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Japanese Maples for Small Gardens
Weeping, summer color - red/purple vs. More sun results in more green. They are 'Corallinum', 'Aratama', 'Green Mist', '' and 'Octopus'. This can be in terrace or rock gardens, or even in containers.
El Segundo
Beauty in the Air: Hanging Basket Gardens
Displays hanging on the porch greet your guests, frame the entry, or counterbalance shrubs and foundation plantings.Obvious choices always include Boston Ferns, begonias, ivies, fuchsias, and petunias but consider also perennials, succulents, tropicals...
El Segundo
Can a Marigold Be a House Plant?
For indoor growing, you should choose a smaller variety such as dwarf French marigolds, which are smaller than 12 inches fully grown.You can plant marigold seeds in shallow seed trays to begin with, and move the plants to pots or planters once they've...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Bottled Water or Tap Water on Plant Growth
Tap water can also contain nitrates from fertilizer run-off. Distilled water allows plants to take in moisture without absorbing additional minerals, leading to healthy roots and strong growth.Bottled distilled water is more expensive than tap water.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Honeysuckle in Pots
Growing honeysuckle vines in a pot is an option for gardeners with small spaces. The fragrant blooms of this perennial vine are white with a tinge of yellow. The honeysuckle will thrive in a large container and even draw hummingbirds and butterflies to...
Santa Monica
Types of Nectarines
White nectarines are lower in acid and slightly sweeter than are yellow varieties. Semidwarf varieties usually grow to 12 to 15 feet tall.Nectarine trees are self-pollinating so it is only necessary to plant one tree.
Santa Monica
My Garden, the Archaeological Site
I collected all the pods I could see and vowed to plant them in a special area I am working on.With the massive forest of hollyhocks cleared a mess of dried leaves, stems and of course, various weeds were all that remained.
El Segundo
Odor Neutralizing Plants
Transplant them to your garden after the last frost.Neutralize odors with lovely peace lilies (Spathiphyllum Clevelandii). Additionally, the average home of 1,800 square feet needs 15 to 18 large plants for effective cleansing.
Santa Monica
Plants for a Shallow Garden Bed
In part shade, pair them with hostas, ornamental foliage plants with broad, ridged leaves often variegated with white or yellow. Not only do the gray-green needle-like leaves look well with the gray of the lavender and the deep green of the thyme, the...
Santa Monica
The Height of a Dwarf Weeping Willow
It can be grown in sun to partial shade, but dappled light prevents sunscald in warmer climates. Before long, it was a specimen in the Royal Gardens at Kew. Word spread about the hardy graceful tree, and it became a popular ornamental plant in the late...
Santa Monica
The Uses of the Tulip Flower
The appearance of tulips hails the arrival of warmer weather for many people. Tulips do best in a clay pot, which drys faster than a plastic pot, reducing the risk of excess moisture.
Santa Monica
Book Review: Great Gardens, Solutions for Small Spaces, by Garden Gate Magazine
Garden Gate Magazine's new book, GREAT GARDENS, SOLUTIONS FOR SMALL SPACES was exactly the help I needed, and if you have a small yard or a corner or need help with curb appeal, it may help you, too.
El Segundo
Hood on the Range
I knew before I ever started my search for a range hood that I wanted a more custom/built-in look and feel. We used 2x4s to frame it, anchored it to studs on both the wall and ceiling, and covered it with birch sheeting, filling in the seams with a heavy-duty...
Big Gardening in Small Spaces: Amsterdam\'s Nooks and Crannies
Take a walk through Amsterdam with me, and pay special attention to its nooks and crannies... Yet somehow they also manage to make the most of every possible inch of planting space.
El Segundo
The Temperature Range for Petunias
That is the society's highest possible designation for heat tolerance.To prevent cold-related petunia death, dig up your petunias and replant them in indoor pots. Petunias are relatively low-maintenance plants, but they can survive only within a specific...
Santa Monica
Italian Farm Trucks
I realize I've already lied about trucks. One of my favorite features of the Italian small farmer scene is the way products get to market. As cool as my Vespa “farm truck” is, I must officially retract my previous statements, apologise and announce...
My Farm Truck
What I do have now is the favorite vehicle I've ever owned: my 1982 Vespa PX125. I don't really have a farm, just an obsession with my Italian-style vegetable garden, and as much as I once loved my various cowboy trucks and cool sports cars, I don't even...
How Free-Range Chickens Benefit Your Soil
“You're actually fertilizing the land when you keep the chickens there.” Heckman knows this first hand. The birds follow the cover crop, adding nitrogen to the organic matter. Tags chickens in the garden
Free-Range Vs. Pastured Poultry: What\'s The Difference?
The stocking density for the inside of the coop should be at least 2 square feet per bird. While chickens do eat grasses, most of the nutritional value they get is from the seeds and insects in your pasture, which are more common in diverse environments.
The Temperature Range for an Outside Boston Fern
Boston ferns were used as houseplants in the 19th century, but the native habitat of the fern is in swamps and forests of Florida. Once the temperatures drop, the green frond will turn yellow over the winter.
Santa Monica
Our Top Picks For Confinement & Free-Ranging Chickens
Silkies are very popular among people who like their chickens more like kittens. Australorp Always a backyard favorite and at the top of every backyard-chicken list, the Australorp is an active forager, a flock leader, a protective mother, a friendly...
Happy Wildlife Habitat (Small Birds in a Small Garden)
I sat very still as the small yellow bird spiraled up to a tree closer to me. Knowing when the last leg of those 2 seasons is up to you in your own zone. They will visit gardens using large trees and shrubbery for exclamation landmarks.
El Segundo
6 Ways to Safely Free-Range your Flock
Before the recent hawk visits, we hadn't had a flying predator in two years (when my Patridge Plymouth Rock, Clara, was attacked—she survived) so its not a concernwe have to worry about often.
Respect for Small Farmers
I wouldn't want to copy the idiotically criminal Italian political system or the tendency for Italian mothers to do the laundry of their 40-year-old sons who still live at home. Italian television participates enthusiastically in the general reverence...
My Waterfall and My Truck
Things didn't work like that with my Isuzu Trooper back in the States. One of the things I really like about living here in Liguria, Italy , is having lots of water features near my garden.
Fig With Small Fruit: Why Are My Figs Too Small
Figs grow very well in containers, which restrain their root growth and allow more energy to go to a flourishing fruit set. Avoid areas where water stands more than 24 hours.Plant fig trees in an area with maximum sun exposure to promote a good fruit...
Causes Of Small Tomatoes – Why Does Tomato Fruit Stay Small
It may be necessary to. If you've noticed that your tomatoes are too small, read on to learn some reasons why tomato fruit won't grow to an appropriate proper size.The most common cause for small tomatoes is stressed plants.