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Rehab Your Land ... Starting With A Soil Test
Soil tests typically check for three major nutrients—nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)—as well as soil pH level. There are many reasons why soil pH levels might be out of balance, such as application of chemical fertilizer or disturbance...
Burning Question: Will We Ever Farm With Draft Horses Again?
More people are farming smaller plots, thus more small machinery is necessary. Amish numbers double about every 20 years; Old Order Mennonite numbers double about every 15 years. Soon, maybe thousands.
How to Grow Cool-season Pastures
“Small grains and ryegrass, often with an annual clover , are planted on a prepared seedbed.” Cool-season clovers provide winter forage and reduce your fertilizer bill. “I can have high-quality winter forage through my ryegrass from November until...
Drain Puddles With Simple Ditches
If you want to get fancy, you can consider installing permanent drainage pipes in places where mud puddles are an annual occurrence. The tricky part is actually digging such a downhill ditch because water tends to gather in areas where the ground is low...
How to Control Flies on the Farm
And, as with most farm chemicals, the “bad” flies build up a resistance to the product. Regular removal of the pile should be part of your farm-management routine. Releasing fly predators should be part of an ongoing program that you combine with...
Needs For A Farm In The Wilderness
They do not seek to “cheat” Mother Nature—they respect her ways. Wild farming seeks to replicate the natural cycle of the forest floor, which adds nutrient-rich material every year without disturbing the community beneath it.
About Christmas Tree Farms
Starting in the second year, prune trees annually into the iconic cone shape using a machete or shearing knife. Different evergreen varieties act as hosts to these pests, and some pests are more common in certain areas of the country than others.
About Farm Cooperatives
Once you decide to work cooperatively, you are entering the world of meetings and committees. These are referred to as “New Generation Cooperatives.” These organizations seek to add value to otherwise indistinguishable commodity items.
How No-Till Farming Will Help You Save Water
But these are not the only advantages no-till has over tillage (plowing crop residues under). Especially in areas where rainfall is not plentiful, this is a significant difference.
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
Do's and Don'ts of Hay Storage Indoor Storage Protect valuable hay from the elements by storing it under cover in a building that doesn't leak and has good ventilation. The round bales shed water better so tarps aren't necessary.
Farm-to-Forest Connections
A good first step is to meet with a local naturalist or forester to walk through your woods. Whether pressing plants for window decorations, including woodland edibles in your family's meals or crafting wreaths with materials gathered from the forest...
Irrigation Systems For Xeriscape Environments
Bear in mind, however, that sprinkler irrigation results in a greater wet-to-dry fluctuation in the soil and may not produce optimal growth results.If your garden is small, use a hose to apply water slowly at the base of each plant, avoiding the leaves...
How To Re-Mediate Pig-Damaged Pastures
Clover The end goal of pasture remediation is, of course, healthy land packed full of highly nutritive feed for future animals. However, well-chosen perennial cover crops will help aerate soil and balance out nutrients, helping damaged ground return to...
Aquaculture Farming Basics
Wading birds tend not to be able to wade far, raccoons are also thwarted by the pond depth, snapping turtles, whilst a problem, can't eat enough to jeopardize the harvest.However, in the case of freshwater prawns, they stress very easily, are territorial...
Infographic: Aquaculture Pond Construction
Use this visual diagram of an aquaculture pond to consider the best way to build your operation. Tags hobby farm If done the right way, freshwater fish farming can be a great value-added opportunity for your hobby farm.
3 Forest Forages For Silvopasturing Pigs
Here are three of common forest forages we've noticed our hogs enjoying. In a few years, we hope to notice our pigs a bit fatter, a touch sweeter and much less expensive to raise. After reading that European farmers of old routinely finished hogs in persimmon...
4 Great Vegetables For Intercropping
It gets a little stuffy amongst corn rows and difficult to maneuver, but it's definitely possible if space is limited. What I have had better results with is using just two of the three, especially dent or sweet corn and dry beans together.
6 Simple Steps to Crop Rotation
Get more growing advice from 7 Steps to Healthier Soil 10 Natural Fertilizers to Improve Crop Production Infographic: Mulch for Your Vegetable Garden 7 DIY Vertical Gardening Techniques for Healthier Veggies Why Keep Crop and Livestock...
Biodynamic Farming: Interdependence at its Best
The Ultimate Goal Biodynamic agriculture combines many of the same principals employed by today's organic farmers with a deeper sense of commitment and connection to the rhythms of the cosmos.
How To Build A Sacrifice Area
Horses for Clean Water , a nonprofit for environmentally sensitive horse keeping, recommends a 25-foot-wide vegetative buffer surrounding a sacrifice area. There could even be NRCS grant money available for related conservation projects on the farm.
The Secrets of Silvopasturing
Combining multiple crops with differing market readiness rates offers landowners balanced income. Why Silvopasture? The goal was to clearcut the stand 30 to 35 years (~2014) after establishment.
Organic Farming
Where once only natural food stores and farmer's markets carried organic, now everybody wants in on the act. I savor crisp, organic salad every day for nearly a week, sure that my body and the Earth are just a bit healthier for it.
4 Manure Management Options For Your Farm
“Evaluate what you are [able] to do with your machinery, time, space, personnel and economic resources you have.” A small tractor or skid steer with a bucket loader is ideal for turning and moving compost.
The Hands-Off Gardening Approach To Fall
To do so safely, they find protection in hollow plant stems, logs, under rocks and leaf litter. Sherry Maddock runs 4th Street Farm, a rich and diverse urban farm in Lexington, Ky. She has mulched, planted, weeded and cared for her farm for the better...
3 Ways To Protect Grassland Birds On Your Farm
The conversion will give your livestock a wider variety of forage throughout the year, in addition to a longer period of grazing for animals while also promoting grassland-bird habitat in the spring nesting season, when it is most valuable.
The Best Way To Clean Water Troughs
To be safe, just clean it all up. They may appear to go away but you'll still feel a slight film when the bucket is touched. Trough Management Basics Of course, the easiest way to keep your animals water clean is through prevention.
Extend Your Grazing Time With Seasonal Pastures
You can have your cool pasture on this side and warm pasture over here.” My wife and I were befuddled—of course we understood there were different kinds of grass, but different kinds of pasture?