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Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
As long as it's reliable and ready to handle all your tasks, you'll soon find it to be an integral and irreplaceable part of your farming operations. It doesn't matter if it's old and rusty—in fact, that might be part of the charm.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Subjecting family farmers and ranchers to costly requirements is an unnecessary burden we cannot afford.” A 90-day extension to the current bill has been approved through June 30, 2012, while the House finishes revisions to the bill.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
The important thing is to haul the load in the safest possible way—for yourself and those sharing the road. Half-ton trucks can pull as much as about 4 tons gross weight. The two important factors here are gross weight, which is the weight of the trailer...
Poll: Most Americans Prefer Organic Foods
Since April 2010, Thomas Reuters and NPR have surveyed approximately 3,000 Americans each month to gauge attitudes and opinions on a wide range […] Conventional a really unique case where food decisions are being made consciously by consumers.” To...
Take Advantage of Free Compost
Several of my friends were rightfully concerned about the potential pesticide and/or herbicide content of city compost, as the ingredients are largely unknown. Sometimes they use chipped tree trimmings and grass clippings from local parks and other open...
Traveling with Livestock
It's important to protect animals hauled in trucks from wind, cold and rain, and if you stop in the summer, be sure to park in the shade so your animals don't overheat. A crate can also be loaded in the bed of the truck, but it should be pulled up close...
Whole Foods To Start Selling \
The grocery chain has teamed up with Imperfect to start selling the imperfect produce at a discount. Ben Simon, Imperfect CEO, told Food Tank, “We learned that [the pilot] led to an overall increase in sales for the products we were selling.
Fiddleheads should never be eaten raw, too many uncooked can cause a stomach ache. Maybe a little garlic. Snap them off with your fingers, never use a knife. Feeling right proud of myself, I hightailed it out of there.
El Segundo
Vegetables Become Subject Of Vintage-Inspired Photography
There's something about a great photograph. This gave me the opportunity to really do a comprehensive project. Black and white—or even sepia—photos give them a vintage quality that many people (including myself) love.
I had a taste of a memory last night, and it has lingered all day long. Brandy/pear sauce comes to mind, or perhaps an apple cider sauce, steaming and delicious.I am notorious for using a pinch of this and a chunk of that when I cook, but I decided you...
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
“We want to focus on staple crops like green beans, peas, tomatoes, corn, apples and pears that we know people are familiar with; our goal is to increase access to fresh foods, not try to convince people to try [offbeat] vegetables like kohlrabi,”...
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
Frustrated gardeners have long forced bulbs into flowering early, tricking bulbs into thinking it was spring after a period of cold dormancy, or winter. It wasn't! But that's okay, becausewill naturalize in nearly any part of the country.
El Segundo
A New Kind Of Show Chicken
The days of fair-based chicken shows , with judges wielding American Poultry Association breed standards, aren't exactly a thing of the past, but they do seem a little archaic thanks to a new kind of chicken beauty pageant.
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
Well it isn't as easy as taking the truck down to your local home improvement store and loading up several hundred (or thousand) dollars in lumber, or for that matter paying a contractor to build it for you.
El Segundo
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
Include the number and cost of containers to be transported (if paying a set fee per container or paying per weight), driver fees (along with fees associated with maintaining his truck) and fuel costs (single or round trip).
Santa Monica
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
If you fall under this regulation, you will be required to have a commercial driver's license (CDL) and you will have to maintain a logbook and have a medical card, as well as suitable safety equipment.
How to Sell Pine Straw
He will weigh your pine straw, pay you, bale the straw and sell it. Landowners growing pine trees to sell for timber may not realize they have an annual cash crop when the trees shed their needles every autumn.
Santa Monica
What The Microloans Program Can Do For You
Intended for smaller purchases that invest in and grow your farm business, these funds can be used for things like seed, livestock, equipment, marketing and distribution. Specifically, these microloans are offered up to $35,000, which is much lower than...
UF Hack: Save Your Autumn Leaves
Bojan Rantasa/Flickr If collecting leaves and deadheads is a necessary part of your autumnal routine, consider fermenting them into leaf mold on-site instead of trucking them off in clear plastic bags.
Old Patio, New Patios
I was having a hard time feeling good about sending all those pavers to the landfill in order to have the new patio put in, so I asked our contractor if he wanted them to use on another job.
Frac-sand Mine to Open Across Wisconsin High School
The United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration states that “Inhalation of respirable crystalline silica particles has long been known to cause silicosis, a disabling and sometimes fatal lung disease.” The U.S. National...
Shasta Daisy Not Flowering: Reasons Why Shasta Daisies Won\'t Bloom
Additionally, prune the plant to a height of about 3 inches after blooming ends for the season.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });– Shasta daisies generally benefit from division every three to four years,...
How Are Oranges Harvested?
Up to 96 percent of all Florida oranges are harvested by hand using this traditional method.The canopy shake method of mechanical harvesting for oranges refers to a self-propelled machine that shakes the oranges free from the orange tree.
Santa Monica
Plow Snow With Your Lawn Mower Or ATV/UTV
When walking paths, driveways and doorway openings disappear under a thick blanket of snow, doing farm chores (and even getting your car out of the garage!) becomes a lot harder. How Wide Is The Plow?
Watch Out! Rams And Bucks Are In Rut
Mom likes our rams to be sweet and tame, so she often scratches their chins. They store that in their memories as they grow up. They raise their heads and sigh with contentment. Mom's even more careful with our rams because a friend's ram once knocked...
Snow Blower, Snow Plow or Both: Which Do You Need?
After all, we're farmers—and we're always looking for a good excuse to get some new equipment, right? Two of the primary tools for dealing with snow (aside from the tried-and-true snow shovel ) are the snow blower and the snow plow.
Water: The Fuel Frontier?
Dan Lutz, fleet manager of the […] … The technology is out there. Splitting water requires energy, which comes from electricity furnished by a battery and alternator combination.