These Ape are by far the most common type of agricultural truck in all of Italy. The owner of the Ape in the photo is a local small farmer. As cool as my Vespa “farm truck” is, I must officially retract my previous statements, apologise and announce...
The clutch cable snapped, leaving me two miles from home with a bunch of concrete and a broken scooter. When something on the scooter does break, and it happens once a year or so, I simply push it to the closest mechanic, (seems like there's one on every...
His truck isn't so big, but the angle to turn into my driveway is so sharp that he can't make the turn. Read more of Digging Italy » Tags construction , creek , rick gush , truck , vespa , water , waterfall
You probably won't drive your tractor 20 miles to pick up a load of lumber or your new goats—your farm truck is obviously the better choice. It doesn't matter if it's old and rusty—in fact, that might be part of the charm.
“Farmers who transport their product outside the state should be exempted from some regulatory burdens, just like other farmers who don't live near state borders.” Kent Bacus, NCBA's associate director of legislative affairs echoes Johnson's sentiments.
The load might be as small as a few 50-pound sacks of feed or as large as a 5-ton tractor. On the other hand, they cost more to work on, and not every gas station has diesel fuel. Electric trailer brakes are required in most states for trailers with a...
I suggest spreading 1/4 to 1/2 inch on the lawn once or twice per year. If you have a shovel and some buckets (or better still, a pickup truck), call your own municipality and ask if a pile of leaf compost is available to residents.
To save money (and test my green thumb), I enjoy trying to overwinter some annuals each season. Here's how to do it: It's quite easy to overwinter geraniums and impatiens indoors as long as you provide them with some basic needs.
Clean significant scratches and wounds with a livestock disinfectant soap twice daily, rinsing well. First, we need to clarify if you are in the middle of a “lousy” situation or have a “mitey” big problem instead.
Northern growers can also look forward to peppers, tomatoes and melons this summer by planning ahead and choosing varieties wisely. Britton, who grows for his own family as well as for local farmers markets, opts for a rainbow mix, which includes red...
That's because trailers are designed with their safety in mind, truck beds and vans aren't. Adding bedding is important because dog- crate floors are slippery. « More Mondays with Martok » Tags livestock carriers
Like many gardeners, I often spend the month of January taking stock of the previous year's garden and planning for the coming season. To make the plant, the shoot system of a cherry tomato is grafted to the root system of a potato.
I am seeing things as part of a cycle now; part of a process. (Truth be told, in both mind sets I am secretly laughing my butt off, even eight years later!) It's our job as parents to teach our children we are all a part of a cycle; part of a process...
Carefully, drizzle the lye mixture into the oils and stir gently a few times. Spring is right around the corner, and I can't wait! To help brighten the dreary grayness of this final month of winter, I've been pulling out my dried flowers from last summer...
It's easier and your jack-o'-lantern will last longer. They were hollowed out turnips with grotesquely carved faces. Steven Clarke of the United States carved faces into 1 ton of pumpkins in 3 hours, 33 minutes and 49 seconds.
He advocated for the town to be rebuilt green, and today, just four years later, it's a global model for what's possible. Courtesy Greensburg Greentown Greensburg, Kan., residents merged rebuilding and repurposing, as evidenced by this silo home.
I wonder how many central Wisconsin gardens still have an "Esther's Red Peony" orPass-along plants are treasured for the memories they carry. They're also worth treasuring for their tried and true vigor.
Crunch a root between your thumbnail and forefinger. Plus, smaller plants tend to acclimate to garden conditions a bit faster. Pop the plant out of its pot and take a good look at the roots, too.
I can't wait to grow my own—they are delicious! If you are interested in trying something different, I purchased my seed from the Hudson Valley Seed Library , but several catalogs list them as well.
Usually a highly guarded secret. As soon as we started thinking Mothers Day, Dad would pile us kids into his truck and we would scan our favourite swamps, looking for signs of the newly emerging fronds.
I'm hopeful that a few little tweaks to my routine can put me in the offensive position this year instead of scrambling to always play catch up. But they also mean the time for planning is over—it's now time to do! By the time the first day of spring...
Although the developing flowers should be pinched off to encourage branching and keep the plant looking fresh, there isn't much other maintenance to speak of. Deter Slugs In my garden and containers, slugs can be a problem, especially during wet seasons.
The bulbs must be really crowded in there! My friend's Hippeastrum had so many bulbs that herplastic pot cracked. The pink and white petunias I planted years ago in my garden reseed every summer, but the red ones didn't, that's why I need to grow them...
That's one reason I keep a spike (extra large nail) in my chisel and miscellaneous cutting tools drawer. When my cousin Curt forwarded a virtual copy of the Tool Dictionary, I appreciated the humor and irony in the definitions.
You'll know you arethere when you can pinch it easily with a finger nail. You probably won't find enough to survive a winter on, but you will have fun and create some long-lasting memories.Many thanks go to Equilibrium, kennedyh, and floridian for their...
Traditionally it was only dried fruits that were used.Holidays are filled with tradition, it is what makes us family, it centers our priorities, and renews our spirits. Oh, it might not have been rum, I doubt that my good grandmother would have had such...
Clean your feeders often as mold builds and can harm the hummingbirds.To assist the Ruby-throated Hummingbird along the migration path, plan a garden with some of their favorite flowers (see chart below).