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Parts of a Sunflower
The dark center is made up of disk flowers that have five brown petals fused together into a tubular shape. Within the stalk is a system of channels that transport water, minerals and sugars throughout the plant.
Santa Monica
Ticked Off - Part 1
Please don't become a near-statistic like our dad! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags Martok , Sue Weaver , ticks Dad has a tick-borne illness, either ehrlichiosis or Rocky Mountain spotted fever; they don't know which because his blood work isn't back.
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
You should be able to lift it slightly. There was a time when such work meant grabbing the chainsaw, a fuel can and “the tool” and heading for the job site. This is also a good time to check chain tension.
Christmas Traditions - Part 1
Sinterklaas and his horse visit Dutch and Belgian children on Dec. Help an elderly neighbor put up her Christmas lights. And then you can incorporate them into your Christmas traditions! Try julebukking or putting out shoes for Sinterklaas.
Garden Photography ~ part 1
The picture was taken shortly before they left the nest"How we see images is quite complex. Photographic imagery is an outside factor that influences our food choices, affecting our dietary habits and lifestyle behaviors.
El Segundo
Vital Signs - Part 2
Then multiply by four. Pale-pink or white membranes indicate anemia, usually caused by a heavy internal parasite load. Mucous Membranes Although it isn't considered a vital sign, you can also check your animal's mucus membranes as part of his overall...
Economical Horsekeeping - Part 1
See, our mom is really old (64!) and she's had horses for 52 years. Smaller breeds, like stocky-built Arabian horses and Morgan horses , Colonial Spanish horses , Welsh Cob horses , Norwegian Fjord horses and Icelandic horses horses are all outstanding...
Christmas Traditions - Part 2
A pretty neat program, don't you think? Send it to: Santa North Pole Anchorage, AK 99530-9998 In the meanwhile, write a letter to your child as though you were Santa. Attend free holiday performances.
Hutch\'s Arrival (Part 2)
Mom milked Latifah's colostrum—that's the antibody-rich first milk that mothers make—and took it inside. The next morning Mom and Dad raced around like crazy. After Dad left for work, Mom bedded our huts extra deep with straw and put blankets on the...
Garden Photography ~ part 2
They are in the business of selling their photographic a professional freelance environmental photographer and teacher of garden photography in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Monarc ButterflyPlumeria, copyright © 2008 'Dutchlady1'.
El Segundo
Acacias: Part 3: Propagation
The process is called scarification and some of the techniques used are to either nick each individual seed with a sharp knife, or to abrade the seeds with coarse sandpaper. It was fortunate that I did, because the parent tree was brought down in a fierce...
El Segundo
Farm Biodiversity, Part 3
I think our farm's diversity of arthropods has much to do with our organic farming practices (i.e. no chemical pesticides, herbicides) and the rich diversity of native/introduced plants growing in our woodlot (part wetland during winter and spring), hedgerows,...
Vital Signs - Part 1
« More Mondays with Martok » Tags animal vital signs , livestock , Martok , respiration rate , rumen movements , Sue Weaver , temperature To take an animal's vital signs requires a few tools: a reliable rectal thermometer Old-fashioned, shake-down,...
Staying Cool, Part 2
Rest often, in the shade if you can, and avoid heavy meals just before chore time. Don't overdo it and get sick—your animals need you! << More Mondays with Martok >> It looks funny (you should've seen Mom jump out of the pool last week when the UPS...
Edible Vegetable Parts: What Are Some Secondary Edible Parts Of Vegetables
My grandmother reared her children during the depression when the philosophy of waste not want not was in vogue and everything was difficult to obtain. Yep, absolutely out of this world and made from the soft discarded rind of theSo what other edible...
The Parts of a Pear
A pear's hypanthium contains numerous stone cells with thick walls. Surrounding the numerous seeds is the ovary wall. These cells give the pear its unique, grainy texture. Although the ovary wall is edible, its texture is a bit thick and dry.
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 3
Last week, we told you what to feed a lamb or kid; this week we'll show you how to feed them with a bottle . Mom uses a funny-looking thing called a Pritchard teat that screws onto empty soda-pop and water bottles.
Dish Flower Patterns: Part I
Valued for its resistance to diseases such as black spot and rust it is endangered as a wild plant. One of the most popular patterns is Desert Rose created inby Frederick and Mary Grant in 1941 for the Gladding McBean pottery.
El Segundo
The \
Http:// Today we will go for a second stroll in the same area and see what else we can discover. A previous article introduced the typical garrigue environment and plants as well as a water-color artist...
El Segundo
Recipe: Thanksgiving Soup: Part II
Otherwise, the vegetables will be overcooked and soggy and the starches will soak up too much liquid. The roasted bones will give your turkey soup even more flavor. Photo by Judith Hausman Lemon (or lime) juice, cilantro and lemon grass impart bright,...
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
Unless we're napping or focused on something else, it's almost impossible to sneak up on us goats. We direct our ears in the direction of a sound. That's because our ancestors were mountain goats.
Parts of a Rice Plant
In modern western cultures this is done mechanically. One panicle is usually about 4 to 10 inches long and can contain 75 to 150 or even more spikelets depending on the variety. The plant spreads as new tillers grow from the basal nodes of the older ones.
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 1
While you're waiting for baby to be born, collect the stuff you'll need, like a big crate, a human-baby playpen or a collapsible exercise pen for dogs, bedding (fluffy straw for a pen in the barn or pieces of blankets and old towels for a crib in the...
Parts of a Daisy Flower
The pistil extends down into the flower, ending in the flower's ovary, which will give rise to a seed. As disc flowers are pollinated, they eventually wither and the seed and the associated pappus, which together are called the cypsela, begin to develop.
Santa Monica
It\'s About Goats - Part 1
Stay tuned! I'll have more about us goats next week. Some goats became military mascots, like William de Goat , Sergeant Bill and Nan . Besides dairy goats, there are brawny meat goats , such as Boers, Kikos and Savannas ; long-coated fiber goats, such...
Wool It Be - Part 2
However, when Columbus made his second voyage in 1493 to Cuba and Santo Domingo, he brought ultra-hardy, coarse-wool Churro meat sheep instead of Merinos. William Zinsser, writing in The American Scholar magazine, says that when he was a boy in the 1930s,...
Female Parts of a Flower
Inside the corolla are the pistils, stamens and sepals that surround the flower organs. It is from Latin and Greek meaning "little fruit." It is the lower part of the pistil. A pollen tube is hollow and grows from a pollen grain and transports male reproductive...
Santa Monica