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My Waterfall and My Truck
One of the things I really like about living here in Liguria, Italy , is having lots of water features near my garden. When we go hiking in the woods we see ancient crumbling mills all over the place.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
What exactly is a farm truck? But setting aside legal technicalities, when I speak of a farm truck, I'm speaking of any automobile that is frequently used in a wide variety of ways to aid with your farming tasks.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
The amendment would allow all states to exempt farm trucks from federal regulations, such as logging hours of service and performing vehicle inspections, without the state's transportation funding being terminated.
This Year\'s Farm Challenge: Gardening With Baby
Enlist Weed Help The weeds in these parts are unrelenting. By mid-growing season our garden looked something like this: Rachael Dupree As you can tell, it hasn't changed much since then.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
And don't forget, compost is good for the lawn, too, especially if you can screen it first. That being said, I have never heard of municipally produced compost harming a garden when used appropriately.
Traveling with Livestock
If you make your own truck-bed hauler, make it stout! And always add a roof—you'd be surprised how high we can jump when we're afraid. « More Mondays with Martok » Tags livestock carriers
When it's time for the fiddleheads, I have been known to take a few days off of work, just so I can keep an eye on them. When I finally found them, twas like discovering gold. Snap them off with your fingers, never use a knife.
El Segundo
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
Although the skin doesn't deteriorate as quickly as un-maintained steel, it may have problems with “electrolysis”—a type of potentially serious corrosion that occurs where the aluminum skin and steel framing meet.
14 Trailer Safety Tips
“Those are worth their weight in gold,” he says. “Good tires are like good shoes. “You're hauling a vehicle that is as heavy or heavier than a commercial vehicle. Before loading horses, check the trailer for any hazards.
My imagination tells me that the lumps we find in bread puddings are the only remaining similarity to the old meat puddings.Most of my historical information about pudding comes from the.
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
Putting the market on wheels allows farmers to move between locations, increasing access to fresh, locally grown produce. As demand increased, more farmers turned to Gorge Grown to sell their produce and more requests came from local communities wanting...
Why I Can\'t Live Without My Red Wagon
Its size and quality also mean it can be towed behind a tractor or truck; it even has blinkers. As many hobby farmers know, once in a while we come to possess a tool or machine that we use with such frequency that it becomes impossible to imagine life...
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
Now that we have refrigerated trucks and interstate shipping and all the other conveniences of modern society, we also have forced bulbs available in supermarkets and chain stores all over the country.
El Segundo
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
Hose off and let dry and you can put on a coat of sealer. You never know when all this stuff might come in handy.Just keep in mind a few projects you want to get done in the next year or two and start collecting!I found a 1500 sq ft cedar deck free for...
El Segundo
Making Do
When I asked if I could buy a load to compost for our gardens, he insisted that I help myself, but I needed to hurry as he was starting to spread it on the fields. I also left behind a promise to drop off a raspberry cream cheese pie and a set of raspberry...
Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
Utility vehicles have caught the attention of fire crews, search-and-rescue teams, municipalities and the National Park Service. The rubber nubbed fingers “comb” the grass to uniform perfection.
Weekend NATRC Trail Ride
But hauling my precious cargo 90 miles each way all by myself would be another thing. I just couldn't rustle up a buddy to go with me, and decided that I'd muster up some courage and do it anyway.
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
It needs to be large enough that the objects you'll be moving won't fall off, and it needs to be strong and thick enough to support heavy weights while being pulled by a tractor. Two perfect examples are tree stumps and large rocks—they're very heavy...
Pioneer 500: Fun, Compact and Ready for Your Farm\'s Heavy Lifting
The expense of a new tractor , UTV or ATV can weigh heavily on our already tight budgets, the upkeep of larger machinery is often outside our expertise and time allowances, and sometimes just knowing where to start can be completely overwhelming.
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
There are other methods of transport such as air and sea. There are many variables that determine the final cost, such as payment to a driver for delivery of product to destination.
Santa Monica
Can\'t Afford A Tractor? Use Your ATV/UTV To The Max
But if you own an ATV or UTV , you just might have the perfect rig to get your farm up and running faster than you might think. Not only do these vehicles provide shelter from the elements but with the combination of 4WD and power steering, it may just...
Use Your ATV/UTV for Hunting
First and foremost should be your preference for solo or group hunting, which can determine if you would want an ATV or multi-passenger side-by-side. When using either of these machines for hunting purposes, keep safety paramount.
How to Sell Pine Straw
Call several and ask their current price. He will weigh your pine straw, pay you, bale the straw and sell it. Pine straw mulch remains loose and allows air and water to infiltrate the ground below, unlike firmer mulches that tend to crust over.
Santa Monica
What The Microloans Program Can Do For You
The Farmers' Legal Action Group also offers a free Farmers' Guide to the Farm Service Agency Microloan Program , written by farmers to help navigate the microloan process. For example, you don't need an agriculture degree—your experience could consist...
A Stock Trailer Buyer\'s Guide
The Entry Animals can load into the trailer by stepping up into the trailer or by walking up a ramp. Larger trailers might have a fifth-wheel hitch. Replace The Tires Get new tires if the existing tires are more than five years old.
UF Hack: Save Your Autumn Leaves
Bojan Rantasa/Flickr If collecting leaves and deadheads is a necessary part of your autumnal routine, consider fermenting them into leaf mold on-site instead of trucking them off in clear plastic bags.
Old Patio, New Patios
Spring is coming on quickly here, though the backyard is still a muddy mess. So a friend, her father and I spent five hours yesterday lifting the pavers, stacking them in the tractor cart and loading them into her truck.