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Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
If you need to bring home lumber or other supplies, what's simpler than driving them straight to the site of your project? It doesn't matter if it's old and rusty—in fact, that might be part of the charm.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
According to AFBF president Bob Stallman, some states currently exempt farm vehicles from federally imposed regulations while others do not, presenting complications for farmers who must cross borders to haul their products locally.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Your vehicle's suspension should be able to handle a tongue weight of about 10 percent of the trailer's maximum gross weight. Close isn't good enough: A 2-inch trailer hitch will part ways with a 1 7/8-inch ball, and a 2 5/16-inch trailer hitch will come...
The Easy Way to Grow in Heavy Clay Soils
There were 2 maple trees too close together flanking the sidewalk and nothing else. I don't do an area any larger than 4' x 4' until I get some mulch on top to hold it down if it is windy.
El Segundo
Hyacinth Plant Flopping: Tips For Supporting Your Top Heavy Hyacinth Flowers
(16 C.) indoors and no more than 70-75 F. This can be done either in pots or in garden beds. Too many nutrients can cause rapid growth, which then leads to thinner, weaker stems. Therefore, plant your hyacinth bulbs at a depth of 6 to 8 inches.Depending...
Pioneer 500: Fun, Compact and Ready for Your Farm\'s Heavy Lifting
Now, if you're like me, you might be wondering if a vehicle this small is good for anything but a trail ride. Take a peek at the photos from my test ride below. The main aspect that drew me into this model is the price point—an MSRP of $8,499.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
You'll have to do a careful inspection to be sure it's fully composted and perhaps ask a few questions if you are concerned about what was used to make it, but around here, it's usually a good-quality product—and the price certainly can't be beat.
Help, My Sedums Are Too Heavy: Tips For Supporting And Pruning Sedum
They are a joy both indoors and out. Dig up the entire plant in the dormant season and cut the root and plant in half. The larger sedum varieties, such as Autumn Joy, produce huge flower heads.
Traveling with Livestock
Last week, Dad and Fayre, our Portuguese Water Dog took three of our young sheep, Aliss, Dixie Moon and Gunnar (his name used to be Carrot) to their new home in Glencoe, Okla. If they're really tame and you're sure they won't panic, haul them loose but...
Toulouse Geese
A old, French breed, the heavy Toulouse is characterized by a large pendulous dewlap. They were admitted into the first American Standard of Perfection in 1874. The Standard Dewlap and Exhibition types are the massive birds described above with the Exhibition...
They have a taste unlike anything else. You won't regret it.Photo credits go to DiOhio, TuttiFrutti and toxicodendron. Snap them off with your fingers, never use a knife. I haven't yet resorted to pitching a tent in the swamp, but have thought about it.Harvest...
El Segundo
Suffolk Horses
Use: Suffolk Horses are used primarily for heavy hauling, whether on the farm or at draft horse shows. In the 1970s, more Suffolk Horses were imported to the United States from England to help expand the breed's gene pool.
Use Your ATV To Erect Farm Fencing
These small utilitarian vehicles have a lot of uses around the farm and are particularly well-suited to assisting with fence construction and repair. For example, if your horses are chewing a fence post out of boredom, noticing it quickly and adding supports...
Growing Roses from A-Z (Part III)
Roses are heavy feeders, if you're going to successfully grow roses you need to set up a regular fertilization program. The test will also include recommendations on what amendments you need to successfully grow roses in your garden.All plants need 16...
El Segundo
Boer Goats
Bucks tip the scale at 250 to 350 pounds; does, 150 to 250 pounds. Boer, in Dutch, means “farmer.” In 1986, frozen Boer goat embryos were taken from Europe to Australia and New Zealand and implanted into recipient does.
How To Make A Hypertufa Planter
You'll need about two parts water, but the real amount depends on how dry the peat moss is and the humidity level of the air. Step 3 Jessica Walliser In a large mixing bin or wheelbarrow, combine two parts Portland cement, three parts perlite, and three...
"Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go, the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifting snow."Memory scents can be wonderful things.
El Segundo
Monitor Snow-topped Roofs
The center of the rafters and the center of the barn are the weak points. All homes should be equipped with smoke and carbon-monoxide alarms. To prevent a roof collapse, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture and the Vermont Department of Public Safety recommend...
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
Here are three mobile markets that have taken their wares on the road: Revival Foods: In an effort to make local food more accessible in Savannah, Ga., Revival Foods launched its mobile market, Farm a la Carte, this spring.
Moving Pains
Since mid-June, we've been moving the pen around their pasture once a day, and it's worked great for keeping them safe from predators while they forage for grass, weeds and bugs (plus fertilize the pasture).
Weed-Control Goats
The size of the herd of weed control goats doesn't matter — any number of goats will be able to keep weeds to a minimum. Excerpt from the Popular Farming Series magabook Goats . Weeds are tasty to most goats, which are natural browsers.
Rice Farmers Losing Crops In Louisiana Flood
Rice farmers in Louisiana and Arkansas know this all too well. The Louisiana flood and heavy rains in Arkansas have left the majority of the nation's rice crop hurting. Natural disaster is something that we, as farmers, all know can happen but pray very...
Belgian Horses
Some are still used on traditional farms to work the fields, while others are shown in harness at draft horse shows. In the late 1800s, the Belgian people began to selectively breed their farm horses, creating the Flemish, Brabant and Ardennes breeds.
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
If you live on a farm, it's inevitable that you'll eventually need to move heavy objects that just don't lend themselves to being easily transported. The first step to building this primitive wagon is to choose an appropriate piece of wood.
Composting, on the not-so-grand scale
Read a lot more about using coffee grounds in the article,You'll just do it in a smaller way to match your smaller garden.Put organic matter right where it's to be used, in your planting areas, and where it goes to work for you right away.Your small soil...
El Segundo
Book Excerpt: How To Make A Cedar Pot Dolly
1-by-3 cedar board, 6-feet long [1] (Note: real size is approx. Lay two of the boards down parallel to each other and approximately 12 inches apart. Step 3 Remove the outer boards, then attach the crossmembers to the middle boards by drilling pilot holes...
Ag Bites: Hire Goats to Control Weeds on Your Farm
Goats are hardworking consumers of weeds in pastures and also along fencerows, drives and roadways. This story originally appeared in the January/February 2018 issue of Hobby Farms.