.
El Segundo
Outwitting Backyard Creatures: Bulbs & Plants They Hate!
In the dead of night, or sometimes in broad daylight, furry creatures help themselves to snacks from the vegetable garden and shrub border. But the best defense is a good offense: choose plants that aren't attractive to animals in the first place.
El Segundo
Who Ate my Althea? Deer-Resistant Plants for the Midwest
Be warned that the deer may stop nibbling for only a short time and go back to eating your plants even with the deterrent there.Spray the plants with a blended mixture of garlic, rotten eggs, pepper and soap.
El Segundo
Royalty in the Garden : The Crown Imperial
A number of online and catalog bulb sellers carry Crown Imperial, but it pays to check the price closely. Gardeners have variously described it as a combination of wet fur and garlic, phenolic, putrid, sulfurous, sweaty, and foxy.
El Segundo
5 Years of Big Ag: Has It Gotten Better?
The commission assessed the current state of industrial animal agriculture based on site visits to production facilities across the country; consultation with industry stakeholders, public health, medical and agriculture experts; public meetings; peer-reviewed...
5 Ways to Enjoy the Farm Before Dark
(I'm a perpetual list maker —I can't help myself!) Maybe on your farm, you're still trudging on 'til dark, but soon enough, you'll enter into the season of rest, as well. After all, as John Muir says, “The world is big…” « More Farm Inspiration...
Antibody Accurately IDs Johne\'s Disease
Stabel and her team vaccinated calves with an effective commercial Johne's vaccine to test cross reactivity with tuberculosis tests. The scientists were awarded a patent for the antibody, which could help improve diagnostic tests that confirm MAP's presence.
Holly Bushes & Deer
Hollies are dioecious, meaning that plants are either male or female, and you need both for berry production. According to Rutgers University, is American holly or Ilex opaca, a native plant grown both as an evergreen shrub and as a tree that can reach...
Santa Monica
Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
The largest was over 9 feet wide and 8 feet tall. Soon people began to slow down their cars to look at his bird house. John stated, "Theyare usually mounted 8 feet in the air. In the sky, luxury bird condominiums or simply mansions.
El Segundo
Deer Versus Plants and Shrubs
I guess I'd better buy a few more containers of repellant next time I'm at the garden center. I cover up my evergreen shrubs with deer netting during the winter months and then usually remove it come spring, but after I took it off last week, they showed...
Diary of a Class: Fall Vegetable Gardening
Friday: Berry Good Time For our last day of class, we headed out for another field trip to nearby Karen Hurtubise's raspberry farm, where she talked to us about the basics of backyard berry growing.
Diary of a Class: Food Gifts, Friendship-and a Trip to Remember
Friends in Town Thursday started bright and early with the Rivercane Walk. Are the emergency vet numbers posted clearly? I had breakfast in the communal dining room (forgot about good old Southern grits!) and headed off to my first day of class from 9...