Their scientists cut out pieces of a pig's gene sequence so the pig cannot grow to what nature has determined to be the pigs' normal size. « More The News Hog » I personally do not understand the pet-pig attraction, but I know people with pigs who are...
These concerns include the possibility of unknown health issues to humans and the chance that genetically engineered salmon could pose a threat to wild salmon. The “FDA can only require additional labeling of foods derived from GE sources if there is...
In fact, his route, from Spain to the Caribbean, was really the long way. Why were the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere so different? Why weren't the Amerindians better able to defend themselves against the Europeans, whom they clearly outnumbered?
Any kind of sugar added to a food item increases calories which can contribute to added weight gain and increased chance of Type 2 diabetes, so do watch your ingredient labels.One U.S. farmer growing corn as their primary crop provides enough food and...
Sometimes, the corn in packages comes from Israel, and other times, from Spain. Oh sure, corn is grown all over the planet these days, but most of that corn is either grown to […]
Our friend Charles grows sweet corn to sell, so I never bother planting it in my own vegetable garden. Many of us also have vacuum processors as well, and they are great for freezing vegetables.
Regular watering throughout the growing season can prevent this disease.In cooler locations of the U.S. that receive adequate rainfall, the disease is rarely a problem. Then the fungus lies dormant in the soil until a new host is planted, and infectious...
The plant moves nitrogen up the stalk so amanifests itself as corn leaves turning yellow at the base of the plant. Corn needs a lot of water, at least once weekly and depending upon the weather up to every day.
The plants don't always respond well to being moved. These diseases can kill the seedlings or affect them enough that the stands don't grow well. Is a real treat in the summer. Low quality seeds, or seeds that are cracked or carrying a pathogen, are more...
Here are the most probable reasons:– One reason corn plants are not producing ears has to do with irrigation. The end result is a tassel, which is male, and an ear, which is female.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Large crops or severe infestations may require use of a systemic insecticide. Dwarf mosaic virus in corn may also result in root rot. However, when nights are cool, affected plants display reddish blotches or streaks.may take on a bunchy, stunted appearance...
Choose a location with access to irrigation because just like otherplants, popcorn plants require plenty of water during the growing season.and well-filled ears. Cultivate the soil around the plants regularly to eliminate weeds.
After tassels form, corn needs to be watered 1 inch every three days until the corn grow to its full maturity, proper tasseling, silking andare necessary. Corn needs at least 1 inch of water every seven days until it is about 15 inches tall...
The maximum number of potential kernels (ovules) per row is determined a week or so prior to the emergence of the silk, with some reports of up to 1,000 potential ovules per ear. Excessive humidity has the same effect.Sufficient nitrogen is needed in...
Otherwise, your crop will be sparse.If you're thinking about how to grow corn from seed, there are only a few rules to follow. Plant the corn 1 to 2 inches deep in the soil about 9 to 12 inches apart.Mulch will help keep your corn weed-free and will retain...
However, crazy top downy mildew rarely causes significant crop loss.It is usually only found in small portions of cornfields where flooding frequently occurs due to poor drainage or low areas.Most infections of sweet corn with downy mildew occur in spring...
This seems like pollination should be easy. Cool, cloudy, or rainy weather can delay or inhibit pollination.Timing is everything. Each strand of silk is connected to one kernel of corn.Pollination occurs when pollen touches the strand of silk.
The fungus is generally considered an opportunistic fungus, only able to move into the tissues of your corn plants through damaged or torn tissues, but if they get a chance to infect, they waste no time.spores find an opening in your corn, it takes about...
If there is no liquid, you've waited too long.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Corn is best when you harvest it early in the morning.
In more severe cases, you may need to stake the stalks when fixing the knocked over corn.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });You should primarily be concerned with corn that has been blown over if fertilization...
This results in a high concentration of fungal spores originating from earlier planted sweet corn crops, just when the late planted fields contain susceptible young plants.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
This devastating disease can ruin the season's harvest. Tan spots on corn leaves might mean that your crop is suffering from southern corn leaf blight. Here are the symptoms of southern corn leaf blight:Lesions between the veins in the leaves that are...
Should you be removing sucker from corn plants? Sometimes though, if conditions are just right, you may end up with a bonus ear of corn.Tillers appear to have no adverse effect on corn; in fact, as mentioned above, you might possibly get an additional...
Most varieties of dent corn are yellow, although there are white varieties as well which tend to command a premium price in the dry milling industry.Flour corns are most common in the Southwest and are most often ground finely and used in baking, while...
Also, moisture stress during pollination will reduce potential yield, as it interrupts pollination and can cause up to a 50percent reduction.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });There are two diseases that...
These yellow-green beetles are elongated, measure up to about 5/16 inches in length and bear black stripes of various widths or spots on their wing covers.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Larval rootworms...
Even worse, corn borers don't limit their damage to corn and can damage over 300 different garden plants such includingAlso known as the corn root borer, these destructive pests do their damage as larva.