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Weed-Control Goats
Weeds are tasty to most goats, which are natural browsers. Tags goat , goats Goats of different sizes are a good idea in a herd of weed-control goats since each size goat will focus on plants that are most suitable or readily accessible to its stature.
3 Tips For the Best-Tasting Goat\'s Milk
Step 3 After milking, put your filtered goat's milk into your glass canning jar, and pull the bucket of brine out of the freezer. Once you filter your milk, follow the same procedure in the cooled water.
Goat Stats
Grows constantly. Color varies by breed and coat color. Nostrils: narrow, just above the mouth; good sense of close-up smell to discern feed Mouth: Upper jaw has no teeth and a hard palate; lower jaw has 8 incisors and 24 molars.
Myotonic Goats
Level 2 Very rarely stiffens, never falls. They give me a reason to get going every morning in any kind of weather,” Mike adds. As medium-sized goats, they require less feed and less dewormer, they take up less pasture space and they fit in smaller...
Chicken Vs. Goat Manure: Which Is Best?
Be aware that manure contains salt in varying levels. (Don't tell that to the rabbit people, though.) It ranks as one of the highest in nitrogen levels and has ample phosphorus. Not just any poop, of course; this presentation was about building quality...
Colostrum for Your Livestock Bottle Babies
Alternately, use an oral IgG (immunoglobulin) supplement designed for your baby's species; they're expensive, but they have a refrigerator shelf life of two years—if you raise many babies, sooner or later you'll need it.
Sew a Goat Harness for Pulling
Pad the center 8 to 10 inches. Send me your question! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags Martok , sew Mom uses cotton longe lines, so she finishes the cut ends with a blanket stitch using strong button thread.
Goat Health How-To: Injection And Drenching
If there is a little air, depress the plunger slightly until a tiny bit of the medicine squirts out, displacing the air. If you try it from the side, you will probably push the needle all the way back out the other side and squirt the meds outside your...
When To Breed Young Dairy Goats for Milk
The university publications Uzzi and I read agree that it's possible to breed doelings the year they're born but only under certain conditions. Also, you must feed them very carefully so that they can continue growing while gestating kids.
Can This Goat Pass as a Reindeer?
In a 2002 South Park Christmas special called “Red Sleigh Down,” Santa calls his reindeer Steven, Fluffy, Horace, Chantel, Skippy, Rainbow, Patches and Montel. Rudolph made his big-screen debut in a cartoon released in 1944.
Mm-mmm, Milk!
The pots were used to store butter, cheese or yogurt! The ancient people who lived at the Takarkori rock shelter were processing milk to make it more digestible. It was good! Then Mom said we got too old for milk, and we started eating hay instead.
5 Flies Bothering Your Goats—And How To Stop Their Bites
The soap residue builds up over about a week, so wet your goat and bathe it off. Stable flies prefer to feed in early morning and again in the late afternoon, so keeping your goats indoors during the day can help protect them from stable flies.
For Hardy Dairy Goats, Look To The Swiss Alps
Today, the Saanen is registered by the ADGA and the AGS and is represented by the National Saanen Breeders Association. Alpines International is a worldwide club dedicated to promoting both strains of Alpine.
Protect Your Goats From CAE
Sometimes it might be impractical to remove all CAE-infected goats, so heat-treating colostrum and discontinuing use of common needles and instruments between goats is recommended as they are the most common means of spreading the virus.
Meet Sweetie, the Pygmy Goat
People bring their animals to sale barns to sell them fast, but they're not good places to buy. Keep the animal in quarantine for at least three weeks—four is better. She's a Pygmy goat.
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Dairy & Meat Goats
The exact amount your goat will need is going to depend upon age, health and number of kids it's expected to have. While goats don't make use of poor-quality feeds—think straw—very well, they are able to digest browse feeds, because they mostly eat...
New Kids: Esme and Jimmy
Gopher ears are just a ring of skin around the ear opening. Jimmy and Esme are only 2 weeks old, but they're learning fast. They live in the house in a big crate separate from Milo's.
Fecal Egg Counts: Why & How to Do Your Own
With time and practice, you will get better at identifying them. To help combat resistance and ensure that you will have options when you need them, I highly recommend doing your own fecal egg counts.
Goat Farming Business Plan
Visit other goat farmers to get a feel for what all goes into the daily operations. Here are some of the more popular breeds in each category. Before bringing goats to your farm, get a book or two on general goat care and locate your nearest vet so that...
The Birds and Bees—Goat Edition
When she's ready to breed, she stands with her head slightly lowered, her legs braced and her tail to one side, and she'll probably urinate if another goat sniffs her. —Abigail Abigail, that's a good question.
7 Medicines For Your Goat First-Aid Kit
If not, start your goat on the fortified B and take it to the vet as soon as possible. All of the following items can be bought either at a feed store or drugstore and do not require a prescription.
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
We also have an acute sense of smell. Nowadays the proper terms are doe and buck , and a castrated male is a wether . And we love to climb on things, like cars, tractors, haystacks, the roof of your house or anything else that intrigues us.
Crazy Goat Lady
Wow! They chose Mom because she writes to support us animals instead of using her money to buy conventional things and because of Milo—they'd never heard of a house goat before. Milo stood on the couch with Mom while she read him a story called “The...
Working Animals On The Farm: Goats
It will be able to carry more weight as it matures, but it helps the animal to get used to carrying a load. Many owners of working goats find cross breeds to be ideal for tasks such as hauling.
When Is It Time To Help A Doe In Labor?
I generally pull kids any time a body part has come out and gone back in more than a few times. In our herd, some does will come back to the barn and have kids on the ground within 10 minutes.
Learn 4 Proper Techniques For Milking A Goat
Make sure the milking room smells clean, and avoid milking a goat anywhere that has unpleasant odors. (Learn how to construct a simple stanchion for milking here .) However, there are subtle details associated with milking a goat that such procedures...
Working Goats
Mom is writing an article for the September/October 2013 issue of Hobby Farm Home that will show you how to make him a harness and wagon and teach your goat to pull it. Even studly bucks like me can work when we aren't in breeding mode, but because of...