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Jersey Livestock For Sale In West Virginia

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For Sale: 1 Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Daisy - 16mo Old Ayrshire/Jersey Cross Heifer, she is open, approximately 600lbs - $675
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
West Virginia
For Sale: 2 Jersey Cows
Price : CALL

They are all very tame and well trained. Selling herd of Jersey cows. Selling them because we're getting out of the milk business. Below is a list of the livestock and my asking prices, and a short description of each.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
West Virginia
For Sale: 4 Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Very gentle and were bottle fed. 7 month old jersey calves for sale.
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
West Virginia
For Sale: 3 Jersey Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Due around June of 2018. All heifers are A2A2! Asking $1200.00- $1500.00 18 month old jersey heifers bred to black Angus bull.
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
West Virginia
For Sale: 2 Jersey Bulls
Price : CALL

Please call or text Caleb with any questions you have :-) $425.00 each. The solid colored calf is 16 weeks old. Price is somewhat negotiable :-) Thanks so much for taking a look at my listing! Have a great day :-)
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
West Virginia
For Sale: 1 Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Daisy lives in Suffolk, VA. Very friendly and playful. I am asking $600. Daisy is a 1 year old Jersey x dexter cross. She has been pastured with a mini horse, goats, chickens and livestock guarding dogs.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
West Virginia
For Sale: 5 Jersey Bulls
Price : CALL

5 Bull Jersey baby Calves very friendly asking price 350.00 a piece.
  • Number of Head: 5
United States
West Virginia
For Sale: 2 Dexter, Holstein, Jersey Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

3 yr old Jersey/Holstein heifer with 1/2 Dexter heifer calf, March 2017. $1300 obo for the pair. Heifer is very people friendly and a great millet. Moving and must sell.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
West Virginia
Mini Jersey bull for sale
Price : CALL

Not registered but he is registrable as breeding stock. Sired by Son of Fat Louie. I am asking $500 for him. Adam's mother Abbey is a mid-mini jersey sired by Riverview John. She is giving me close to 4 gallons of milk a day.
United States
West Virginia
Jersey/Dexter Heifer calf
Price : CALL

If you are looking for a true family cow this is your chance to own the very best cross you could ask for. She has had her shots and is looking for loving family to serve. This Lil girl whos name is Libby is very healthy and has been dehorned.
United States
West Virginia
Reg. Jersey Heifers/Family Cows
Price : CALL

Heifer starting at $750.Springer's and Cows starting at $1200.Good loving homes,capable of providing proper feed and care only please.Farm visits welcome/Delivery negotiable. Registered and very well cared for.We are worth the trip.
United States
West Virginia
Foundation Pure Miniature Jersey heifer
Price : CALL

Only serious inquiries please. She is a foundation pure miniature jersey. She is halter and lead trained. I have to sell her do to personal circumstances. Have spent a lot of time working with her as I was planning on breeding and milking her.
United States
West Virginia
Mini Jersey Heifer for Sale- VA
Price : CALL

Is halter broke and leading at 1 month. Weanling will be ready November '08. Price includes vaccinations and worming. Registered AMJA, handled daily, price includes vaccinations. Calf will mature as mid-size miniature, from Tanglewood dam.
United States
West Virginia
Jersey Bull
Price : CALL

Coming two year old Jersey bull. His spring calves are on the way! Has not shown any aggression, has no health issues and is ready to go to work for you. Price will go up once his calves start arriving.
United States
West Virginia
Coming 4 month old bull calf
Price : CALL

Eating very well and ready to go. Should make an excellent breeder. Beautiful, big, correct! Excellent bloodlines. Sired by Brazo and out of a very nice cow. Very stout for his breed/age.
United States
West Virginia
Miniature Jersey Heifer Calf
Price : CALL

Sire is our 38 1/2 \\" bull Abe, and Dam is Lilly- they can both be seen at our website. They can both be seen on our website. Beautiful, Miniature Jersey Heifer Calf available !!! born 10/14/09, birth height 23 1/2\\" , birth weight 28 lbs.
United States
West Virginia
Miniature jerseys
Price : CALL

Registration pending on both heifers. 4 1/2 yr old is 46\\", fawn colored 18 month old is 43\\", fawn colored Both heifers are vet confirmed pregnant, Sire is 38\\" and here on premises.
United States
West Virginia
Mini Jersey Bull Calf
Price : CALL

Lots of color and will make an excellent breeding bull, 4H project or family pet! Bull pics available on Pictures available upon request of both calf and cow. Sampson is very cute and would make someone an excellent breeding bull, 4H...
United States
West Virginia
Miniature Jersey Bull Calf
Price : CALL

Very nice looking calf. Mini Jersey bulls are very docile, naturally polled, and are great for breeding with other miniature cattle or to family cows. Parents are registered with the American Miniature Jersey Association.
United States
West Virginia
Grass Fed Jersey\'s For Sale
Price : CALL

$975 Click below for our website if you want more details about our standards of raising the animals. Lilac- Full Jersey, Lilac is the cow on the left in the bottom right picture. Calved once on farm this spring, no probelms except she is a slow milker.
United States
West Virginia
Jersey Heifer For Sale
Price : CALL

Can email pix if interested. Not fooled with much but is friendly. Jersey heifer for sale. Asking price is 400.00 She is registered. Jersey heifer has horns, is registered, not completly tame but really close.
United States
West Virginia
Jersey Milk Cow For Sale
Price : CALL

She is very loving and gentle. She is four years old. Can email pix if interested. Asking price is 600.00 She has been hand milked by previous owner. Not bred at this time. She is halter broke.
United States
West Virginia
Jersey Heifer
Price : CALL

She is out in pasture with our goats. We have a young Jersey Heifer calf born this spring on May 3. Nice disposition and Gentle. She has been dehorned. She is still being bottle fed as I feel she would still be in nature and we have plenty of milk.
United States
West Virginia
Registered jersey cow for sale
Price : CALL

Great producer. Due to be bred back in September. Asking $1000.00 Very gentle 5yr.
United States
West Virginia
Jersey Bull Calf
Price : CALL

Will sell him for local stock price. He is a purebred Jersey calf (no papers) and would make a really fine bull for any herd of Jerseys. Gorgeous Full Bred Jersey Bull Calf. Please call Marner Yates.
United States
West Virginia
Jersey cow for sale
Price : CALL

Jersey about 6 y.o., good milker, no birthing problems, great family cow, willing to please to right handler. Very cooperative milker and good mother. Jersey cow bred back to Holstein; due to freshen in spring '08.
United States
West Virginia
AMJA Miniature Jersey Bull Calf
Price : CALL

Bull calves with this pedigree are hard to find. Will register as Foundation Pure with AMJA. This pedigree doesn't get any better. Sired by Riverview's Son of Fat Louie and Tanglewood's Mint Chip (Ralph Martin stock).
United States
West Virginia