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The Sweet Gum Tree
Native Americans reportedly made a preparation of the balsam to treat fevers and wounds. In the Appalachians, people dipped the twigs in whiskey and nibbled them to clean their teeth.
El Segundo
Black Gum Tree Facts
Male and female trees produce flowers, but in the absence of a male pollinizer, a female tree cannot bear fruit. In sloped yards that wash away in heavy rains, black gum helps with erosion control.
Santa Monica
Differences Between Maple & Sweet Gum
Southern nicknames for sweetgum include red gum and alligator wood. Sweetgum seed delivery involves 1-to-1 1/4-inch-sized balls containing many individual fruits, ending in sharp-pronged points and each containing one or two long-winged seeds.
Santa Monica
What is Gum of Aloe?
However, different varieties and species of the plant are grown as agricultural products in large farms in South Africa, Kenya, Venezuela and Mexico.Gum of aloe is found in the inside of all aloe plant leaves.
Santa Monica
Wild Chewing Gum: Compass Plant
It was a treatment for rheumatism, a diuretic, and as a general tonic just to help people feel better. I chewed on sourweed, sucked honeysuckle, tasted clover to see what the bees found so interesting, and chomped around on twigs from the sassafras tree.
El Segundo
Free Garden Stuff
I imagine that finding free stuff used to be the primary means of gardening. The cherry and yellow pear bed will also be important, as will the sauce tomatoes bed. We dug these bulbs up in the garden of an abandoned villa last fall.
Package-free Shopping
Reuse plastic: Tortillas and loaves of bread almost always come in plastic bags. Since shoppers will be required to bring their own containers (which might be an empty wine bottle for a refill or a Tupperware container with a lid for dry goods) or make...
When Do Sweet Gum Trees Drop Balls?
Colloquially, Americans dub them sticky balls, itchy balls, monkey balls, space bugs, gum balls and ankle twisters. Native across much of eastern North America, the sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) produces hundreds of golf ball-sized seed pods or capsules...
Santa Monica
Black Gum - Another Great Native Tree for Landscapes
The swamp tupelo grows in association with other species preferring this same habitat, such as swamp maple, buttonbush, buckwheat tree, and others. In all seasons, it has something interesting to observe and appreciate.
El Segundo
Free-flowering Yellow Flax
Being such an amiable and free-flowering species, it bloomed its head off under my grow lights in the dead of winter, feeding my delusion that I had a green thumb. I would learn shortly that not all flowers are as easy to please!
El Segundo
Free Backyard Chickens Webinar
He's the founder of the Atlanta Backyard Poultry Meetup group, which boasts nearly 900 members. As the number of backyard chickens increases, so does the need for owners to learn about keeping their flocks healthy.
Organic ... and Mosquito Free
One tablespoon of the bits are sprinkled into standing water every two weeks during mosquito season to kill mosquito larvae before they can develop and emerge as adult insects. Your pesticide-free garden or farm already has nature's own way of holding...
Free Worms Promote Vermicomposting
Colin Anderson started the Toronto Worm Exchange in 2008. Since its inception in 2005, the Yahoo group has grown to 315 members, but Gordon believes the program has a much broader reach.
DIY Hydroponics Free Plans
The Wick technique can hold several plants while taking up only a few feet in front of a window in an apartment, so it is an appealing choice for hydroponic gardeners with limited space.Many sites publish free hydroponics plans, so you can build your...
Santa Monica
Tips for Pest-Free Tomatoes
Stop fungal diseases before they attack the entire plant by rotating crops away from previous seasons' fungal spots: pluck off yellowing leaves from the bottom of the plant taking care not to touch healthy foliage; burn or throw the diseased foliage out...
Keep Backyard Flocks Salmonella-free
If you participate in a walk where a lot of people will be in contact with your chickens or equipment, prevent chicken diseases by taking biosecurity measures, such as using disinfectant foot baths and restricting visitor contact with your flock.
Is a Eucalyptus Tree the Same As a Gum Tree?
Eucalyptus trees are colloquially called gum trees in their native Australia, and the nickname has spread to other parts of the world. The nickname describes the scented sap that oozes down the trunk and hardens into gummy clumps.Not all trees that incorporate...
Santa Monica
Take Advantage of Free Compost
As always, wear gloves when working with any compost or manure products and wash well when you're done. I learned that the majority of our group (six out of eight) doesn't take advantage of the free leaf compost given away by our municipality.
Kentucky Offers Free Gelding Clinic
“The threats facing Kentucky's horses can be overcome when horse owners take their responsibilities seriously and provide good stewardship and when other good people make up their minds to get involved,” says John Nicholson, executive director of...
Keep Your Tomatillos Beetle-Free
These little buggers can completely defoliate a tomatillo plant in short order. These selections have a tart flavor that's perfect for making fresh salsa verde. There are many different tomatillo varieties, though some are more difficult to find than...
Free Dairy-processing Resource Released
In response to positive feedback about its dairy processing workshop, the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy releases a related workbook available online to all hobby farmers. The ALBC recently released the Dairy Processing 101 course workbook online...
The Secret To Free Firewood
Pretty quickly, I have a blocky pile of ready-to-burn oak that I can load on a wheelbarrow and carry to the wood shed. I have one, but it hasn't seen a lot of action since I decided I'd rather just drop off my dull chains and pay someone to keep them...
Keeping Your Fields Tree-Free
A pair of pruning shears will do a fantastic job, but don't skimp on size—get a large, strong, powerful pair that will last a long time and cut through just about anything you might encounter.
Silver Princess Gum Tree Info: Caring For Silver Princess Eucalyptus Trees
Silver princess eucalyptus is a graceful, weeping tree with powdery blue-green foliage. This striking tree, sometimes referred to as silver princess gum tree, displays fascinating bark and unique pink or red flowers with yellow anthers in late winter...
How to Get a Sweet Gum Tree to Stop Producing Balls
If a sweet gum is flowering when the chemical induces ethylene production, it responds by aborting the flowers.Timing is everything when you spray a sweet gum to prevent its fruits from forming.
Santa Monica
My Top Ten Stress-free Plants
In my heavy Midwestern clay soil I planted my irises in a slightly raised bed. At the very least, I hope you have chosen a few of them to try in your garden. This will effectively raise the iris out of the heavy clay soil.
El Segundo
What Is Eucalyptus Pauciflora – How To Grow A Snow Gum Eucalyptus
The bark is smooth in shades of white, gray, and occasionally red. They contain oil glands that make them glisten in the sunlight in a very distinctive way. A beautiful, showy tree native to Australia, the Snow Gum eucalyptus is a tough, easy to grow...