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A World with Many Bugs is a Good Thing!
If we want to see butterflies, we must grow plants that feed their caterpillars as well as supply nectar for the adults.The overriding message is that by providing a diverse ecosystem, we support the insects which in turn support us.
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My Favourite House Plant Books
I came across this one by accident at the library one winter. I could spend hours just looking at the photos. Almost 500 pages of glorious information!! I highly recommend this book.My second favourite book came to me by way of a television program.
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Don\'t Blame the Bees!
The yellow jacket larvae, like those of most wasps, are carnivorous. But while there are many species of ground-dwelling bees, honeybees do not like to make their nests in the ground, as yellow jackets most often do.
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Introduction to the Modern Library Gardening Series
Absolutely! Our garden library should be as vast and varied as the garden itself. I could go on for pages and pages about the many attributes of all the books in this series. Blue poppy image is from Wikimedia Commons -- It is such a beautiful flower...
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Recycling Fall Leaves & More as Fabulous FREE Garden Mulch
If you have pines in your yard, of course, you have your own source of free pine straw.I tend to be compulsive about saving cardboard boxes, just in case they are the perfect size for sending plants or other gifts to friends.
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Henry Mitchell
He knew that a perfect garden was unattainable, but still worth striving for. Getting there (as they say) is not important; the wandering about in the wilderness or in the olive groves or the bayous is the whole point.I have overlooked a few odds and...
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Bay Laurel - the 2009 herb of the year
Is happiest in its native Mediterranean basin or similar climates. Bay leaves are even ground up and used in blends with other seasonings just for seafood.Bay Rum is an aftershave or cologne made of an distillation of leaves ofLois Tilton's article about...
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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - What Do They Mean?
This may be using an item again for the purpose for which it was originally created or it may be using it for some other purpose, but with little expenditure of energy or resources to repurpose it.Recycling is the most energy intensive of the three.
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Coffee tasting on the Big Island of Hawaii
Once home, we held several "tastings," narrowing down our favorites once again. Hawaii, we set out on a mission to discover the best coffee on the island. Our very favorite variety turned out to be a pricey "private reserve" that was not likely to be...
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Four Thieves and their herbs...
They gave up the recipe! The tale continues to say that many others used the herbal vinegar and survived.The recipe ingredients vary from tale to tale, but with today's science we know that most of the herbs reportedly used are antifungal and antiseptic.
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Butterflies: the prettiest pollinators in the world
This glue is easily seen surrounding the base of every egg forming a meniscus. Other posts are full of butterfly pictures., a massive database of insects and spiders. Butterflies are important as pollinators for some species of plants although in general...
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The pumpkin that grew itself
You would think that a seasoned gardener might take this happening with a grain of salt, but I was fascinated. I did spray it once with some. Maybe the wind brought the seed or it was delivered by a bird (a nice way of saying it was in bird droppings).
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Ayurvedic Herb: Coleus forskohlii
He says, "Plants overwintered need to be in a warm, sunny spot with careful watering." A greenhouse is ideal."Not really... Many internal cellular functions in our bodies are activated with the cAMPmechanism.
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Chocolate and cocoa
The long-lived tree can produce a crop for 75 years or more.After harvesting, the seeds - still with the pulp attached - are spread out on grates for several days. The beans themselves were used as currency, and images of the bean pod can be found in...
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Bird Lovers, Wake Up and Smell the Shade Coffee!
As with many monocultures, the use of such chemicals contributes to the crop's shorter life.Sun farms also lack proper erosion control, proving problematic during periods of rain. Rice, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center; Justin R.
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A rosemary Christmas \
Rosemary trees are simple to decorate in a variety of styles. You can hook the end of the wire to help it catch. Online shopping is another option. Items on a wire or stick can be inserted into the foliage of the rosemary as if it was a big hunk of floral...
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Tools for Making Applesauce
But in my own experience, having tried several different kinds of strainers and sieves, the Victorio-type strainer beats them all for processing a large quantity of apples with the least amount of work.
El Segundo
In 1955, there were over 30 marshmallow manufacturers in the United States alone and Americans eat 95 million pounds annually.
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Beginner pumpkins
(Now pumpkins are sounding like a problem plant!) While these things can attack, pumpkins have tough stems that help them resist insects. Squash vine borers also bore pumpkin vines, but they prefer summer squash.
El Segundo
Hummingbird Pollinators
Cardinal Flower photo by 'Kell', Aesculus pavia by 'Melody', Hummingbirds visiting various blooms by 'OneWish', Flowers reproduction by 'Wind'.[1][2][3] Cronk Q, Ojeda I, Bird-pollinated flowers in an evolutionary and molecular context, Journal of Experimental...
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Snowdrop - The First Sign of Spring
Snowdrops grow well in a forest soil type, with leaf litter (duff) that never dries up during summer. Just seeing this beautiful, tiny flower popping up from under the snow brings me hope that spring is coming--its purity and spring scent always brings...
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Growing Apples in Florida: It can be done
If they are dried out, soak them in water overnight.Select an area that receives full sun. There is not ‘one size fits all' in feeding apple trees because there are many things to take into consideration.
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Container-grown Blueberries for the Home Garden
Remember that the roots are not in the ground, so do not have extra insulation. If you have the option, water with rain water.— When it comes to good blueberry production, the more sun the better.
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Revitalizing older blueberry bushes
I even supply the littles with a good amount, but we will eventually be doing something about that, too.This year, which I was hoping would be a big berry year, is not. Unfortunately, while they were tall and full of very healthy leaves, they had stopped...
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A Word About Chocolate
Cook and stir over medium heat to firm ball stage (220). Makes 4-5 dozen.: The absence of baking soda/powder in this recipe is deliberate. Then again, perhaps someday the time travel of science fiction will become science fact, and we'll be able ask the...
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Sunflowers, Counting Bees and Citizen Scientists
Not to count every bee in existence of course, just how many bees land on a specificBeing a 'citizen scientist' for this study presents a great educational opportunity for children.
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Back From the Brink- Who Cures A Heuchera?
I only made a hole just large enough to get the potted plant in, not giving extra room for new root growth, and not making a large enough hole among the tree roots, nor even helping it by adding some nice compost.
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