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Jersey Cattle For Sale In Virginia

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For Sale: 4 Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

7 month old jersey calves for sale. Very gentle and were bottle fed.
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 1 Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Daisy - 16mo Old Ayrshire/Jersey Cross Heifer, she is open, approximately 600lbs - $675
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 3 Jersey Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

18 month old jersey heifers bred to black Angus bull. All heifers are A2A2! Asking $1200.00- $1500.00 Due around June of 2018.
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 2 Jersey Bulls
Price : CALL

I can register with the American Jersey Cattle Association for additional cost if you're wanting to breed or show. Please call or text Caleb with any questions you have :-) $425.00 each.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 1 Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Very friendly and playful. She is on the small side. I am asking $600. She has been pastured with a mini horse, goats, chickens and livestock guarding dogs. Daisy lives in Suffolk, VA.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 5 Jersey Bulls
Price : CALL

5 Bull Jersey baby Calves very friendly asking price 350.00 a piece.
  • Number of Head: 5
United States
For Sale: 2 Dexter, Jersey Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Eda has been tested A2/A2, she is a good browser, and a small size cow, maybe 800 pounds or so. Eda is a very sweet cow from a Jersey mother and Dexter father. I bought her to be our milk cow, and have hand milked her numerous times, but she doesn't give...
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 2 Dexter, Holstein, Jersey Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Heifer is very people friendly and a great millet. Moving and must sell. $1300 obo for the pair. 3 yr old Jersey/Holstein heifer with 1/2 Dexter heifer calf, March 2017.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
Mini Jersey Heifer for Sale- VA
Price : CALL

Seeking good home. Price includes vaccinations and worming. Calf will mature as mid-size miniature, from Tanglewood dam. Weanling will be ready November '08. Is halter broke and leading at 1 month.
United States
Jersey Bull
Price : CALL

Very masculine. All cows settled at first mating and are checked pregnant. He's a big, stocky paint. Coming two year old Jersey bull. We bred 5 cows with him at 15 months of age. His spring calves are on the way!
United States
Coming 4 month old bull calf
Price : CALL

Should make an excellent breeder. Has not been de-horned. Very stout for his breed/age. Beautiful, big, correct! Excellent bloodlines. Eating very well and ready to go. Sired by Brazo and out of a very nice cow.
United States
Miniature Jersey Heifer Calf
Price : CALL

Sire is our 38 1/2 \\" bull Abe, and Dam is Lilly. Beautiful, Miniature Jersey Heifer Calf available !!! born 10/14/09, birth height 23 1/2\\" , birth weight 28 lbs. Calf price is $4500.00 firm
United States
Miniature jerseys
Price : CALL

Both heifers are vet confirmed pregnant, Sire is 38\\" and here on premises. 4 1/2 yr old is 46\\", fawn colored 18 month old is 43\\", fawn colored Registration pending on both heifers.
United States
Mini Jersey Bull Calf
Price : CALL

2 week old mini jersey bull calf. He has very loud brown and white coloring and will most likely throw lots of color. Sampson is very cute and would make someone an excellent breeding bull, 4H project, or family pet.
United States
Miniature Jersey Bull Calf
Price : CALL

Will sell with registration ($750) or without ($500). Parents are registered with the American Miniature Jersey Association. Please contact me by phone if possible. Mini Jersey bulls are very docile, naturally polled, and are great for breeding with other...
United States
Grass Fed Jersey\'s For Sale
Price : CALL

We bought her in Pennsylvania from a small farm with only 5 cows. 4 years old, 3 teats, when she had her first calf no milk was in right rear quarter due to when she was younger another calf sucked on that quarter.
United States
Jersey Heifer For Sale
Price : CALL

Not fooled with much but is friendly. She is one year old. Asking price is 400.00 Jersey heifer has horns, is registered, not completly tame but really close. Jersey heifer for sale.
United States
Jersey Milk Cow For Sale
Price : CALL

Jersey milk cow for sale. She is four years old. She is halter broke. Asking price is 600.00 Not bred at this time. She is registered. Can email pix if interested. Cow is registered.
United States
Jersey Heifer
Price : CALL

Raised naturally on pasture with access to kelp, redmond's salt. We have a young Jersey Heifer calf born this spring on May 3. She is handled daily and bottle fed. She has been dehorned.
United States
Registered jersey cow for sale
Price : CALL

Great producer. Asking $1000.00 Very gentle 5yr. Due to be bred back in September.
United States
Jersey Bull Calf
Price : CALL

He is a purebred Jersey calf (no papers) and would make a really fine bull for any herd of Jerseys. We have a family milk cow and calved a baby Bull Calf on May 12, 2009. Please call Marner Yates.
United States
Jersey heifers for sale.
Price : CALL

Two gentle Jersey heifers for sale in Virginia. The minature jersey bull is also for sale. The other is now about 10 months old & we think she got breed by the same bull. We have 2 registered jersey heifers for sale.
United States
Jersey cow
Price : CALL

Nice cowno mastitis she's an asset to any breeding program. AI bred on 02/26/2010 to a registered Jersey bull. Will make a great family cow. Coming 5 year old Jersey cow. Will hand or machine milk, but would be better suited to hand milk.
United States
Jerseys for sale
Price : CALL

$750.00 Big, stout heifer calf, VERY well bred, NOT a Free Martin Should make an exceptional milker. Eating well, but still being supplemented with a little milk! Can go anytime.
United States
Organic Jersey Calves
Price : CALL

All three have the most wonderful dispositions with people and other animals. Two are female and one is a bull. Would make wonderful 4-H projects or future homestead milking cows. All were born first of April 2010 from organic stock, bottle-fed until...
United States
Jersey Cow
Price : CALL

$3500.00 Miniature Jersey Heifer- DOB-4/16/10, weight at birth 34 lbs, height at birth 24", Canon bone 5 3/4". We have a couple of beautiful Jersey Cows that we are selling to make room for new additions and arrivals:
United States
Mini Jersey Heifer Calf for Sale
Price : CALL

Springs sale update april 14, 2010 mini jersey cows mini herefords Beautiful chocolate colored calf. Dob july 09, currently only 27\\" at hip dam- registered kentshire, jersey cross, stands 31.5\\"at hip sire- registered mini hereford bull, fs000 calf...
United States