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My Farm Truck
He charged me five euros, parts and labor included, and I was soon on my way again. « More La Dolce Vita » When something on the scooter does break, and it happens once a year or so, I simply push it to the closest mechanic, (seems like there's one...
My Waterfall and My Truck
My Vespa will carry two bags of concrete or 12 big bricks. One of the things I really like about living here in Liguria, Italy, is having lots of water features near my garden. He changed the clutch cable and charged me 5 euros.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
A farm truck doesn't have to be a truck, but any automobile you use in a wide variety of ways to help with farm tasks. And with a snow plow attachment, your farm truck can make quick work of plowing your driveway during the winter.
3 Forest Forages For Silvopasturing Pigs
The fact that nature foots the feed bill should be of special interest to farmers. Pasturing is a common complexity demanding careful monitoring of open, tended land—and it requires lots of land in order to serve both pigs and soil.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Farmers who transport their product outside the state should be exempted from some regulatory burdens, just like other farmers who don't live near state borders.” Kent Bacus, NCBA's associate director of legislative affairs echoes Johnson's sentiments.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
For easy switching, I have one receiver hitch with a 2-inch ball and one with a 2 5/166-inch ball, so that I can swap them out by pulling the pin that holds them in place. A load leveler distributes the tongue weight between the trailer axles and the...
Convert A Horse Stall Into A Chicken Coop
A stall is also naturally well-ventilated but out of direct wind and the elements. Add a nice layer of pine shavings or chopped straw , and your coop now has a nice safe floor covering.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
And don't forget, compost is good for the lawn, too, especially if you can screen it first. As always, wear gloves when working with any compost or manure products and wash well when you're done.
Traveling with Livestock
Mom and Dad often transport one or two sheep or goats in the back of their minivan, but no matter how tame an animal is, it shouldn't be able to jump in the driver's lap! A sheep and her lambs or goat and her kids can be hauled in a super-size dog crate...
Collecting Treasures
If pressed for time, it is okay to skip this step and store completely dried flower heads in paper lunch sacks. This serves to both enhance the look of my aging flower beds and to begin my seed-collecting process.Snipping the dry, unattractive blooms...
El Segundo
Visiting the Cirque de Salazie
The plant has soon escaped in the wild and whole surfaces of formerly cleared and abandoned land are nowadays completely covered by the vine. The east has an annual median rainfall level of 11,000mm which means 11m per year; a world record was even registered...
El Segundo
The Ostrich Fern is the only non-carcinogenic fern, theone recommended for human consumption. Maybe a little garlic. As soon as we started thinking Mothers Day, Dad would pile us kids into his truck and we would scan our favourite swamps, looking for...
El Segundo
Winter recipes using canned or frozen produce from the garden
In this edition of recipes using canned and frozen home produce, I'll include some less common vegetables and fruits.14 oz. Freezing and canning our garden produce is a sound economic investment, one that helps spare our budget during the dead of winter...
El Segundo
Oh, I love banana pudding with its creamy vanilla filling, wafers and chunks of banana. It was gone in a heartbeat, and you better believe I had my share. I will try to not throw in any pinches.(You can add a cup of raisins or other dried fruit if you...
El Segundo
Watching Lucas
As I became engrossed in my work, I forgot about him. I opened my eyes, and so did all the cats. He made my day on this urban farm even more hilarious. That is, until I decided to take a break by lying on the couch and napping for a bit.
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
Mobile Market: A retrofitted school bus stocked with farm-fresh produce hit the roads in Washington D.C. in 2012 and is a regular The Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture dispatched the supermarket on wheels to local food deserts to increase...
Curb Climate Change With Your Home Garden
The key to managing compost responsibly is in keeping it aerobic—whether by turning, pitching or poking holes in it—because anaerobic compost will produce a heavier load of greenhouse gasses.
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
It wasn't! But that's okay, becausewill naturalize in nearly any part of the country. But if you have an opportunity to pick up a lot of these once-flowered beauties on the cheap, do it! I'm planning to stalk the halls of my father's assisted living center...
El Segundo
14 Trailer Safety Tips
Use these tips to keep you and your livestock safe when travelling. If you pick up a nail, it will notify you that you are losing tire pressure.” Double-check that the trailer hitch is latched and the correct-sized ball is used.“People are often in...
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
I had enough materials left over to make a pump house, benching in the greenhouse, shelves in the house, another small deck for the hot tub ($9 in screws) and i still have some extra stuff.
El Segundo
Jade Plants: Shade or Outside Sun?
They are also known as a friendship tree or money plant.Water a jade plant sparingly and place in full sun.Hillside slopes in South Africa are the native habitat of jade plants where they grow in abundance and can reach 10 feet tall.
Santa Monica
Is Aloe Vera a Cactus?
Aloe is known for its healing properties as a topical analgesic. Although similar in appearance to cacti, aloe vera is not a cactus but a succulent and a member of the lily family.
Santa Monica
Bird Of Paradise Pruning Tips
This one is similar to the yellow in that it is done sparingly. In some cases, the plant may require severe pruning during dormancy, cutting back one-half of the branches and vertical growth.– Late winter to early spring (after threat of frost has ceased)...
Ocotillo In Containers – Caring For Potted Ocotillo Plants
Although ocotillo is usually an in-ground plant, there's no reason you can't grow ocotillo in containers. If you've visited northern Mexico or the southwestern corner of the United States, you've likely seen ocotillo.
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
Transporting several different agricultural products like peppers and fruit can affect the total of transport costs due to the variable in weight and volume in containers. As with the fluctuating prices of supply and demand, the total cost of transport...
Santa Monica
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
Know Vehicle Rating Before Choosing Trailer When talking to truck or trailer dealers, you start to hear them discuss a variety of important ratings: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR): The GVWR is the amount the truck may weigh when it is fully loaded,...
How to Sell Pine Straw
Avoid using a rake with metal prongs because they are more likely to damage the soft earth beneath the needles.Shovel the pine straw into a wheelbarrow or large yard waste bag. Landowners growing pine trees to sell for timber may not realize they have...
Santa Monica