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AAS 75th Anniversary Classics
An excellent early or late season choice to extend the bloom seasonFruits in the 8 to 12 ounce range are the rewards of this variety. I'm sure you'll be happy if you choose any of these for your garden.
El Segundo
All-America Selections for 2008
This is another plant that is well suited for containers over 6 inches in diameter.'Asti White' may be planted early in the spring much earlier than other annuals.Hansel produces finger sized fruits 2-10 inches in length...
El Segundo
America Recycles Day
America Recycles Day, recycle, recycling programs, […] To help spread the word, use one of ARD's IRecycle icons . ARD aims to increase the number of people organizing events by 20 percent every year, says Anjia Nicolaidis, director of recycling at Keep...
Made In America
(Click here for his source list.)He found that where prices were higher, quality more than made up for the disparity. << More Shop Talk >> Tags American business , build homes , Jim Ruen , made in America , mowers
Bumblebees: America\'s Pollinator Pros
These plants are very conservative with their pollen and require a special maneuver to extract pollen. The tongue length will vary among species, and some are designed perfectly for specific plant families.
Celebrating America\'s Gardening Traditions
However, the principles behind organic farming are far from being new. Crisp peppers, juicy tomatoes, refreshing cucumbers, flavorful thyme … all can become a homegrown reality. It has recipes from apple cider to candy apples to apple preserves, as...
Lewisia: Alpines Gems of North America
One of the symbol plants of the western American mountains are Lewisia. This article will introduce you to the plant named after Lewis of the famous 'Lewis and Clarke expedition'. If growing in the open garden, nestle them between rocks facing north or...
El Segundo
Poisonous Wild Cherry Trees in North America
Relocate any grazing animals and keep them away until you've cleared the site. Wear gloves and wash your hands before eating or drinking. Symptoms include gasping, weakness, excitement, dilated pupils, spasms, convulsions, coma and respiratory failure.Stormy...
Santa Monica
Trees Of North America: Eastern Sycamore, Platanus occidentalis
Sycamore trees have good tolerance for drought and can resist salt spray to a moderate extent. They are more broad than long and have several notched lobes. It was one of the first trees intentionally planted for commercial harvest.Sycamore trees grow...
El Segundo
False Blue Indigo: A Portal to America\'s History
Thanks to chemical companies, you can now get blue dye in all corners of the planet. One notable instance was the Boston Tea Party involving the settlers' need for tea. Our forbears, with similar preferences, began looking around for a replacement to...
Cosmos species from the Americas are easy annuals
As is true of other flower colors, the ones described as "red" really look like a very deep pink to me. Thus mixtures labeled "white, pink and red" look like beautifully harmonious shades of white, pale pinks and darker pinks to me, but, and we don't...
El Segundo
Meet 6 Of North America\'s Important Native Pollinators
When areas of your garden aren't in use, plant flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables, and don't mow them down until late in the season. There are more than 700 species of butterflies in North America, and the catch with their declining populations is...
Hear My Interview on \
I was recently invited by web-radio host Kate Copsey to join her on “America's Homegrown Veggie Show” to talk about insects in the garden and to discuss my forthcoming book, Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control...
Pop Goes the Farm: Capitalize on America\'s Love of Popcorn
After discovering that a chocolate bar melted nearby, he experimented with other foods. Keep your rows narrow, and plant at a high population to encourage pollination. They live on a heritage farm in south-central Iowa that has been in his family since...
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: America\'s Romance with the English Garden
The tradition of placing the newest introductions and novelty plants in the front of the catalog is another long-standing custom that got its start during this era as well.This is an excellent historical account of how the gardens of both countries share...
El Segundo
What Is A Food Desert: Information About Food Deserts In America
Less disposable income combined with a lack of transportation typically leads to the purchase of fast foods and processed foods available at the corner store. They are typically located in low income areas where people often do not own a car.
Wild Roses: The Native Roses and Naturalized Roses of North America
It is an outstanding ornamental shrub, according to the USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Do not have any clear meaning as to actual native species represented by those terms.
El Segundo
Angle Grinder Shopping: The Buy
Likewise, the guard is easy to adjust, which means I am more likely to do so. Reviewers reported low vibration, ease of handling, light weight and dependability. I quickly discovered that no matter how important I thought torque should be, nobody lists...
Dryer Trouble-shooting: Keep It Simple
Both my dealer and I had made a complicated assumption but really the problem was quite simple and basic. In the case of the dryer, which was only a few weeks old, the sudden stop came mid-cycle.
By Alexandra Kiceniuk Devarenne Mastering the Orchard Get advice from five orchardists who have lived out their dreams in the trees and are succeeding by keeping their feet on the ground.
Heirloom Farm & Garden
How To… From starting seeds to managing garden pests to harvesting seeds for the following year, there's a lot to know about growing heirlooms. By Cheryl Morrison Blooming Heirlooms Vegetables aren't the only plants with colorful pasts—think of heirloom...
Hello, Green Tuesday
To learn more about the organization, visit . Photo courtesy of Thinkstock This holiday season, not-for-profit organization Green America seeks to initiate a new annual shopping tradition: to make the Tuesday after every Thanksgiving...
Karakul Sheep: Bright-eyed and Broad-tailed
Rams may be naturally polled or horned, and their horns may be short or curl into large, curved spirals; ewes are usually polled, but some have horns. Horns or no horns? Fetal lambs from ewes slaughtered to harvest their lambs' pelts are called broadtail...
State fairs offer an excellent chance to be involved in showing goats.” –Audrey Pavia Or how about pack goats ? But even more difficult is noticing when a goat is ill. By Autumn Foushee Glossary Goat jargon explained.
American Saddlebred Horses
Saddlebreds are born with three gaits and some go on to be trained to have five. He could also work as an elegant carriage horse, pulling rigs with style, grace and speed. By the early 1700s, Thoroughbreds were being crossed with Pacers to get a bigger,...
Senate Passes Resolution Honoring the Cowboy
National Day of the Cowboy will be July 25, 2009, according to a resolution passed by the U.S. Senate on June 9. This resolution recognizes both the history and the continuing contribution of the American cowboy,” said American Horse Council President...
Photographer Captures Beauty Of Native Bees
After I made a few @meetyourneighbours images of this beautiful little male orchid bee (Euglossa tridentata), I returned the favor of payment in sweat and salt. In his project “ Beautiful Bees ,” photographer Clay Bolt is touring North America to...