If everything looks good, step out of the shop and give the chainsaw a test run. There was a time when such work meant grabbing the chainsaw, a fuel can and “the tool” and heading for the job site.
And think about people from your past that you might want to touch base with again; you can often Google their addresses, if you don't already know them. Renew your friendship for Christmas! 5.
All rights reserved by the respective parties.Heartfelt thanks to DG member (SingingWolf) for permission to use her father, Trois' 2004 photograph, "Beautiful Water Lily growing in my daughter's yard."Solomin E., Berg L., Martin D., Biology 7th ed.
Remember, learn to check your animal's vital signs while he's healthy so you know how to do it when he's sick. Temperature Restrain the animal. Respiration Watch your animal's rib cage.
And opt for a pre-purchase health and soundness exam ; exams aren't cheap but in the long run it's money well spent. Don't buy a horse beyond your handling and riding capabilities.
Use pine, nuts, fruit and maybe greeting cards to hang on your tree or mantel. Or plan a cookie party for a few of your friends. 10 and the Anchorage post office will mail it from Santa for you.
After Dad left for work, Mom bedded our huts extra deep with straw and put blankets on the old horses. The next morning Mom and Dad raced around like crazy. Mom milked Latifah's colostrum—that's the antibody-rich first milk that mothers make—and took...
Dip the base of the cutting in a rooting hormone, either liquid or powder and place cutting in plastic containers with drainage holes, filled with cutting mix which has been lightly flattened.
Tiny wasps and hover flies darted around my blossoming winter savory. Our farm flora includes pretty wildflowers like trillium and wild rose, edible herbs such as stinging nettle and dandelion, bird-luring thimbleberries and red huckleberries, towering...
This is so you can tie a cord to the thermometer and it won't get sucked into the animal; then you have to dig in and retrieve it with your fingers and that's no fun for us or you.
It's hot! Uzzi and I lie in the shade and watch our Mom and Dad do the chores; some days she looks pretty frazzled. If you can't avoid midday heat, pace yourself. Mom puts big ice cubes in our drinking water so that we drink enough, but she drinks lots...
Off-road diesel engines 25 horsepower and under, such as Massey Ferguson's GC2400 or Kubota BX 2360 subcompact tractors, already meet Tier 4 standards. “Smaller engines have the same emissions-control challenge, but the cost has to be spread over a...
We agreed that it would probably be time well spent for any engineer to study how muscles and ligaments are attached and how they react to forces and movement. Our bodies are the ultimate in engineering and the most effective and versatile tools we will...
Some of this is a direct result of throwing out food we have been conditioned to think is inedible. Well, lots of veggie plants have edible leaves. In fact, those tender young leaves are delicious chopped into salads, soups, or anything you use celery...
Old-school methods of eradicating poison ivy included pouring diesel oil on the vines, which is illegal, contaminates the soil and ground water and doesn't work as well as modern herbicides.While killing poison ivy isn't easy, it is possible with modern...
Surrounding the numerous seeds is the ovary wall. These cells give the pear its unique, grainy texture. Members of this family have fleshy fruits, known in botanical circles as pomes.
Here's the program in Lyn's own words. Last week, we told you what to feed a lamb or kid; this week we'll show you how to feed them with a bottle. Start by getting a nipple your tiny baby will probably like.
One of the most popular patterns is Desert Rose created inby Frederick and Mary Grant in 1941 for the Gladding McBean pottery. Pictured are some other early decals of roses. Roses are probably the most widely used flower for decorating dinnerware.
A previous article introduced the typical garrigue environment and plants as well as a water-color artist worth to meet. Http://www.editionsrohart.fr/Page%20Jacqueline%20Devin.htm Today we will go for a second stroll in the same area and see what else...
Garnish with some diced scallions. Then add in and cook up a fresh set of diced vegetables and cook any noodles or grain separately. In between the two, you reduced that proud bird to a pile of rubble, didn't you?
Instead, we position ourselves a few feet apart while facing one another, rear onto our hind legs and then swoop forward, down and to the side to smash our heads or horns against those of our opponents.
In modern western cultures this is done mechanically. Stems resemble straws and have nodes closer together at the base and farther apart from each other toward the top. Each branch has several smaller branches called spikelets, each with one flower.
Maybe you would like to get a bottle baby, too? This time of year, many goat and sheep breeders sell bottle babies or give them away for free. Mom wants a red goat this time because we black goats are harder to photograph.
Underneath the composite flower head is a series of green, pointed structures called bracts or phyllaries. As disc flowers are pollinated, they eventually wither and the seed and the associated pappus, which together are called the cypsela, begin to develop.
Stay tuned! I'll have more about us goats next week. Besides us obviously superior Nubian goats, we have Boers , a Sable (Sables are colored Saanens ) but also registered as a separate breed), an Alpine , a Spanish and several mixtures—mostly Boer and...
These became the ancestors of one of today's rarer dual-purpose wool and meat breeds, Navajo-Churros . Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, all of whom raised sheep at their estates, chose American-made woolen suits to wear...