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Jersey Livestock For Sale In New York

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For Sale: 1 Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

2.5 year old Jersey heifer. We are downsizing. Never bred as we did not have a bull, but she is ready! Handled and friendly.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
New York
For Sale: 2 Jersey Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

I have moved and must find them a new home so I am willing to sell for a very good price $1000 each. Cow is two years old and heifer calf is 10 months. Beautiful and friendly. Call or text Vicki at 404-310-8713.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
New York
For Sale: 1 Jersey Feeders
Price : CALL

Takes the bottle great! $350 1 Jersey bull calf.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
New York
For Sale: 2 Jersey Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Dam is from an organic grass fed dairy. His ears are short, when I purchased him he had frostbite. Bull is Ahlem Axis Comanche-ET. Raised by dam's side, grass fed only. "Pixie" Is very friendly and sweet, she will make a great homestead milker.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
New York
For Sale: 3 Jersey Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

They are ready now 200 for each calf and 600 for heifer , all registered and comes along all papers we offer shipping in to all states text us on 5023530762 A2/A2 jersey milking cow and bottle calfs for sale .
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
New York
For Sale: 567 Angus, Brahman, Holstein, Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

We are proud breeders of excellent quality Dairy and Beef Cattle: Milk Bottle Fed Calves (Male and Female), Open Heifers, Bulls, Steers and Springers in breeds like the Holsteins, Angus (Black & Red) Jerseys, Brahmans and many other breeds for Sale; ages...
  • Number of Head: 567
United States
New York
Jersey Bull Calf for sale
Price : CALL

Located in central New York state. Comes direct from a Johnes tested, vaccinated farm where he was fed colostrum at birth. Healthy, farm raised Jersey Bull calf for sale born 7/25/06.
United States
New York
Registered jersey for sale
Price : CALL

Registered Jersey's, show quality, 1st one calved 10/12,nice udder 1,800 obo, need to sell soon; also have one that is calving first week of December that I need to sell after she calves.
United States
New York
Organic Registered Jerseys
Price : CALL

Organic Milking Herd of Mostly Registered Jerseys with some Holsteins and some H/J crosses. This is a very profitable herd. All animals on DHIA test. Always earn all premiums! Health forces sale.
United States
New York
Jersey Bull 5 Months Old
Price : CALL

Will work with buyer on pickup/delivery. Please call Ryan Approximately 175 lbs.
United States
New York
Jersey steer for sale
Price : CALL

Can't keep so would like to find a new home. Lots more growing to go! Email for pictures. Approximately 400lbs right now. He is 10 months old. We got him at 6 days old, bottle fed so he is quite friendly for now.
United States
New York
Jersey First Calf Heifer
Price : CALL

Milking approximately 50 lbs and thats with only second cutting and some grain. I don't milk at my farm so I need to sell her. Registered Jersey For Sale-Calved 10/19-Nice show cow, great udder.
United States
New York
Organic milking Mostly Jersey
Price : CALL

Excellent production and quality. Herd of Mostly Golden Jerseys with some crosses and holsteins selling milkers only. Excellent quality and production. Large animals with great feet, legs and udders.
United States
New York
Organic jersey family cow
Price : CALL

Must sell, sadly, these 2 family milking cows. They are registered with papers. Both are pregnant, both are milking. Both calve easily. I have 2 organic jersey cows. The children milk them.
United States
New York
One Jersey Cow and Two Heifers
Price : CALL

She is used to a parlor and a stanchion barn. They are dehorned. She has had no milk fever. The oldest Cow - the mom - was born on 1/19/03. Two are due in December and one is Just Bred.
United States
New York
Jersey Heifer Calf
Price : CALL

Jersey heifer calf 4 months old bottle raised very gentle weaned and eating hay and grain Jersey heifer calf bottle raised very gentle weaned and eating hay and grain she is around 150 pounds
United States
New York
For Sale: 5 Angus, Angus Cross, Black Angus, Black Hereford, Hereford, Hereford Cross, Holstein, Jersey, Scottish Highlander Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

1 cow calf pair - cow is jersey/angus calf is sired by pure Hereford 1 open cow Holstein 3 years old 1 3 year old Scottish highland steer 1 2 year old open angus heifer
  • Number of Head: 5
United States
New York
Jersey giants for sale
Price : CALL

Organically raised.seventeen weeks old. Black jersey giant roosters for sale. Twenty dollars each.
United States
New York
Jersey giant roosters for sale
Price : CALL

Port Jervis, NY Would prefer to have picked up. Jersey giant roosters for sale 14 weeks old. Organically raised.Feeding Nutrina pullet grower exclusively.
United States
New York
Black Jersey Giant Roosters
Price : CALL

Eating Nutrina pullet grower now. Their huge for thier age. Have too many roosters. Fed nothing but organic feed since. Innoculated at hatching. Black Jersey Giant Roosters about 3 1/2 months old.Were innoculated at hatching.
United States
New York
For Sale: 567 Angus, Black Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein, Jersey, Limousin, Longhorn, Red Angus Open Heifers
Price : CALL

We are proud breeders of excellent quality Dairy and Beef Cattle: Milk Bottle Fed Calves (Male and Female), Open Heifers, Bulls, Steers and Springers in breeds like the Holsteins, Angus (Black & Red) Jerseys, Brahmans and many other breeds for Sale; ages...
  • Number of Head: 567
United States
New York
Selling 13 Jersey bred heifers
Price : CALL

Would be a great start for a dairy farm. 4 are due to calve very soon. These were my fathers who passed away and I need to sell them as soon as I can. Please come see them and we can negotiate.
United States
New York
Jersey Bull
Price : CALL

Picture upon request. Proven pure bred Jersey bull for sale, 3 years old , horned but easy to handle. Comes when called and easy on the heifers. Would make a great clean up bull or first time heifer bull.
United States
New York
Price : CALL

Bull is a nice dairy polled bull, cow has been dehorned nicely. Shipping within 100 mile range possible. Would like to sell as a pair if possible. Cow has calved successfully twice and bred back for third time.
United States
New York
Jersey cows and bull
Price : CALL

Others used for breeding. Registered cow has been hand milked Two small type jersey , one registered, one young polled daughter with young bull on side , one 42 inch jersey . Relocating and must place our cattle to new homes.
United States
New York
Jersey Crossbred Dairy Cattle
Price : CALL

Irrevocable Letter of Credit transferrable at site from a bank approved by our bank (Rabobank) is the only financial intstrument that we accept. By providing us with the following details: 1) Breed specifications 2) Live weight ranges 3) Milk Production...
United States
New York
Jersey heifer
Price : CALL

Born Jan 26, 2011 beautiful new gal. Call for more information evening hours, MST. Full jersey, has been with mother cow since birth , very healthy. Still young enough to start. Not halter , nor handled since birth.
United States
New York