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Wait! Don\'t throw those plant catalogs away! Turn them into Garden Art.
Now folks, if you have a bad habit of saving every seed catalog for the last 9 or 10 years, it is likely that you have been saving them for just this very moment. The teacher, one of our DG subscribers, seemed to thoroughly enjoy what she was doing, and...
El Segundo
True, it's more expensive than the recycled materials used for winter sowing and definitely more trouble than the catalogs that come flooding in, unbidden. Here are some of the things we do to stave off insanity.
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Christmas-wish Catalogs
My wife likes them, too. They also allow me to relive one of those great childhood moments ... She gets an easy-to-work-with list that won't be misunderstood (e.g. “Did he want a 12-ounce hammer?”) I know it violates my “ buy local when possible...
Favorite Seed Catalogs
It looks kind of like a bright-pink, cactus-style dahlia or zinnia but obviously it isn't. They have so many unusual heirloom seed varieties, and I'm looking forward to trying many for myself this season.
Catalog Fun Continues!
High Country Gardens also has lots of hard-to-find botanical treasures that I'm not likely to get at my local nursery. I love that they've added design tips for water-efficient gardens and now have several plant “samplers” that offer a collection...
Paper Crafting with Garden Catalogs and Magazines
Raw cardboard side out, glue this piece to the back of the frame to add stability. Don't forget to put a piece of cardboard or cutting mat under the page to prevent slicing your table!
El Segundo
Seed And Plant Catalogs: Tips For Ordering Plants
Hardy refers to the maximum cold temperature the plant can withstand and survive.Next, you should see which varieties of plants do best in your zone. Winter doldrums are soon swept away by the appearance of seed and plant catalogs in the mailbox.
Get The Most Out Of Your Seed Catalogs
Other Seed Catalog Features Other features of seed or nursery catalogs include: Photographs or Illustrations: How nice to see what your garden plants will look like at maturity, from beans to greens, and from turnips to tomatillos.
Flower Bulb Catalogs – How To Find A Trustworthy Bulb Supplier
Buying flower bulbs online offers large selection and easy acquisition but not always the best quality. Be cautious when using online flower bulb catalogs and order through proven companies instead.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Italian Farm Trucks
As cool as my Vespa “farm truck” is, I must officially retract my previous statements, apologise and announce that the Vespa is not in fact the coolest agricultural vehicle possible.
My Farm Truck
This little scooter James-Bond-cool, amazingly reliable, and perfect for the incredibly tiny streets here. I love my farm truck. I don't really have a farm, just an obsession with my Italian-style vegetable garden, and as much as I once loved my various...
Colourful Ireland, Part 2
I mean when a whole facade is blood red or spring green you usually know you are not entering a police station or a hospital. One theory is that Ireland not being a very wealthy country they had no money for signs and neon lighting so instead they painted...
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Parts of a Sunflower
The dark center is made up of disk flowers that have five brown petals fused together into a tubular shape. Once the flower opens, this repositioning stops and the flowers remain open to the
Santa Monica
Ticked Off - Part 1
Really bad flu that gave him a blinding headache, horrible muscle pains and chills. Mom says ticks are part of living in the country. Please don't become a near-statistic like our dad! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags Martok , Sue Weaver , ticks
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
Does the trigger spring back to the idle position? We'll cover more on that in my next entry. Is the chain sharp? Here are a few steps that I try to follow before I make my first cut: A smooth running machine is a safer machine.
Christmas Traditions - Part 1
To send a homemade holiday greeting , use blank cards and envelopes, photos, stickers, and felt-tip markers. Volunteer to help serve Christmas dinner at a homeless shelter. Renew your friendship for Christmas! 5.
Garden Photography ~ part 1
Trois contributed 417 images to DG PlantFiles, four of his photos have been featured onAll photographs were used with permission and are copyrighted as indicated by their respective photographers.
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Vital Signs - Part 2
Yellow membranes mean the animal is jaundiced. If you have a head gate or squeeze chute for your cattle, use it. Store it at room temperature. You should feel movement beneath your fist at least once or twice per minute.
Economical Horsekeeping - Part 1
And, Mom says, getting badly scared or hurt can color your joy of riding for the rest of your life. Trainers' fees rarely fit an economical horse-keeper's budget. Choose a quiet, easygoing horse ; they require less feed than nervous, high-strung types.
Christmas Traditions - Part 2
Furnish beverages and mugs for cookie dunking. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat (or set the pot on your woodstove, like Mom and Dad do) so the contents barely simmer. Help your children write a letter to Santa Claus.
Hutch\'s Arrival (Part 2)
That's how friendships begin. They put splints on his legs and placed him in the crate with Hutch. So, my human dad made Hutch an incubator in a big, plastic box. As night fell, the rain turned to sleet … « More Mondays with Martok »
Garden Photography ~ part 2
Today, my mom treasures a scenic black and white sunset photo that Dad took at Haven Beach in NJ - a special memory of where they first met.All photographs were used with permission.
El Segundo
Acacias: Part 3: Propagation
Reduce any large ‘leaves' to about half their size or less to reduce water loss and stress. I planted one out this spring and the sapling on the right is one of the 6 in that pot and is now 1.65 metres tall on 1st January 2008.
El Segundo
Farm Biodiversity, Part 3
Our farm flora includes pretty wildflowers like trillium and wild rose, edible herbs such as stinging nettle and dandelion, bird-luring thimbleberries and red huckleberries, towering Douglas fir and cottonwood, and many others.
Vital Signs - Part 1
If you know your animals' normal values, it's easier to know when something's wrong. If you thought your livestock friend was sick, would you know how to assess his vital signs ? « More Mondays with Martok » Tags animal vital signs , livestock , Martok...
Staying Cool, Part 2
Here are easy things to do: Do chores early or late but not through the heat of the day. Rest often, in the shade if you can, and avoid heavy meals just before chore time. Water, real juice and sports drinks are good choices, she says, but not alcoholic...
Edible Vegetable Parts: What Are Some Secondary Edible Parts Of Vegetables
My grandmother reared her children during the depression when the philosophy of waste not want not was in vogue and everything was difficult to obtain. Some of this is a direct result of throwing out food we have been conditioned to think is inedible.