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Sweet Potato Scurf Information: Treating Sweet Potatoes With Scurf
Sweet potatoes should only be planted in scurf free recommended to ensure that sweet potatoes are not planted in the same area within a three to four year period.Crates, baskets, and other storage places of sweet potatoes should be sanitized...
Sweet Potato Vine Division: Tips On Dividing Sweet Potato Vines
Divide winter-stored sweet potatoes as soon as you remove them from storage – after all danger of frost has passed.Carefully dig in-ground tubers from the ground with a garden fork or trowel.
Sweet Potato Black Rot : How To Manage Sweet Potatoes With Black Rot
The disease may be noticeable at harvest or well into storage time or even market.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Black rot of sweet potatoes comes most often from infected roots or splits.
Sweet Potato Plant Starts: How And When To Start Sweet Potato Slips
Let's learn more about starting sweet potato slips for the garden.starts with producing slips from a sweet potato root. You can order sweet potato plant starts from seed catalogs, but it's very simple, and much less expensive, to sprout your own.
Sweet Potato Varieties: Learn About Different Types Of Sweet Potatoes
Skin color of sweet potato types vary widely from creamy white to rosy red, tan, purple or yellow-orange. Read on to learn about a few of the most popular sweet potato varieties.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Potato Vine Plant Leaves: Are Sweet Potato Leaves Edible?
For the big, sweet tubers. Sweet potato vine leaves also provide impressive amounts of fiber, along with calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium and iron.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });in...
Sweet Potato With White Leaves: Ornamental Sweet Potatoes With Bumpy Leaves
If it's potted, move it to an area where air circulation is better, discarding any saucers that may be holding water close to the roots. Ornamental sweet potatoes with bumpy leaves may be suffering from mealybugs, especially if white material covers the...
Sweet Potato Rotting After Harvest – What Causes Sweet Potato Storage Rots
Infected potatoes become soft and wet and rot within a few days. Roots are most susceptible to the disease post-harvest when the relative humidity is 75-85% and the longer the roots are stored.
Care Of Sweet Peas – How To Grow Sweet Peas
Pick off spent flowers to encourage new blossoms.: Sweet pea seeds resemble edible sweet peas, but they are toxic if eaten. Sow the seeds an inch deep, spacing climbing types 6 inches apart and bush types 1 foot apart.
Sweet Potato Root Knot Nematode Control – Managing Nematodes Of Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes with nematodes are a serious problem in both the commercial and home garden. Signs of root knot nematodes include stunted vines and yellowing. Symptoms of root knot nematodes in sweet potatoes are easier to identify than those caused by...
What Is Sweet Potato Pox : Learn About Soil Rot Of Sweet Potatoes
The tubers themselves develop black crusty lesions, become distorted and have dents in places. The easiest way to avoid contaminated soil is through good sanitation practices. In fields that have become infected, planting cannot occur for many years.
Sweet Thorn Information: What Is An Acacia Sweet Thorn Tree
The plant grows 6 to 12 feet tall with a similar spread. Sweet thorn is an attractive and fragrant tree native to southern parts of Africa. For the best growth,regularly until they are established and growing.
Why Don\'t My Sweet Peas Flower – How To Get Sweet Peas Blooming
It might also help to water them as often as possible. Bear in mind, though, that sweet peas don't like to be transplanted in hot weather. To pinpoint the cause in your plant, here are some possibilities to look for:Sweet peas should have direct sunlight...
Sweet Pea Problems: Reasons For Sweet Pea Flowers Falling Off
Remove the faded flowers and seedpods.and seedpods before you go. Even moisture helps prevent many problems with sweet peas.High nitrogen fertilizer results in lush foliage growth at the expense of the buds and flowers.
Sweet Potato Companions: Best Companion Plants For Sweet Potatoes
Are long, vining, warm season plants with sweet, delicious tubers. (18 C.) but easily up to 100 F. (38 C.) – to mature, meaning they often have to be started indoors early in the spring.
Sweet Pea Seedpods: Tips On Collecting Seeds From Sweet Peas
If the pods begin to split, you should pick them right away.Collecting seeds from sweet peas is easy. Bring the seedpods indoors and remove the seeds from the pods. Line a flat surface, such as a countertop or cookie sheet, with newspaper and let the...
How To Pinch Sweet Peas For Fuller Plants
A natural mutation found in the gardens of the English Earl of Spencer, gave us the large flowering varieties of today.When it comes to pinching out sweet peas, there are two schools of gardeners: those that claim pinching sweet peas back ruins the natural...
Ornamental Sweet Potatoes: How To Grow An Ornamental Sweet Potato Plant
Growing sweet potato vines is something every gardener should consider. Suitable for small containers.– Bold, chartreuse green foliage with heart-shaped leaves.– Another less vigorous grower with small pointy leaves that are multicolored and variegated...
Sweet Potato Container Crops – Tips For Growing Sweet Potatoes In Containers
Do not overwater!Container grown sweet potatoes should be ready for harvest after 150 days and certainly just after a vine killing frost.Gently dig up with a garden fork and allow drying and curing for 10 days, ideally in an area with a temperature of...
Sweet Potato Storage – Tips On Storing Sweet Potatoes For Winter
During the curing process, the starches in the tuber turn into sugar, intensifying the buttery sweet flavor and texture of the potato. Then a tepee structure of boards was erected over the pile and more straw packed on top.Earth was gradually mounded...
Companion Planting With Yams – What To Plant Next To Yams
Thinkand sweet potatoes can be difficult to harvest in their entirety. Even though crop rotation is essential, a stray potato left behind is likely to result in a volunteer plant. Rotational crops should not compete with your volunteers and should enhance...
Yellow Sweet Potato Leaves: Why Do Sweet Potato Leaves Turn Yellow
Again, plant disease resistant or tolerant seed that is certified disease free. Destroy all sweet potato detritus once harvesting is completed as well.– Leaf and stem scab causes small brown lesions on the leaf veins, resulting in both curling and raised...
Winterizing A Sweet Potato Vine: Overwintering Ornamental Sweet Potatoes
Remember that occasional watering is part of heeled in ornamental sweet potato winter care. Which way you save your sweet potato vines over winter depends upon how much work you want to do and how cold your region becomes during winter., or sweet potato...
Container Grown Sweet Peas: How To Grow Sweet Pea Flowers In Pots
Luckily, growing sweet peas in containers is easy to do. Since they're so pleasant to have around, you may want to bring them in even closer than your garden. If your summers are very hot and your winters aren't freezing, plant your peas in autumn when...
Information On How To Grow And Harvest Sweet Potatoes
) are a warm weather vegetable; they do not grow like regular. Plant the slips 12 to 18 inches apart on a wide, raised ridge that is about 8 inches tall. When thinking about how to grow sweet potato plants, realize that these particular potatoes grow...
Can You Eat Sweet Peas – Are Sweet Pea Plants Toxic
Even so, this high protein seed, when eaten in excess over prolonged periods, can cause a disease, lathyrism, that results in paralysis below the knees in adults and brain damage in children.
Sweet Peas
In cultivation since the seventeenth century, it is immensely popular as a cut flower. They have tendrils which they use to attach to the supports, but you will need to initially tie the stems to the supports.
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