The Vespa is more than 30 years old, and I'm planning to take it apart, paint everything and then put it back together. Photo by Rick Gush After years living in the desert, I delight in living next to this waterfall.
It doesn't even necessarily have to be a truck, though a truck often is preferable. We use our four-wheel-drive truck every winter for the purpose of moving hay from one area of the farm to another, and in the aftermath of major snowstorms, it makes all...
The amendment, introduced by Sen. The U.S. Senate recently passed an amendment to S.1813, the transportation or Highway Bill that would exempt farm trucks from the restrictions of commercially licensed truck drivers.
Truck Size Truck weight classification is based on how much load can be safely hauled in the bed of the truck and indicates how heavily the truck is built. Starting uphill from a dead stop with a heavy load takes its toll on a clutch, and when you stop...
Even free compost isn't a good deal if it harms your plants. Sometimes they use chipped tree trimmings and grass clippings from local parks and other open spaces, as well. If you have a shovel and some buckets (or better still, a pickup truck), call your...
$9.50 (without chain) at The Pendant Emporium 4. $5 for an 8-by-10-inch sample at Home Depot 6. $16 per cosmetic bag, three print choices; $13, one pair of potholders. Prices vary at Purina Mills 5.
Certainly the amount of rust on the unit indicates that it has been out in the weather for a long time; the fittings for the various nuts and bolts holding the water dispenser together have rusted away substantially, leaving it quite loose and floppy,...
Mom and Dad often transport one or two sheep or goats in the back of their minivan, but no matter how tame an animal is, it shouldn't be able to jump in the driver's lap! A sheep and her lambs or goat and her kids can be hauled in a super-size dog crate...
Took a mental note of the nearest intersection, and roughly how deep into the swamp I had been, memorized a few landmarks, prayed the old swamp maple didn't blow down in the coming winter months.
If it's dry, then give the soil a nice long, deep soak so that the water reaches the root zone. Some of these, like Zeba and Soil Moist Natural, are made from plant starches rather than synthetics.
My mother told me that when she was growing up in a family of seven, her mother often only had one egg, but she beat that egg, added a little milk, a little sugar and cinnamon and poured it over leftover bread then baked it.
The Veggie Express will travel to five communities, stopping at schools and community centers to sell produce along with meat and eggs. Mobile Market: A retrofitted school bus stocked with farm-fresh produce hit the roads in Washington D.C. in 2012 and...
Did you know that Georgia Vines participates in the Dave's Garden PlantScout program, and that many other Passifloras are available via PlantScout participating companies?The air became warmer as March rolled in with all its glory.
I'm Supermom, not Putter-around-the-house-with-bulbs-mom. And when I heard the familiar call from the florist aisle, "we're ba-a-ack!" I'm afraid to say it,but I succumbed. I bought one pot of tete-a-tetes for my father, who lives at an assisted living...
Now you can cut your posts to the right height to support the beam, remember measure twice cut once.Once you get all your beams in at the correct height you are ready to mark out the joists.
For handheld shots, a rule of thumb is that the lowest safe shutter speed is inversely closest to the lens focal length. A handheld light-meter is used in essentially the same way & can be handy for testing the light around a situation quickly.
Tags chicken rides Roomba Share your story in the comments below. Or is this her way of helping with the chores? James the chicken is not about to let an opportunity to be carted around the room pass by.
Choose a model that has been safety-tested by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and/or Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL). Automatic Gate Openers When most folks think of drive-through gates, they think of massive estate gates swinging wide at the press...
You'll not only see history, you'll see some pretty darn good technology. An event that really stands out for me was one of those things that never happens traveling the interstates.
In addition, you are paying for the fees of the truck whether it is full or not, so combine your costs by joining with other farmers to fill the truck to capacity.Total the final number of boxes of product to be shipped and their weight per unit, if applicable.
Types of Trailer Hitches There are two basic types of trailers: The tag-along (or bumper pull), which connects to a hitch receiver that is mounted to the truck's bumper or chassis.
Pine needles, sometimes called pine straw, are sold to landscapers, garden centers and nurseries for use as mulch. Landowners growing pine trees to sell for timber may not realize they have an annual cash crop when the trees shed their needles every autumn.
If you don't have that, you can have a third party with collateral co-sign. Interest rates are based on the regular FSA rates at the time of your closing, which are much lower than a regular bank loan—as low as 1 to 2 percent.
The farmers' solution? I have traveled a lot. You guessed it! A vending machine. Tags urban farm According to Pop Up City , for €2 (a little over $2 US), you get six eggs from free-range chickens.
When daylight increases in the spring, it signals a hen to start laying eggs, incubate eggs (which is to say, go broody) and raise baby chicks. Automatic coop door openers are very convenient and help ensure that the flock is protected at night.
Test for an allergy to the citronella oil by applying it to the inner forearm a day or so before using it as a topical repellent.According to the National Institutes of Health, extracts of the citronella plant are also effective against head lice.
In essence, many beneficial insects need a place to live over winter, and disposing of raked-up leaf fall in autumn may well be disposing of the creatures hibernating within it. Typical autumn chores involve bagging up leaves and other plant detritus...