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There\'s Always a Reason: Companion Planting
I have never had the space nor the inclination, unless I give up some of my flower beds, but I surely do get a craving sometimes. All these many years later their knowledge is my treasure.
El Segundo
Hey, What\'s going on in there?
Have you ever wondered how a worm-like striped creature that crawls on many legs can transform itself into the 6 legged velvet winged beauty that is a butterfly? Maybe that would satisfy my curiosity.
El Segundo
There\'s No Coddling These Orchard Pests
Among these are pear ester and acetic acid. Adding acetic acid significantly increases the number of insects caught, though the team found that the most powerful lure resulted from a combination of pear ester, sex pheromone and acetic acid.
Rocks in Your Garden? Leave Them There!
After a couple passes have been made with the tiller, it's time to get out the rake. We have been taught to spend many hours removing them to make the perfect soil. There is no rock pile on our farm.
Plant I.D.: There\'s An App For That
It's a little freaky because it just reminds me that a software program somewhere out there is probably scanning my image to identify me, too. My Garden Answers Plant identification, plant pests and diseases, and gardening advice come with the My Garden...
Borage Varieties – Are There Different Borage Flowers
Home herb gardeners can select from four primary varieties of borage, all equally beautiful and easy to grow. Most borage varieties are fast-growing annuals, but creeping borage is a short-lived perennial suitable for growing in USDA planting zones 5...
Is There Anything Good About Rubber Mulch?
A few gardeners have reported that after rubber mulch was placed around landscape plants, the plants died.I'll have to admit I was wary about this stuff. However, my mind was changed somewhat after a dilemma I faced with my sunroom.I have a "live" solarium...
El Segundo
Why Are There Flies on My Roses?
The affected flowers can wither and turn black. Adult rose midges lay eggs in the flowers; hatched larvae munch on flower buds. Purchase predatory wasps online or at your local nursery.
Santa Monica
Varieties Of Breadfruit – Are There Different Breadfruit Trees
Breadfruit types can be broadly categorized as seeded or seedless, but there are many other differences, including leaf shape, fruit size, and time of ripening.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The different...
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without express permission of the creator.
El Segundo
There\'s Joy to be found in Public Gardens
Many ancient religious rites involved flowers and herbs, both of which were also used for medicinal purposes throughout Europe and the Americas. For over 3000 years we have been fascinated and perplexed by the botanical world.
El Segundo
Hops Plant Types: How Many Hops Varieties Are There
Luckily, there are some easy ways to narrow your selection down.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Hops can be split into three main categories: bittering, aroma, and dual.Bittering hops tend to have a high...
Are There Any Barberry Plants That Are Shade Loving?
William Penn barberries are hardy in zones 5 to 8. This 6-foot-tall, 4-foot-wide shrub blooms with golden flowers and produces purple-black, waxy fruits.Mentor barberries (B. These evergreens bloom with yellow, white and red flowers followed by small...
Santa Monica
Is There a Difference Between Sunflower Nuts and Seeds?
It is often referred to as a seed, whether it is shelled or not. Once shelled, the nuts can go bad quickly, especially after roasting. You may have heard the term "sunflower seeds" used interchangeably with the word "nuts" and wondered if there is a difference.
Santa Monica
There\'s More Food Waste Than You Think, Farmers Say
“I would say at times there is 25 percent of the crop that is just thrown away or fed to cattle,” California farmer Wayde Kirschenman told The Guardian . Even if you pull out a squash that grew in an abnormal shape or a tomato with some discoloration—both...
There\'s Never Been A Better Time To Raise Chickens
If you've been reluctant to fill a coop with hens, you're still buying supermarket eggs, and you've noticed you're shelling out twice the price you were a few months ago, you can thank the bird-flu epidemic .
Hibiscus Varieties – How Many Kinds Of Hibiscus Are There
They are oftenand include Chinese and Red Leaf hibiscus. When you understand what all the options are, you can pick the perfect types of hibiscus for your garden.There is a huge variety of hibiscus plants with a lot of differing qualities, but they all...
Daffodil Varieties – How Many Types Of Daffodils Are There
If the corona is shorter than the petals, it's called a cup. Two varieties of daffodils are known as large-cupped and small-cupped, depending on the size compared to the petals.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Burning Question: Is There a Market for Ugly Food?
It's boring to do the same thing over and over. We took them our pallets full of sweet potatoes and they peeled and packaged them for local restaurants to make sweet potato fries. An arrangement was made with my resourceful friends who manage community...
Types Of Oregano – Are There Different Varieties Of Oregano Herbs
It is a member of the verbena family and has a bold flavor reminiscent of a stronger version of Greek oregano.), also known as Spanish thyme, is a member of the mint family. It is a perennial plant usually harvested in the wild, but it can be grown in...
Empty Pea Pods: Why Are There No Peas Inside Pods
Follow a few simple rules for planting, be patient and make sure you are planting the variety of pea you are expecting to grow to avoid an issue of no peas inside pods. The appearance of flat pods with barely a swelling is more indicative of a snow pea.
Staghorn Fern Varieties: Are There Different Kinds Of Staghorn Ferns
Differences among varieties mean that some are easier than others to grow at home. However, it is one of the more difficult kinds of staghorn fern to grow. This species grows quite large, so make sure you have a strong enough mount and enough space to...
Does Cold Affect Oleander: Are There Winter Hardy Oleander Bushes
Some winter hardy oleander plants include:‘Calypso,” a vigorous bloomer that has single cherry-red flowers‘Hardy Pink' and ‘Hardy Red,' which are two of the most winter hardy oleander plants.
Dutch Elm Protection – Is There Treatment For Dutch Elm Disease
By the 1930s, though, Dutch elm disease had arrived on our shores and began destroying these favorite trees of Main Streets everywhere. As they chew through the tree's tissues, the fungal spores are rubbed off onto tunnel walls where they germinate, causing...
Aroids of the imagination III - What\'s swimming around down there?
These dendrostyles have rings much like trees on Earth, but no woody branches., has an appearance akin to a weeping tree on Earth due to the denser branching, smaller leaflets and gently drooping main leaf divisions..
El Segundo
Is there really such a thing as a blue moon?
I haven't checked the official records but my guess is that a full moon has never been blue in the literal sense. These lunar cycles are further divided into yearly quarters with associated moon phases: Mid Winter, Late Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring,...
El Segundo
Pepper Black Spot – Why Are There Spots On My Peppers
These spots are not raised but the discoloration continues into the fruit. Generally, with fungal disease, once the plant has it there is no cure and the plant should be discarded, although fungicides can occasionally help alleviate symptoms.