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Is Lettuce Good For You

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What Is Escarole: Learn How To Grow Escarole In The Garden
Blanch escarole 2-3 weeks before harvesting when the exterior leaves are 4-5 inches long. You can blanch several different ways.The most common methods is to simply pull the outer leaves together and secure them with a rubber band or string.
Lettuce Snail And Slug Control – How To Solve Lettuce Mollusk Problems
Since they're attracted to yeast, setting a shallow plate of beer into the garden overnight often captures many of these problematic plant-eaters.You may be able to find molluscicdal baits at your local gardening store.
Lettuce Aphid Information – How To Control Aphids In Lettuce
Most folks dislike the idea of ingesting a little extra protein in the form of a bug in their salad, and I am no exception. I've tried this. Some have black markings on the abdomen as well, and may be winged or wingless.Lettuce aphid information informs...
How To Grow Endive Lettuce
This will give your endive a great start. If you're thinking about starting your vegetable garden, you might be asking yourself, “How do I grow endive?” Growing endive really isn't too terribly difficult.
How To Grow Arugula – Growing Arugula From Seed
Argula grows best in a sunny location although itTo satisfy that itch we gardeners get each spring to harvest something we have planted, there's nothing like growing arugula. It's a specialty item in the lettuce section of your grocery that can be costly.
Growing Lettuce In The Garden – How To Grow Lettuce
You want the soil worked out so there are no clumps.Like many vegetables, lettuce enjoys sunny areas of the garden. You don't have to worry much about frost, but the ground must be workable.
My Lettuce Seedlings Are Dying: What Causes Damping Off Of Lettuce
But it's relatively simple to prevent. Once seedlings germinate, remove any cover that came with your seed starting tray to allow air circulation.Once a seedling is infected, don't try to save it.
Harvesting Leaf Lettuce: How And When To Pick Leaf Lettuce
That's because they tend to think that the entire head of lettuce should be dug out when harvesting leaf lettuce. Read on to find out how to harvest leaf lettuce using this a cool weather crop and, although it needs sun, is one of the few crops...
Picking Lettuce Heads: How To Harvest Lettuce
A second washing before use may be needed. Morning is the best time for the harvest as heads will be at their freshest.Learning how to pick lettuce using these guidelines allows the vegetable to be harvested at the peak of freshness.
Common Diseases Affecting Lettuce Plants: Tips For Treating Lettuce Diseases
If you live in an area of more consistent precipitation and cooler temperatures, try planting fungal disease resistant lettuce such as ‘Optima' to prevent lettuce seedling diseases from taking hold.Bottom rot, another fungal lettuce disease caused by,...
How To Grow Lettuce In A Container
A clay pot provides a permeable surface that can evaporate any excess water and prevent soggy roots. The leaves will grow back and then you can cut away the entire plant. Some recommended varieties for growing lettuce in pots are Black Seeded Thompson...
Different Lettuce Types: Varieties Of Lettuce For The Garden
Some iceberg lettuce varieties include: Ballade, Crispino, Ithaca, Legacy, Mission, Salinas, Summertime and Sun Devil, all of which mature in 70-80 days.Somewhat between the lettuce types Crisphead and Looseleaf, Summer Crisp is a large lettuce variety...
Cleaning Lettuce: How To Clean And Store Garden Lettuce
No one wants to eat dirty or sandy lettuce, but no one wants to wind up sick either. Improper storage can also harbor bacteria that can make you extremely sick.Cleaning lettuce isn't difficult.
Growing Microgreens: Planting Lettuce Microgreens In Your Garden
(16 C.) for germination. They're ready for harvest when they reach the true leaf stage — generally at about 2 inches tall. They should be washed thoroughly to ensure that no pathogen or contamination is present.
Lettuce And Frost: Does Lettuce Need To Be Protected From Frost
To protect lettuce in frost prone areas, plant romaine or butterhead lettuce, which are the most cold-tolerant.When frost is predicted, cover the garden with sheets or towels to provide some protection.
Growing Lettuce Indoors: Information On Caring For Indoor Lettuce
Check the soil moisture daily and water as needed. Water each container thoroughly and keep the soil warm. Allow a little space between each seed. Select only high quality, loamy potting soil; organic is best and will offer the most nutrients.Place two...
Regrowing Lettuce In Water: Caring For Lettuce Plants Growing In Water
Be sure to change the water in the dish every day or so.After a couple of days, roots will begin to grow at the bottom of the stump and leaves will begin to form. Lettuce plants growing in water don't get enough nutrients to make a whole head of lettuce,...
Why Lettuce Has Flowers: Tips For Preventing Bolting Lettuce Plants
For some reason, when we don't want vegetable plants to flower, such as, we call it bolting instead of flowering. We're more likely to be aggravated that we did not get it out of the ground soon enough.and lettuce, bolt when chilly spring days turn into...
Mesclun Greens – What Is Mesclun And How To Grow It
Today, the notion of salad mixes has expanded to include many other varieties of greens and herbs. Plant them with leafy herbs to harvest at the same time such as cilantro, parsley and basil.
Companion Plants For Lettuce: What To Plant With Lettuce In The Garden
Is a popular choice in most vegetable gardens, and for good reason. Not every vegetable grows well next to every other vegetable, though. These companion plants for lettuce include:This isn't an exhaustive list of lettuce plant companions, but it is a...
Head Lettuce Problems: What To Do For No Head On Lettuce Plants
Head lettuces like iceberg and romaine require cool temperatures and grow well in spring or fall in most zones. Spread a thin, 1/8-inch layer of fine soil over the seeds and keep lightly moist.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Frisee Plant Information: Tips For Growing Frisee Lettuce
Growing frisee lettuce is easy enough and it will add frilly texture to both your beds and your salad bowl. The leaves are green on the outside and paler and more yellow on the inside.
Bitter Tasting Lettuce – Why Is My Lettuce Bitter?
Fertilize regularly, but don't get carried away. Let the leaves soak about five to 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly in cold water and then soak them again for a few more minutes. When temperatures rise, the plant snaps into maturation mode and— sends out...
Common Lettuce Pests: Lettuce Pest Control Information
Keep reading to learn more about these pests and when lettuce insecticide may be necessary for control.There are a number of pests that attack lettuce plants. First they suck the water and nutrients from the plant tissue, resulting in the curling of leaves...
Care Of Water Lettuce: Info And Uses For Water Lettuce In Ponds
So what is water lettuce?, is in the family Araceae and is a perennial evergreen that forms large floating colonies that can be invasive if left unchecked. An evergreen, the long dangling roots serve as a safe haven for fish but, otherwise, water lettuce...
Gardening Is Good For You—Science Says So!
Healthy, smart and communicative students—what's not to love about that? Sometimes, the act of caring for another living thing, even a plant, can have positive effects on people.
Growing for Good
When Susman and Monbouquette stopped in Seattle, Wash., they experienced their most memorable moment: milking goats with the Goat Justice League. From children swiftly entering their teenage years to small towns hastily developing into cities, growth...