New York has had a temporary suspension on fracking since 2008. Jobs are created , though potentially fewer dependent on fracking than are touted. Since moving to Kentucky, I've been bombarded by messages—pro and con—about coal mining and mountaintop...
Typically, germinating seeds are killed by the damping-off fungus prior to emerging from the ground, and older, more established plants are seldom affected. Generally, infected seeds become soft or mushy, turning brown to black in color.
Such a simple thing that really didn't take much time, but from those walks came loads of insight for Tammy: “We have always made it a point to keep communications open … and during those walks we would just talk about anything and everything! I am...
I mean, geeze, that plant put so much effort into forming those flowers and seeds—not to mention how much effort all the little pollinators put into visiting that flower over and over again to ensure that it was pollinated and the tiny seeds were created...
She sells some of her products to local restaurants, she has a few regular customers who have standing orders, and she has a little booth at the local daily fruit and vegetable market in the center of town.
I left the sacks of concrete on the scooter, pushed the whole thing a few blocks (it rolls very easily, even heavily loaded) to the scooter repair guy near the river. I love my farm truck.
Dad is going to be OK, but only because he got treatment in time. But they're dangerous, too! Last week, Dad thought he had flu. Lots of lone star ticks live on our farm. (He slept with three wool blankets on the bed one night) After three days of that,...
So it can be really heartbreaking when your tiny pepper seedlings don't make it past their very early stages, flopping over and withering away before they get a chance to grow a single pepper.
The female blossoms are the only ones that will eventually produce fruit. Whatever should you do?The first thing is to not panic. Yes, you read right, it's normal for squash vines to lose their blossoms, especially early in the growing season.Squash plants...
In the United States, harvest time ranges from mid-August to late September, depending on the variety of almond tree. In the case of almonds and other "nuts" that fall into the drupe category, the part you eat is actually the seed.
While you can use any drill with a screwdriver bit, a low torque drill will make a poor power driver. How protected is the motor? Finding the best tool for my needs will require trade-offs in all of these areas.
Size, color and firmness are the three criteria that can help you determine if it is time to harvest the cucumbers. If so, the question is how to ripen cucumbers off the vine.Due to one reason or another, you may spy a cucumber that has fallen from the...
The same is true for my “failed” plans—there's no sense in getting myself down about failing to stick to the (admittedly intense) workout regime I planned for 2013. Instead, I think back to that time I accidentally kicked a wall while doing a home...
Tags environmentally friendly USDA scientists are helping farmers adopt an environmentally friendly practice that's catching on nationwide: rolling rye when using it as a cover crop.
Optimum daytime temperatures for bell pepper varieties are between 70 and 80 degrees F., with up to 85 degrees F. However, low fertility and low moisture levels can also result in poor flowering, bud drop and stunted growth.adding a teaspoon of Epsom...
Examine the ground around your squash plant. The ground a few inches down should be damp, even if the top of the ground appears dry. Some alternative pollinators include mason bees, wasps and bumble bees.Setting up hospitable habitats for alternative...
For a few hours each day, move the box from the shaded area to the sunny area increasing the length of time each day until the box is in the sun all day.During this process, it is best to bring the box in every night.
Use a clean pot when replanting your jade in case the rot is the result of a fungal infection.If your jade is losing its leaves at the beginning of winter, it's probably not getting enough light.
My Vespa will carry two bags of concrete or 12 big bricks. Now I have to find a friend with a mini truck to help me move. He changed the clutch cable and charged me 5 euros. My Truck Photo by Rick Gush It's time to put my construction truck (aka my Vespa)...
However, don't underestimate the power of local connections, too. Those grinning goofballs I mentioned above? It also provides a warm, dark and dry place for them to lay eggs, in the way of nest boxes.
Don't worry, female blossoms will open soon and you will get zucchini squash.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Zucchini blossoms will also fall off the plant if the pollination between the male and female...
To find out if gall midge is to blame when hibiscus buds won't bloom, examine the fallen buds for signs of midge larvae by cutting or pulling them apart. Hibiscus flowers require lots of light, high humidity, and moist soil.
While a plant's flowers are very beautiful, they are a rather fleeting beauty. When you remove the faded flower on a plant, you are also removing the seedpod. No matter how well you take care of your plant's blossoms, the course of nature demands that...
Some flower seeds are highly attractive to birds, so leaving the flower heads remaining at season's end is an economical alternative to purchased bird seed. Deadheading requires you to get up close and personal with your plants, so if you find trimming...
Grow thesein and around your garden to take advantage of their protective power. Bugs congregate on the collard greens and leave the cabbage crop alone. Sharp edges in the powder repel and kill many kinds of insects, including ants, aphids and slugs.
If you want your strawberries to remain bug- and mold-free during the growing and ripening seasons, you have to keep them off the ground. Strawberries left to sit on the ground to grow often end up rotting or riddled with insects.
One chapter is titled, simply, “Difficult Sheep,” and its contents bring smile of recognition: ‘ “There is the odd tough sheep in the mob, the one that makes the ‘sheepo' unpopular when a shearer finds it in his pen.