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Isuzu Van

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Belgian Bearded d\'Uccle Chickens
The Belgian Bearded d'Uccle (pronounced Poultry historians believe Van Gelder crossed another Belgian chicken breed, the rose-combed Antwerp Bearded Bantam, with a single-combed Dutch Sabelpoots Bantam to produce a compact, booted bantam with a small...
UC Davis Launches Sustainable Ag Major
“Learning through doing and reflection adds a valuable dimension to students' education because it helps them see the connections between theory and practice in the real world,” Van Horn says.
Pleasing Persicarias
By mid-summer, it's lost its leaves from the ground up to about two feet. They make interesting fillers in flower arrangements. Think of them as red Baby's Breath.Almost as important to me as the unusual leaves is the fact that they emerge later in the...
El Segundo
How to Grow Cherry Trees in California
Spread mulch in a doughnut configuration, with the young tree at the center of the doughnut hole. Finish filling the hole and water again.Prune minimally at planting but enough to ensure that the trees are well-started in the modified leader style.
Santa Monica
Exciting Diascia Varieties You\'ll \
'Denim Blue', shown in the very first picture), which I can't wait to see in person! The "red" is usually a dark reddish rose, or a dark rosy red, but we don't mind.Is one good coral cultivar enough, or do we need five perfect coral cultivars, some light...
El Segundo
Types Of Theme Gardens: Learn About Garden Themed Landscaping
Once you have settled on an idea, everything else will come naturally.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The easiest way to devise a concept is to think about what you enjoy – like a.
The Rose in the Arts
Prior to that time it was more often a reference to purity. It seemed not to be associated with love until sometime later during the middle ages. Botticelli's mythological painting of Birth of Venus shows us the connection between roses and mythology.
El Segundo
UF Hack: Save Your Autumn Leaves
Typical autumn chores involve bagging up leaves and other plant detritus for disposal, but few of us stop to think what might be dwelling in among the decomposing plant parts. Lies Van Rompaey/Flickr In winter, insects, arachnids and gastropods go into...
Booted Bantam Chickens
Booted bantam hens will go broody and make great mothers, though their clutches do not produce many chicks. It was admitted to the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in 1914.
Butte College Improves Energy Efficiency, Goes \
“Future generations are counting on us to address the profound challenge of global warming , and we know that our future prosperity will hinge on America's ability to be a leader in the clean-energy economy,” says House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi...
First College to Go Grid-Positive
Courtesy Butte College By May 2011, Northern California's Butte College will produce enough solar energy to meet its energy needs, making it the first grid-positive college in the U.S. Butte College, a community college located in Northern California...
Cochineal Dye: Have You Eaten a Bug Lately?
Products containing cochineal may be unacceptable to vegetarian or vegan consumers. Then in 1704, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, using his new invention the microscope, discovered insect parts in the dye.
El Segundo
Weird Llama and Alpaca Behaviors
Lama poop is nutrient-rich and it doesn't burn plants if you use it fresh; read more about it here . This is handy for several reasons: You can haul your llama or alpaca in your van or SUV because he won't make a mess in the back.
6 Tools to Keep Vegetables Fresh Through Market Day
Because most beginning farmers don't have luxuries like walk-in coolers to cool veggies rapidly, Eric Wooldridge from Bells Bend Farm in Nashville, recommends a handy device called the CoolBot , which turns a regular air conditioner into a powerful and...
Now, Apparently, Glyphosate Is OK
This is certainly something to keep in mind as the European Union's Standing Committee of Member State representatives approaches its critical vote this week to re-approve glyphosate .
Pollinating A Cherry Tree: How Do Cherry Trees Pollinate
In the case of cherry trees, birds plant the seeds but bees are required to pollinate the flowers that make the fruit and seeds. Van, Sam, Rainier, and Garden Bing are all adaptable to any of the cross pollinators available except themselves.Pollinating...
How to Propagate Citronella Geraniums
Put several cuttings in each pot. Cuttings can be taken from plantsbeginning in fall, throughout the winter and even into early spring-- timing is not as critical as with garden geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) that are grown for their flowers.
Santa Monica
The Night Stalker
Shot hole! Sounds like some kind of backyard game, but nope, it's a fungal disease that creates holes in leaves that resemble insect bites. I fully expected to find a large and scary-looking insect culprit, munching away on a delicious leaf.
Hot Chocolate? Hot Cocoa? The Chocoholic\'s Guide to the History and Use of Delicious Hot Beverages!
Soon these type of instant cocoa products were sold in family-size canisters (instead of single-serving envelopes), and in store brands instead of only by the national name brands.Many studies have compared the antioxidant properties of pure cocoa to...
El Segundo
Fixing Strawberry Plants That Don\'t Produce Fruit
Instead, the plants focus more energy on establishing strong roots. Plants that are grown when it's too hot will likely not produce many berries, if any. It may help to add more– Finally, if your strawberry plants aren't producing, they may simply be...
Steve the Farm Dog
They found out a few months later when a neighbor dropped by and said, “I know that dog!” Steve was one of a litter of 11 unwanted puppies whose mom was a registered Chow Chow and whose dad was a purebred Rottweiler.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
You probably won't drive your tractor 20 miles to pick up a load of lumber or your new goats—your farm truck is obviously the better choice. Regardless of how much snow or mud is on the ground, farmers must get around and complete their chores.
Rediscovering My Winter Wonderland
Even the little brown wrens, hiding so effectively in the cover of the peony branches, look cold today!door, my 7-year-old son pauses on the way to the ice-encrusted van to ask why Ididn't cut down all the standing stems on the butterfly garden plants.
El Segundo
How to Plant Citronella
Fill the pot with a light, rich and fast-draining potting soil. Mosquito plant can grow to 3 feet -- with lacy green leaves and five-petaled lavender flowers veined with maroon. Keep the soil lightly damp until the plants are well established and begin...
Santa Monica
My Chicken Nightmare
“What a dilemma I have put myself into this time” I muse.Stay or go, I am at a loss either way; the chickens have won the day again. Imagine that!These chickens can easily run around the farm and fields and scrounge up any bug or piece of delicacy...
El Segundo
Designing An Herb Garden
Graph paper works really well for this but isn't necessary if you don't have any paper available. Herb gardens usually fall into one of two categories:or informal. Don't worry about the quality of your drawing abilities; you aren't trying to be Van Gogh...
Knapweed: A Thistle Lookalike
Going at the high speed, I couldn't tell what it was, but I knew that it wasn't a plant I had met before. The flower looks very similar to that of our Canada thistle ( Cirsium arvense ).