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How to Use Copper Sulfate to Kill Tree Roots
The smart move would be to call a plumber to ensure that your suspicions are accurate. Flush the crystals and wait 10 minutes. A sluggish toilet can be one of the first indications that a tree's root system is growing into the sewer line.
Santa Monica
How to Repair Overwatered Tomato Plants
Water the plants early in the morning rather than later in the day for the best results. Correcting your approach to watering and providing overly hydrated tomato plants with consistent, careful treatment thereafter might yet produce a good crop of tomatoes.Confirm...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Wood Slab From a Tree Trunk
Depending up their length and width they make variety of table tops, interior and exterior walls and even doors. Round and oval slabs are easy, but a rectangular slab requires more experience in working with a chain saw.A chainsaw quickly converts a tree...
Santa Monica
Does Cutting the Top off a Pine Tree Kill It?
Left for a few years, the multiple leaders gain height but develop branches only on their sunny sides and compete for light and space. In a good location, pine trees need little trimming.
Santa Monica
How to Attach Flower Boxes Without Drilling Holes
To mount the window box, place the top of the hanger over the window sill, letting the large bottom part of the hook hand down. However, flower boxes often require drilling into the studs of your home.
Santa Monica
Can Gatorade Make Plants Grow Faster?
The decreased intake of water results in interrupted photosynthesis and slower overall plant growth.Gatorade contains electrolytes to hydrate human bodies. Plants recognize sugar as an impurity, therefore absorbing Gatorade at a slower pace than pure...
Santa Monica
The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
Sprinkle the fertilizer at the drip line and 2 feet beyond. Otherwise, continue to fertilize year-round.Use 1 lb. Of fertilizer for every inch of trunk diameter. A granular formula is preferable to liquid.Fertilize the plumeria every three months beginning...
Santa Monica
How to Repair a Broken House Palm Tree
Look for signs of recovery in two to three weeks. Cut off the excess tape and discard.Drive two 36-inch plant stakes 8 to 12 inches into the soil, 3 inches from either side of the trunk.
Santa Monica
How to Cure Tomato Blight
It causes brown wounds on foliage, stems and fruit. The fungus overwinters on previous crops and old vegetation.This fungus rots stems near the soil line and wilts leaves. This fungus spreads through rain and wind.
Santa Monica
What Happens When Cutting the Tip off a Pine Tree?
Never prune into the inactive center of a pine or other whorl-type conifer branch--areas where no needles or leaves are attached--because there are no growth buds there, and new branches won't form.According to University of Idaho Extension, removing...
Santa Monica
The Average Size of Oak Trees
While they aren't the tallest trees around, they do grow to an impressive height.The oak tree is a deciduous type of tree that belongs to the beech tree family. Each type of oak has its own average height.Oak trees grow to an average height of about 50...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Trim a Blue Spruce
In order to promote a positive response, the blue spruce must have enough time to repair itself before entering its dormant period. Its stiff, horizontal branches produce bluish-green, rigid needles that create a dense, cone-shaped canopy.
Santa Monica
What Happens When Plants Have Too Much Water?
Humans are generally safe from plant diseases, but the presence of mold can be a major respiratory hazard.Because plants do not have lungs to deliver oxygen to their cells, they are covered with tiny pores called stomata.
Santa Monica
Banana Pepper Facts
Banana peppers take up to 70 days to fully mature in the ground. These peppers thrive in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil and full sunshine. The raw peppers have a smooth texture and thick skin with seeds and lobes on the inside.
Santa Monica
Does Antifreeze Affect Plant Growth?
Although it is less toxic to the environment and plants, propylene glycol still incorporates potentially dangerous heavy metals that can harm pets and humans.Not to be confused with ethylene or propylene glycol antifreeze formulations, there is also a...
Santa Monica
How to Cut Ceramic Pots
Cut them down with a carbide rod saw.Draw the cut line where you want to sever your ceramic pot, using a wax pencil.Place the ceramic pot on a work surface and use a clamp to secure it in place.
Santa Monica
The Maximum Growth Rate of Rhododendrons
The cultivars all vary by their time of blooming, bloom color and USDA hardiness zones. Slower growing rhododendrons tend to be smaller cultivars while the fastest growers take up more space.
Santa Monica
How to Prune a TI Plant
Working with clean shears will prevent bacteria or disease from spreading from plant to plant.Remove brown, yellow, shriveled or distorted leaves as they appear, as the ti plant will attempt to repair the damaged leaves at the expense of the rest of the...
Santa Monica
Fertilizer for Cedar Trees
Cedar of Lebanon is also hardy in USDA zones 6 through 9. True cedars and eastern red cedar all are efficient at harvesting the nutrients they need from the soil they're planted in because of their efficient, far-reaching root systems.
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
They pull a variety of attachments that do anything from harvesting crops to cultivating the land. These shops should have the parts that the small tractor will need to make quick repairs, according to "Mother Earth News." So a small tractor that might...
Santa Monica
Teak vs. Bamboo
The wood contains oils and resins that protect it from moisture, making it an excellent choice for outdoor furniture and boatbuilding. The Tectona grandis, the most prominent teak species and the plant most people have in mind when they use the word teak,...
Santa Monica
How to Induce Flowering in Dragon Fruit
The dragon fruit plant takes some time to mature before it begins to flower. Although it is known to have beautiful flowers, the plant blooms only briefly, and at night. Dragon fruit plants flower and produce fruit when the days are long.
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Succulents
A scree suggested by Urban Horticulture Program Assistant John McLaughlin, Ph.D., in an article on the University of Florida IFAS Extension website is a mixture that is 1 part Canadian sphagnum peat, 1 part potting soil, 2 parts course sand and 6 parts...
Santa Monica
Disadvantages of a Roof Garden
Insurance premiums for buildings with roof gardens are generally higher than for standard structures. Roofs regularly subjected to high winds may lose significant numbers of plants and seedlings during certain seasons.Although roof gardens need a protective...
Santa Monica
Recipe for Lawn Filler Sand & Seed Soil Mixture
Keep soil damp but not soggy until seed germinates. (Apply after the grass has been cut three times.) The code of three numbers seen on all packaged fertilizer is required by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Santa Monica
How To Care For Bamboo Furniture
Make sure the furniture is positioned where rain and water from your sprinkler system won't reach it. Polishing is also necessary if you live in an area with low humidity. Dry the bamboo thoroughly with a soft cloth or set it outside to dry.
Santa Monica
Repairing an Army
The sharp knife cleared away protuberances and old glue. By the time we inherited the collection a few years ago, some of them were in pretty tough shape. In most cases, bits of dowel stub and excess glue from previous repair attempts remained.