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Our Unexpected Guest on Christmas Eve: A Rooster in Crisis
I took these as excellent signs: Fat Boy had warmed up, eaten his gel and regained enough energy to move around. I was to keep an eye on his symptoms over the next few days and to contact Fulton should Fat Boy's condition deteriorate.
Who in the World is Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold?
In 1859 the ban on his return to Japan was lifted. Even if you're not keen about knowing the botanical names of the plants you grow, chances are you've run across a plant name with sieboldii or sieboldiana in it (think hostas).That plant came to Europe...
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Raising Chickens Is Fun!
Perky Playmates Chickens love to play. Believe it or not, those noises all originate from your birds. Can You Hear Me Now? Just toss one into their midst and watch them jockey for position, grab the “ball” and dash away with it while opposing players...