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Iseki Compact Tractor

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My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
Before I knew it, I had driven right across the top of the anthill, and suddenly the mower wasn't moving anymore. The mower was stuck in the first place because it has a differential, in essence a gear train that lets the two rear driving wheels spin...
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
However, they're not as simple to handle as tractors with foot pedals. Rollover Protective Structure Most modern tractors of any significant size and power come equipped with a rollover protection structure to protect the driver from injury in the event...
4 Tractor Types To Consider For Your Farm
These tractors are a great choice if you need a lawn mower that will withstand heavy use and give you options for working on other farm projects. Subcompact Tractor While the smallest of subcompact tractors are similar in appearance to garden tractors,...
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
Depending on your situation, you might get by without four-wheel drive, but the added utility makes it a highly desirable feature. For heavy loads, a rear carrier might be just what you need, because it has more lift capacity and puts the weight on the...
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
Walk-behinds allow you to get your work done and get good exercise while you're at it—truly the best of both worlds for a hobby farmer. A really cool feature of modern European walk-behind tractors is a reversible set of handlebars, putting the operator...
A Look in the Rearview Mirror ...
Bigger isn't always better. If you are heading west out of Spokane, Wash., on Highway 2 the last weekend in August, watch for old combines working in fields on the north side of the road.
Run Your Tractor at Full Throttle? Ask the Tortoise
Under this setup, the mower would run for weeks or even months without needing to be refueled. And when it comes to utility tractors, they have power to spare for simple projects, so you can handle tasks such as pulling a wagon of hay while running your...
3 Things You Didn\'t Know Your Tractor Can Do
Before and after each use, check and service all implements and equipment. In addition to safety features and proper technique, your equipment needs to be prepared for the job at hand.
Should You Mow Your Lawn Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
Once the perimeter has been mowed, determining the best mowing direction for the remainder of the area can be a question of whether the grass is short or long. Keeping your lawn short and tidy is ideal from an aesthetic perspective, and it can also help...
Lamborghini Tractors
Deutz-Fahr tractors are built alongside the Lamborghini tractors, and besides the color difference (Lamborghini in silver and Deutz-Fahr in green), both looked very similar to me. Among the many Italian farmers to whom I have spoken about Lamborghini...
Why I\'m Thankful For The Three-Point Hitch
Designed and improved during the 1920s and 1930s by Harry Ferguson, the three-point hitch first rose to prominence thanks to its use on a series of Ford tractors starting in 1939. Of course, this can apply to all areas of life, even farm machinery .
Change Your Tractor\'s Oil Yourself
If you have a torque wrench and a service manual with torque specs, now's a great time to use them. The filter needs to be tight but not wrenched on. What size and type of oil filter fits the machine?
Use Your Tractor For Grading Your Driveway
Arguably the best option for a hobby farmer is to use an attachment called a box blade . The reason is simple—the driveways on many farms can be quite lengthy, and they're often made of gravel, which can lead to a variety of issues .
Buying New Tires For Old Tractors
These numbers aren't always in the same order, but there will always be a width and rim size. They might also be able to help you find the tire if it is truly rare and even they don't have any in stock.
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
Try to get started early in the afternoon so that you have plenty of time to finish before nightfall—it's no fun trying to put away hay bales in the dark, and if there's still hay on the fields when night comes, it could get wet all over again as dew...
Making (Another) Case for Old Tractors
In addition, the Massey has a very wide wheelbase and sits low to the ground, giving it a low center of gravity ideal for negotiating somewhat hilly hayfields. If you read my articles on this site, then you know that I like old-fashioned, tried-and-true...
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
Work the soil with a digging bar and wiggle the post back and forth to free it from the ground before you let the tractor do the lifting. As always, farm machines have the potential to be dangerous, and caution should always be foremost when using machines...
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
(Although, having the leading edge of the board hover ever so slightly above the ground will help it slide smoothly and not get caught on bumpy ground.) While I wouldn't recommend this approach for huge projects, like clearing a field—you'll obviously...
Big Advice for Your Small Farm Machines
ATV and UTV users riding in dusty conditions should be extra cautious, checking the air filter perhaps daily. Use a designated drive chain lube for this job. This could include maintenance on accessory items such as buckets, winches and snowplows.
Gear Up For Winter With A To-Do List For Farm Tools
As winter approaches, it's time for hobby farmers to prepare their equipment and tools for cold weather. Don't be caught unprepared and searching for your winter gear on the morning that six inches of snow has fallen from the sky.
5 Seasonal Tractor Maintenance Tasks
If either freezing- or boiling-point requirements aren't met, flush and replace the coolant. Wait until the tractor engine has cooled. Carefully pour off oil from the collection pan, and look for signs of metal filings that can indicate other problems,...
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
Use the infographic below to figure out what piece of farm machinery will help you complete your springtime chores. Farmstead cleanup is a multifaceted chore, and the right tools make all the difference.
Farm Storehouse: A Roundup of Products to Help You & Your Operation
Power Wheelbarrow Yardmax's Power Wheelbarrow has a load capacity of 660 pounds and offers the traction and stability needed to move heavy loads across rugged, uneven, muddy and wet landscapes.
Methods & Tools To Remove Tree Stumps
Stump Grinder A stump grinder, as the name implies, is a machine used to grind away stumps and reduce them to chips and dust. You might not want to use a mattock for removing a giant stump from something like a maple tree (that's a lot of tough roots...
Effectively Remove Rocks From Your Fields With These 4 Tools
Of course, removing these rocks can also be troublesome, and if you want rock-free fields you need the appropriate rock-removing tools on hand. One such specimen is the giant rock on the edge of one of my fields—it's about five feet across in every...
Use Your Owner\'s Manual for Tractor Maintenance
Living in the country, you might have a neighbor can turn to for tractor-maintenance advice and counsel, but your tractor owner's manual can give you most of the answers you're looking for.
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
If not, start the engine, and let it warm up before checking the oil. (It prevents the tractor from starting while in gear.) 2. Check the tractor's radiator-fluid level. If you run tires with excessively low tire pressure, tread wear increases dramatically,...