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Parts of a Sunflower
The sturdy stalk provides the stability the large flower head needs to remain upright and a structure to house the leaves. Seeds can be saved and planted the following year to grow a new crop of sunflowers.The outer circle of the sunflower head -- typically...
Santa Monica
Ticked Off - Part 1
Sometimes they get on us animals and on our Mom and Dad. Lots of lone star ticks live on our farm. He almost died! We'll talk more about ticks next week but for now, be careful and watch out for ticks.
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
Slip on a pair of leather gloves and grasp the chain mid bar. There was a time when such work meant grabbing the chainsaw, a fuel can and “the tool” and heading for the job site.
Christmas Traditions - Part 1
These are just a few suggestions. Do you have Christmas traditions at your house? Maybe a plate of Martok's Tasty Tidbits to share with my family. Sinterklaas and his horse visit Dutch and Belgian children on Dec.
Garden Photography ~ part 1
The first photo contest was a Brugmansia and Datura photo contest, held in 2001, that attracted 80 entries.Over the years the themes have expanded and continued to attract more and more participants.
El Segundo
Vital Signs - Part 2
Remember, learn to check your animal's vital signs while he's healthy so you know how to do it when he's sick. You'll probably have to probe around to find the correct spot the first few times.
Economical Horsekeeping - Part 1
Doctor bills, even co-pays, cost a lot. Although your heart goes out to a skinny, sick horse, unless you have enough money to invest in it, it's best to buy a horse in good health.
Christmas Traditions - Part 2
Use pine, nuts, fruit and maybe greeting cards to hang on your tree or mantel. Buy or borrow 12 children's books about Christmas and read one to your kids each night, beginning on Dec.
Hutch\'s Arrival (Part 2)
So, my human dad made Hutch an incubator in a big, plastic box. They covered him with a little blanket so he'd stay warm. He put a towel in the bottom, next a heating pad set on low, then another towel, and then Hutch.
Garden Photography ~ part 2
Digital single-lens reflex camera's (DSLR) have become quite popular,especially since they offer the ability to exchange lenses.Dave's Gardens, bird watching enthusiast 'Mrs_Ed' of Whiteside County, Illinois, purchased her DSLR Pentax model (K100D) so...
El Segundo
Acacias: Part 3: Propagation
In fact seed grown plants can give some variation.Sometimes there is a very special form hat wants to be copied and for that the use of cuttings is the only way to make sure that the new plants retain the features of the parent.There are reports that...
El Segundo
Farm Biodiversity, Part 3
A delicate, electric-blue damselfly perched on a salmonberry leaf. Tiny wasps and hover flies darted around my blossoming winter savory. And what a buggy world I found! Hundreds of garden spider hatchlings, each about the size of a pin head, clustered...
Vital Signs - Part 1
It's easy, but it varies somewhat from species to species—and you should practice before you need to know how. If you thought your livestock friend was sick, would you know how to assess his vital signs?
Staying Cool, Part 2
It's important for humans to stay hydrated, so carrying a bottle of cold along while doing chores is a really good thing. Don't overdo it and get sick—your animals need you! << More Mondays with Martok >>
Edible Vegetable Parts: What Are Some Secondary Edible Parts Of Vegetables
In fact, those tender young leaves are delicious chopped into salads, soups, or anything you use celery in. We've all probably bought the trimmed, smooth sheath of celery at the local grocers, but if you are a home gardener and grow your own, you know...
The Parts of a Pear
The major parts of the pear are the core, the hypanthium and the stalk.In this pear slice, the core, hypanthium and stalk are clearly visible.The pear's core is the seed-bearing ovary of the fruit.
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 3
I cup my left hand under the lamb's jaw, open its mouth and insert the nipple with the right hand. (If you're feeding a baby goat, substitute “lamb” with “kid”). I elevate the bottle with my right hand only enough to avoid the lamb sucking air.
Dish Flower Patterns: Part I
Pictured are some other early decals of roses. In the next article we will take a look at some of the other popular floral designs such as the Blue Onion, Blue Willow and Blue Tulip that were in use.Devon Spray Roses Detail of Devon Spray Blue Ridge RosesW.S
El Segundo
The \
Today we will go for a second stroll in the same area and see what else we can discover. Http:// A previous article introduced the typical garrigue environment and plants as well as a water-color artist...
El Segundo
Garden Seating Ideas: What Are The Different Types Of Garden Seating
Working with garden benches is an effective way to provide plenty of seating and you can personalize them in many ways. You can get them in polished professional wood, resin, plastic, and many other materials.
Recipe: Thanksgiving Soup: Part II
When you get back, clean the stuffing out of the turkey and get that carcass into a great big pot of water. To serve, add cooked rice or udon noodles. In between the two, you reduced that proud bird to a pile of rubble, didn't you?
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
And we love to climb on things, like cars, tractors, haystacks, the roof of your house or anything else that intrigues us. Except under unusual circumstances (like when Katy rushes to butt one of our dogs) we don't back up, lower our heads and then race...
Parts of a Rice Plant
The primary function of leaves is to produce food for the plant by turning sunlight, water and carbon dioxide in to simple sugars that the plant can use.The flowers on the rice plant sprout from the top of the tillers in clusters called panicles, or multi-branched...
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 1
One bowl is for water; the other is for chopped hay. That way, until Milo gets big enough to jump out, the top stays open for easy access. While you're waiting for baby to be born, collect the stuff you'll need, like a big crate, a human-baby playpen...
Parts of a Daisy Flower
It contains three flower types, with a intermediate trans floret between the ray and the disc flowers. The disc flowers in all daisies open from the outer edge to the center of the disc.
Santa Monica
It\'s About Goats - Part 1
No wonder we like to climb on things! For thousands of years, we goats have been used for our meat, milk, hides, hair, horn, bones, sinew, and dung for fuel and fertilizer, and as draft animals to pack goods and pull carts all over the world.
Wool It Be - Part 2
Last week , I told you some of the cool things Uzzi and I learned about wool and sheep . Restrictions on raising sheep and manufacturing wool, along with the Stamp Act, led to the American Revolutionary War.