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Package-free Shopping
When an Austin, Texas, grocer, i n.gredients , opens this fall, it will cater to eco-minded shoppers hungry for package-free goods. Since shoppers will be required to bring their own containers (which might be an empty wine bottle for a refill or a Tupperware...
Free-flowering Yellow Flax
It and the black and white botanical sketch are courtesy of Yellow flax was one of the first houseplants I grew back in the dark ages when I was a young and beginning gardener.
El Segundo
Free Backyard Chickens Webinar
This week, Nov. Based in Atlanta, Ga., he's helped countless people start their own backyard flocks. Highlighting […] 1 to 7, 2010, the USDA's Biosecurity for Birds campaign will celebrate Bird Health Awareness Week to promote awareness about the diseases...
Organic ... and Mosquito Free
Mosquitoes may also carry dangerous diseases like West Nile virus. Your pesticide-free garden or farm already has nature's own way of holding down mosquitoes. After a resting, pupal stage of a few days, the adult mosquito emerges.
Free Worms Promote Vermicomposting
Worms are taking center stage in the fight against food waste. Inspired by the community exchanges happening through websites like Craigslist and Freecycle, Gordon launched an online group through Yahoo to connect residents who were willing to share information...
DIY Hydroponics Free Plans
For systems that require a pump, you can still build a small scale version before you take on a large crop, but you may have to invest in a lot of PVC piping, as well as a pump and a tub for a nutrient reservoir.
Santa Monica
Tips for Pest-Free Tomatoes
~ Excerpts from “Classic Crops” by Andy Tomolomis found in Popular Farmingtm Series Organic Farm , now available for purchase online . Stop fungal diseases before they attack the entire plant by rotating crops away from previous seasons' fungal spots:...
Keep Backyard Flocks Salmonella-free
In the past five years, nine studies have been completed throughout the U.K., all of which indicate that egg operations with caged hens have higher incidences of salmonella. The U.K. egg industry takes the completely opposite stance.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags leaf compost , vegetable garden You can do this either after or before seeding (I prefer after so it helps protect the seeds from marauding birds and holds it in place until germination).
Kentucky Offers Free Gelding Clinic
Contact Sheila Forbes at the Kentucky Horse Park, or 859-233-4305 for an application. “The threats facing Kentucky's horses can be overcome when horse owners take their responsibilities seriously and provide good stewardship and when other good people...
Keep Your Tomatillos Beetle-Free
The plants are highly-branched and sprawling, and each plant bears dozens of husked fruits, each about 1 to 2 inches across. These selections have a tart flavor that's perfect for making fresh salsa verde.
Free Dairy-processing Resource Released
As the market for rare-breed dairy products grows, new farmers interested in this venture must be wise and informed in order to create financial success and to serve conservation, it says.
The Secret To Free Firewood
Because pallets have a short lifespan, the heads of the cheap nails in pallets are a rusty reddish-brown, indicating they haven't been galvanized, aka coated with zinc. And a chain saw will throw wood chips in your face, so a face shield is a good investment.
Keeping Your Fields Tree-Free
When people think of weeds, they tend to think of thistle plants, invasive species and such, but because the definition of a weed is “a plant growing where it's not wanted,” it's possible for any plant to be considered a weed.
My Top Ten Stress-free Plants
This will effectively raise the iris out of the heavy clay soil. Many varieties are fragrant. Tall bearded irises are hardy to the extreme upper Midwest. I hope you have gleaned some bit of information from my list.
El Segundo
How to Remove Trees for Free
If the trees are near the street, it is likely that the city owns them and will remove them at no charge, if necessary.Post ads, either in stores, laundromats or online bulletin boards, advertising free wood for anyone willing to cut it up and haul it...
Santa Monica
How to Keep Rose Bushes Insect-Free
If you have roses that have been invaded by insects, there are a number of ways to get rid of these annoying garden pests. Let the food chain take its course.Prune any diseased leaves and canes and discard cuttings away from rose beds.
Santa Monica
Prune Your Evergreens for Free Holiday Decor
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags holly , pruners , pruning Clean the clippers with a 10-percent bleach solution when moving to a new plant to stave of the spread of disease. Never remove more than one-third of the total height and volume of a tree or...
How Free-Range Chickens Benefit Your Soil
After harvesting all of the squash he wants from the patch, Rhodes will turn the chickens loose in the area to bring down the vegetation. Whether you're using chickens as a large mobile unit to fertilize and improve the soil structure of fields and pasture...
Growing Pansies: Care-free Cool Weather Color
The new transplants will be able to produce a better root system before having to support a great number of flowers. They are joyfully carried home by gardeners who are longing for a living spot of green, gold, and purple to herald the coming of Spring.In...
El Segundo
Free-Range Vs. Pastured Poultry: What\'s The Difference?
Therefore, our goal is to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of different husbandry systems with respect to poultry health, food safety, welfare, production efficiency and the environment in order to mitigate any potential problems.
Cornmeal As Weed Killer And Pest Control: How To Use Cornmeal Gluten In The Garden
Cornmeal gluten, commonly referred to as corn gluten meal (CGM), is the by-product of corn wet milling. Be sure to wait to apply in flower and vegetable beds where seeds are sown at least until the seeds are grown up a bit.
Find The Best Possible Use For Free Plants
The beds include a rain garden, a butterfly garden, a medicinal garden, native grasses and a vegetable garden, all accompanied by the soothing sounds of a water feature. I'm sneaking in chocolate and apple mints along with wild basil in the concrete-confined...
Our Top Picks For Confinement & Free-Ranging Chickens
Barred Rock Rocks are happy, intelligent chickens that much prefer free-ranging over confinement, and they're popular on today's small farms. Ancona Anconas are highly active chickens that prefer to free-range in a large space.
3 Ways to Keep a Pest-free Garden
Here are a few more of my favorites: 1. (In fact, it's an ingredient in many toothpastes and Kaopectate.) One commonly found brand of kaolin clay is Surround WP. Insects don't like landing on the powder, nor do they like how it clings to their legs and...
UF Hack: Garden For Free By Swapping Seeds
Tags hacks , save seeds , saving seeds , swap seeds About the Author: Lynsey Grosfield is the founder of BiodiverSeed , a global seed swap network devoted to the exchange of self-harvested, organic and heirloom seeds with the goal of preserving maximum...
Campbell\'s To Move To Organic, GMO-Free Products
Campbell's To Move To Organic, GMO-Free Products Campbell's To Move To Organic, GMO-Free Products – Urban Farm Campbell's soup organic GMO-free Campbell Soup Company announces plans...