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Sweet Potato Scurf Information: Treating Sweet Potatoes With Scurf
Scurf is usually spread by sweet potatoes coming into contact with other affected sweet potatoes, contaminated soil, or contaminated storage crates and the like.Scurf can remain in the soil for 2-3 years, especially in soils rich with organic material.
Sweet Potato Vine Division: Tips On Dividing Sweet Potato Vines
If the damaged area is small, trim it off with a knife. Be sure every chunk has at least one “eye,” as this is where new growth begins.Plant the tubers into the soil, about 1 inch deep (2.5 cm.).
Sweet Potato Black Rot : How To Manage Sweet Potatoes With Black Rot
Often, one infected potato can spread the disease through an entire cured and packed lot.Insects are also vectors of the disease, such as sweet potato weevils, common pests of the plants.
Sweet Potato Plant Starts: How And When To Start Sweet Potato Slips
The timing is important if you want to grow large and tasty sweet potatoes. Lay a large sweet potato on top of the moss, and cover it with a 2-inch layer of sand.Sprinkle water on the sand until it's thoroughly moist and cover the box with a sheet of...
Sweet Potato Varieties: Learn About Different Types Of Sweet Potatoes
There are more than 6,000 different varieties of sweet potatoes worldwide, and growers in the United States can select from more than 100 different types.are versatile veggies that may be mild or extra sweet, with flesh of white, red, yellow-orange or...
Potato Vine Plant Leaves: Are Sweet Potato Leaves Edible?
The leaves are prepared much like. Yes, definitely! Next question: what are “camote tops?” The vines of sweet potatoes (especially the deep purple varieties), are known as camote tops (or kamote tops) in Spanish-speaking countries.No matter what you...
Sweet Potato With White Leaves: Ornamental Sweet Potatoes With Bumpy Leaves
Leaves with mite damage often develop a light-colored stippling that may grow into larger bleached areas. Mites can be kept at bay by keeping dust levels low, a quick spray of water on the leaves of your vines when you're watering in the morning goes...
Sweet Potato Rotting After Harvest – What Causes Sweet Potato Storage Rots
The disease presents as brown, firm, dry lesions on the roots. Control root knot nematodes and other insects that can damage the skin of the sweet potatoes and only plant disease free roots that have been treated with fungicide.– Another common fungal...
Care Of Sweet Peas – How To Grow Sweet Peas
Both types are vines, but the bush types don't grow as tall and can support themselves without the aid of a trellis. They prefer long, cool summers, and don't last past spring in areas where summers are hot.
Sweet Potato Root Knot Nematode Control – Managing Nematodes Of Sweet Potatoes
Nematodes of sweet potatoes may either be reniform or root knot. Since a single female can lay up to 3,000 eggs, a severe infestation of root knot nematodes in sweet potatoes can seriously damage a crop.are most abundant in sandy soils.
What Is Sweet Potato Pox : Learn About Soil Rot Of Sweet Potatoes
In the home garden, such infections can render the soil unusable. These might be Covington, Hernandez, and Carolina Bunch.Checking soil pH can also be beneficial where management can be obtained to keep pH from getting too acidic.
Sweet Thorn Information: What Is An Acacia Sweet Thorn Tree
It is often used to help restore ruined mine land and other degraded soil. Read on to find out more about this lovely landscape tree that grows well under the most difficult Southwestern conditions.trees are beneficial wildlife trees.
Why Don\'t My Sweet Peas Flower – How To Get Sweet Peas Blooming
There is nothing you can add to the soil to correct the problem completely, but adding a high phosphorus fertilizer ormay help some. Take your pruners along so you can gather a few flowers to enjoy the easiest one to fix once you've made a...
Sweet Pea Problems: Reasons For Sweet Pea Flowers Falling Off
Lawn fertilizer has a high nitrogen content, so protect your sweet peas when you spread fertilizer over the lawn.Sweet peas don't produce new buds when there are old flowers or seedpods on the vines.
Sweet Potato Companions: Best Companion Plants For Sweet Potatoes
Regular, though not actually closely related at all, are also good sweet potato companions., are good sweet potato companions. Keep reading to learn about companion plants for sweet potatoes.So what are some of the best companion plants for sweet potatoes?
Sweet Pea Seedpods: Tips On Collecting Seeds From Sweet Peas
If you harvest the sweet pea seedpods before they are completely mature, they won't germinate. Choose an heirloom variety for saving seeds. If you want to plant them in another location or share your seeds with a friend, however, follow these easy instructions...
How To Pinch Sweet Peas For Fuller Plants
If you're a beginning gardener or just new to growing this lovely vine, you might want to experiment by pinching sweet peas in half your bed and allowing the rest to grow naturally.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Ornamental Sweet Potatoes: How To Grow An Ornamental Sweet Potato Plant
Grown and cared for like average houseplants, these attractive vines add a little something extra to the home or patio. Also a less vigorous grower. Stem cuttings can also be placed in water with rooting taking place within a few weeks.Sweet potato vines...
Sweet Potato Container Crops – Tips For Growing Sweet Potatoes In Containers
To increase the humidity, place the sweet potatoes in boxes or crates and cover them with paper or cloth, or pack in perforated plastic bags.Store in a cool, dry place between 55-60 F.
Sweet Potato Storage – Tips On Storing Sweet Potatoes For Winter
Once the curing process has been finished, the sweet potatoes are ready to be packed for long term storage. The base of the circle was covered with straw and the potatoes piled up in a cone structure.
Companion Planting With Yams – What To Plant Next To Yams
Yams will sprawl with vine-like growth, so using plants such asYams are tropical and subtropical species. When you are starting your tubers is the best time to decide what to plant next to yams.
Yellow Sweet Potato Leaves: Why Do Sweet Potato Leaves Turn Yellow
Unfortunately, if the plant is afflicted, the tubers, even if they look fine, will become increasingly affected by rot in storage. Read on to learn why sweet potato leaves turn yellow.This vining, herbaceous perennial, of the family Convolvulaceae, is...
Winterizing A Sweet Potato Vine: Overwintering Ornamental Sweet Potatoes
The plants will only need water once or twice per month in winter, as they are not actively growing.Another way of winterizing a sweet potato vine is to simply bring them indoors. Treat with horticultural soap and a good rinsing if any little bugs are...
Container Grown Sweet Peas: How To Grow Sweet Pea Flowers In Pots
Keep reading to learn more about how to grow sweet pea flowers in pots.When growing sweet peas in containers, the main concern is giving them something to climb. If your summers are very hot and your winters aren't freezing, plant your peas in autumn...
Information On How To Grow And Harvest Sweet Potatoes
Growing sweet potatoes require a long frost-free growing season . Otherwise, the soil won't be warm enough for these plants to grow.When you grow and harvest sweet potatoes, from the moment you plant the slips, it takes only six weeks for the sweet potatoes...
Can You Eat Sweet Peas – Are Sweet Pea Plants Toxic
The first written record of the sweet pea appeared in 1695 in the writings of Francisco Cupani. So, are sweet pea plants toxic, or are sweet pea blossoms or pods edible?. These romantic annual climbers are known for their vivid colors, aroma and lengthy...
Sweet Peas
Sweet peas are one of the most delightful cut flowers and provide wonderful long lasting blooms in the vase.Sweet peas come in numerous colours, mainly white, pink, red, lavender, pale blue, maroon and cream, and there are bi-colours and some with stripes...
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