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How to Kill Rose Slugs
You can choose from various control methods to kill rose slugs and keep your rose plants looking fabulous and smelling great.Despite their name, rose slugs aren't actually slugs. Start inspecting your rose plants about mid-spring and continue throughout...
Santa Monica
Poisonous Grape Vines
Grape vines can be used for decoration in birdcages, as they are not toxic to birds.Grape vines can be used in survival situations as a source of water. Cut the vine as close to the ground as possible and cut a long slit down the entire length of the...
Santa Monica
Outside Plants That Require No Sun
While most flowers require water and full sunlight to thrive and survive, some survive with only rare sunlight or full shade. Despite not getting the sunlight, frequently water a hosta plant to keep its natural green color and lively perimeter.
Santa Monica
Fruit Trees That Like Wet Soil
There are over 100 varieties of rootstock for fruit bearing trees. It has even proved itself capable of surviving flood damage. Fruit trees do not thrive in wet soil. It can grow to a maximum height of twenty-five feet and tolerates wet, dry, and alkaline...
Santa Monica
Adaptations for Maple Trees
Silver maples can also tolerate a variety of conditions, such as periodic flooding and an acidic environment. This is a beneficial adaptation because in the winter, trees have less access to sunlight and water.
Santa Monica
What Is the Best Climate for Growing Soybeans?
Soybeans also need a growing season with temperatures between 70 and 95 F.Soybeans are highly adaptable and will grow in most soils, although they can have trouble in heavy clay. The best soil is loose, rich loam that is moist but well drained.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between a Silver Maple Tree & a Red Maple Tree?
Red maple fruits are red, while silver maple fruits are green or brown.Young red maples have light gray bark while young silver maples have silvery gray bark. The MMPA says the bark of older silver maples takes on a "shaggy"
Santa Monica
Adaptations of the Sunflower Plant
According to the University of Wisconsin, the plants also exist in many European countries and are widely cultivated as crops in Russia. Sunflower heads consist of thousands of tiny flower structures called inflorescences that sit at the center in a cluster.
Santa Monica
Pine Tree Facts for Kids
The pine tree is just one member of the big tree family known as conifers. It's a fast grower shaped like a pyramid at first. This helps pine trees grow where other trees can't, because they don't need watering as often as other trees.
Santa Monica
What Is the Human Impact on the Tundra?
Pollution particles, gathering in thick clouds, can also be absorbed by the plant life, contaminating the food source for animals in the region. Rising temperatures will melt glaciers and permafrost, flood the surrounding areas and kill the delicate plant...
Santa Monica
Coniferous Tree Facts
Conifers harden in winter to prevent freezing and death in extreme cold.Coniferous plants are uniquely pollinated by wind-blown pollen that fertilizes their cones. Balsam firs are known for the resin which accumulates in bark blisters and seeps out creating...
Santa Monica
Animals That Eat Rice Fields
They also eat insects, worms, crayfish, mussels and snails. They also eat clover, reeds, lilies, grass, snails and frogs. The fish live at the bottom of the stream or lake and uproot plants to eat them, including wild rice that happens to be growing in...
Santa Monica
Growth Rates for Red Cedar Trees
Trees taking root in the wild will develop large, strong root systems in rocky and shallow soil. When grown from seed in nurseries, eastern red cedar will take one to two years to reach an appropriate size for replanting.
Santa Monica
Nuts That Look Like Acorns
The cupule is scaly and has a hairy fringe at the rim.The pin oak is distributed from the middle Atlantic states westward, to the edge of the Great Plains. The cap-like structure on the upper part of an acorn is the cupule.
Santa Monica
Resident Canada Geese
It's not hard to figure out: a resident is one who lives in a particular place for a length of time. Usually, geese fly north and south with the seasons. You might see resident geese fly across town and back again, but they are generally homebodies; once...
El Segundo
How to Fertilize Spruce Trees
Divide the rest of the fertilizer equally among these holes, and cover them back up with soil.Water the soil around the tree liberally over the next few days. There is no need to purchase an acidic fertilizer.Apply the fertilizer at a rate of one pound...
Santa Monica
Is it Illegal to Cut Down a Magnolia Tree?
It also states that magnolias have a root system that consists of largely unbranched, rope-like roots. The U.S. Forest Service, as well as your state wildlife department, can provide you with the contact information for the Natural Heritage Program liaison...
Santa Monica
Flowers That Symbolize Freedom
The three original species of yellow roses are Rosa ecae, Rosa foetida and Rosa hemisphaerica. These blooms are also called Strelitzias, in honor of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Streliz, who became Queen of England in 1761 and was a botanist.
Santa Monica
Which Fiddlehead Ferns Are Edible?
Eat fiddleheads only in small quantities.Although other ferns such as the lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina; USDA zones 3 through 9) and the bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum; USDA zones 3 through 11) can also be harvested and eaten, only ostrich ferns...
Santa Monica
Different Kinds of Cauliflower
Similar to the Alverda cauliflower is the Romanesco, which is well known for its geometric florets. Because they take longer to mature, they're often dense and have complex flavors.commonly known as "broccoflower," takes between 80 and 100 days to reach...
Santa Monica
What Are the Trees That Do Not Shed Their Leaves in the Fall?
Leaves, or needles, remain on evergreens, which are better equipped than deciduous trees to withstand cold.Warm sunbeams in an autumn forest in the NetherlandsThe leaves of deciduous trees are generally wide, exhibit parts of the trees' vascular system...
Santa Monica
Adaptations of the Agave Plant
The agave has adaptations that allow it to survive and thrive in the often-harsh conditions of its habitat.The agave is a desert succulent well adapted to its environment.The agave grows from seeds but it also produces a network of shallow rhizomes, adapted...
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between Douglas Fir & Frasier Fir Trees?
Douglas fir is in the genus Pseudotsuga, a grouping of fir tree cousins. The branches join the trunk at right angles but angle slightly upward at their branch tips.The needles on both trees appear to be the same color from a distance.From a distance,...
Santa Monica
Life Span of Tree Species
Just like in humans, diseases can kill a tree, with fungal infections rotting away the wood. Some trees are among the oldest living things on the planet, while others live for just a decade or two.The age of a tree is determined by counting the rings...
Santa Monica
What are Closed Canopy Forests?
Closed canopy forests are amazing ecosystems, full of strange species and huge variations, many of which have yet to be identified. Some of the largest examples of closed canopy forests are found in the rain forests of Ghana and Brazil, although the southern...
Santa Monica
What Are the Different Types of Thistles?
Thistles bear spiny leaves and distinctive upright flowers.You can find many species of thistle in North America.In "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers," botanist William A.
Santa Monica
Which Trees Are Used to Make Paper?
It is still a prized species by the paper pulp industry and the long, straight trees go into the making of telephone poles. Hardwoods such as maples and oaks comprise the rest of the trees employed in this process.
Santa Monica