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Street Trees
Is there a new curving sidewalk of which replacement cannot be afforded? The life of a street tree can be tough. It has to put up with car exhaust, salt and sand from winter road crews, heat from asphalt and pavement, and many other things most
El Segundo
Lucky Goat Gets Serenaded By Anthony Hamilton
And the lucky recipient of the serenade: a goat. Who's billy goat is this? Not too many people will sell fried food on a stick to a goat. “Who's billy goat it's this?” Those were the improv lyrics sung by Grammy Award-winning R&B singer-song writer...
The Garden Bustle
I am continually amazed at the number of sunflowers that return to the veggie garden each year from seeds the birds drop. I guess that's a pleasure that will have to wait for another year.
Red, White and Blue: Pride on Display
We sing from our hearts, "America The Beautiful", "My Country ‘Tis of Thee", "This Land is Your Land" and other patriotic tunes.On this day, begins the lazy, hazy days of summer for most Americans.
El Segundo
Seafaring Cats
(Rats were a liability, particularly on ships that transported grain.) At the same time, ship's cats raised morale for sailors who were far from home for long, long times. Only 116 out of over 2,200 German seamen survived when the Bismarck sank during...
You\'ve Heard Of A Sub Sandwich—Try A Submarine Salad
For U.S. Navy crews that serve on submarine ships, fresh food is hard to come by, as you might imagine—you know, with all the soil that's to be found hundreds of feet under the sea.
A Step Back In Time - The Tall Ships
They participated in a round-robin soccer tournament against some of our local teams, during which they proved that though small, they were very powerful young men. I recently had the opportunity to step back in time, and enjoyed a day of exploring these...
El Segundo
Born-again Windows
Our needs are simple, so the 12- by 16-foot cabin is simple. It will be plenty good enough for the cabin, as I plan to use some wood stabilizer and filler on the bad wood. We also are planning an orchard and garden at the farm site to take advantage of...
Learn About Memorial Roses To Plant In Your Garden
This rose bush is to honor the more than 2,000 people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 as they worked in the World Trade Center Towers.– The third rose bush of the memorial series is a beautiful orange/pink hybrid tea rose.
Porch Rehab
The porch isn't finished yet, but hopefully in a few weeks, when the concrete has fully cured and the railing has been installed, I'll be able to share an “after” shot. We have lived in our current house for seven years, and ever since we moved in,...
Simon: Brave Wartime Cat
Somehow Simon managed to crawl on deck and was rushed to the ship's medical staff. He smuggled the cat aboard the HMS Amethyst, where the cat proved adept at catching and killing the many rats that set up house on the lower decks.
Crepe Murder Mystery
She had roses and every kind of flower you could imagine around here. All soft new suckers at base of tree should also be removed. The time to prune is February-April before new growth begins .2.
El Segundo
Star Light, Star Bright
There is so much to get done and seemingly so little time to do it. That's when something primeval would grab at my soul and remind me that what I was struggling with was only a passing fancy.
Tree Protection On Construction Sites – Preventing Trees Tree Damage In Work Zones
Erect sturdy fencing around each and every tree. When one tree is removed from your backyard, the remaining trees suffer. Preventing tree damage in work zones is a matter of planning carefully and working closely with your contractor.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Corn Detasseling: Understanding the Basics
In order to be sold as pure seed, more than 99% of the tassels must be removed. These machines will remove perhaps 70-80% of the tassels, but because of the variation in height between individual stalks, and slight variation in maturity time, there are...
El Segundo
A Peony With a Past
Having my birthday in May, several of the old black and white pictures include the peonies in the background. And I must admit, I dug up the whole plant and moved it with us 8 years later.
El Segundo
5 Reasons You\'ll Love Raising Chickens
People seem to be increasingly reluctant about participating in the abuse of battery hens with their purchases, and they seem to be more aware of the energy it takes to transport our food from one place to another.
Trees Beneath Power Lines: Should You Be Planting Trees Around Power Lines
If you are planting a new tree in an area beneath power lines, it is suggested that you select a tree or shrub that does not grow taller than 25 feet.Most city plots also have 3-4 feet wide utility easements on one or more sides of the plot line.
Less Pruning, More Power, with Electophobic Cultivars
Full limbs develop on one side of the trunk, while the opposite 180 degrees of trunk only grow stunted stumps. A planting near Muncie, Indiana has been praised in several publications.' Edison hybridizers discovered a rare tree that was highly sensitive...
El Segundo
Runner Ducks Don\'t Typically Fly—But This One Does
His gentle quacking eases the sadness of leaving #SFA16 . — Mark Essig (@mark_essig) October 16, 2016 (Runner ducks don't fly, you know.) Here is a 3-second video of Daniel the emotional support duck.
Ag Bites: Hire Goats to Control Weeds on Your Farm
They are the champions of low-impact weed consumption. They can chew through vegetation filled with stickers and thorns. You might also discover that goats can be rented for weed management, so rather than adding to your own livestock, bring in a neighbor's...
Christmas Horse Ride
On Sunday, my friend Michelle and I saddled up our boys and headed out onto the bridle path. They seem happy enough — relaxed and content. When I first saw them, they were adorable little piglets I dubbed Charlotte and Petunia.
Sun Clocks: Interesting TIME In Your Garden!
I found several interesting free plans for kid's outdoor activities on the Internet that I think I can modify for my use. This article will discuss the sun clocks you can set up with free information available on the Internet.
El Segundo
Technology and Garden Gadgets – Tips On Using Technology In Landscape Design
We are only limited by our imagination. Read on to learn more.For luddites who treasure the peace and quiet of slow-paced, hands-on gardening, this may sound like a nightmare. Whether you like it or not, technology has made its way into the world of gardening...
Fruit Trees for Kids
“The high schoolers can turn around and work with the younger children in their schools and within the rest of their communities,” he says. The aim is simple: Sow environmental interest in children while they're young, and reap a harvest of change...
What Is Commercial Landscaping – Information On Commercial Landscape Design
Commercial landscaping can be profitable and satisfying, but you need to be sure you are ready for the transition. Install native and site appropriate plants,and let your clients know you are doing so.
How Much Does a Yard of Topsoil Cover?
Good topsoil is loose, well-draining and full of organic matter. This process may seem unnecessarily labor intensive, but topsoil is a major investment in your yard. These products may contain heavy metals or chemicals.
Santa Monica