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Weed-Control Goats
In today's world, where most people buy their meat and dairy in the grocery store and wear clothing made from synthetic materials, some goats have found new ways to help humans get through the day.
3 Tips For the Best-Tasting Goat\'s Milk
Before you go out to milk, submerge the frozen water bottles in a bucket of cold tap water. Step 4 Allow the milk to cool to 60 degrees F. We've tried so many other chilling methods and this is still our favorite because of its rapid cooling time.
Goat Stats
Consists of wall, sole and frog. Use these quick facts to better understand how your goats operate. Color varies by breed and coat color. Nostrils: narrow, just above the mouth; good sense of close-up smell to discern feed Mouth: Upper jaw has no teeth...
Myotonic Goats
Some breeders select for extreme stiffness and others don't, but myotonia is the primary hallmark of the breed. They're happy, healthy, well-adjusted and well-adapted.” Pat Cotten concurs.
Chicken Vs. Goat Manure: Which Is Best?
High nitrogen levels have a drawback: Nitrogen is hot. Your backyard livestock have more to offer than eggs and milk: They can provide fertilizer for your garden as well. I've put goat manure in the garden in the early spring and those beds are ready...
Colostrum for Your Livestock Bottle Babies
This article contains excerpts from Bottle Babies, by Sue Weaver, a Hobby Farms contributing editor. Babies that don't ingest enough colostrum are much more likely to succumb to disease during infancy.
Sew a Goat Harness for Pulling
I haven't learned because I'm a studly buck, and when I get excited, I sometimes pee on things, like the person holding onto my lead. Continue down and back up through the ring. (Four different pieces will attach to that ring: the connector strap No
Goat Health How-To: Injection And Drenching
Use your arm and body positioning to level out the head. The easiest way to achieve the right position is to either straddle the goat or stand beside the front legs and put an arm around the neck.
When To Breed Young Dairy Goats for Milk
Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities “ Reproductive Management of Sheep and Goats ” says doelings should weigh at least 60 percent of their adult weight. If you breed your doelings this year, be sure to pen breed them.
Can This Goat Pass as a Reindeer?
In 1998, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie was released and became an instant Christmas hit. Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer made his appearance in a booklet written in 1939 by Robert L.
Mm-mmm, Milk!
It's digested in human intestines by lactase, an enzyme that helps break lactose into smaller sugars. After that, their descendants who inherited that gene could drink milk. Lactose is milk sugar.
5 Flies Bothering Your Goats—And How To Stop Their Bites
Most black flies are daytime feeders that target animals' ears. The swelling and itch that follow can last for two weeks or more. Stable flies prefer to feed in early morning and again in the late afternoon, so keeping your goats indoors during the day...
For Hardy Dairy Goats, Look To The Swiss Alps
The Alpine's ears are upright, and the face is straight. Alpines International is a worldwide club dedicated to promoting both strains of Alpine. The French Alpine was first imported from Paris to the U.S. in 1922 by goat fancier Dr. Charles P.
Protect Your Goats From CAE
This article was writted by Jim Evermann, professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University, and was vetted by...
Meet Sweetie, the Pygmy Goat
Some people Mom's friend knows bought Sweetie at a sheep and goat auction at a place called a sale barn. Keep the animal in quarantine for at least three weeks—four is better. Sweetie had a squinty eye caused by pinkeye and a deep cough when she went...
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Dairy & Meat Goats
The animal's diet should also start to contain a high-energy feed, such as grain, if none was being offered before. This keeps the animal healthy as well as reduces the chance of the kids dying or developing health problems shortly after kidding.
New Kids: Esme and Jimmy
But they are family now and we love them. Milo is 6 weeks old and never makes a mess in the house. They are 3/4 LaMancha and 1/4 Nubian , like Uzzi and me, but they look like LaMancha kids.
Fecal Egg Counts: Why & How to Do Your Own
Fecal flotation solution: You can buy this commercially ($15 to $20 per gallon when purchased online) or make your own . A textbook or chart with photographs of common goat parasite eggs: We use a textbook that a vet friend gave us, but there are many...
Goat Farming Business Plan
If it's fiber you're interested in, however, bring cashmere goats to your farm. They also need access to a salt block and minerals for the best health and performance. Feel free to get creative here, and challenge yourself.
The Birds and Bees—Goat Edition
Sometimes we flap our tongues and the sound we make while we do that is called blubbering, but sometimes we also whoop real loud. I'm a good boy, so I don't. I do that a lot when I'm in rut.
7 Medicines For Your Goat First-Aid Kit
All of the following items can be bought either at a feed store or drugstore and do not require a prescription. In addition to basic first-aid supplies, here is a list of things I like to keep in my goat medicine chest at all times.
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
Except under unusual circumstances (like when Katy rushes to butt one of our dogs) we don't back up, lower our heads and then race toward opponents the way rams do. If chased, we scatter.
Crazy Goat Lady
So they sent three nice people from the Barkley ad agency in Kansas City, Mo., all the way here to make a mini-documentary about us. Wow! They chose Mom because she writes to support us animals instead of using her money to buy conventional things and...
Working Animals On The Farm: Goats
The earlier a goat is trained, the easier it is for its handler to work with, especially as it gets older and stronger. As with horses (known as geldings), this results in a calmer, more docile and easier-to-work-with male.
When Is It Time To Help A Doe In Labor?
If it feels roomy you can keep going to see if you can feel anything or wait a little bit longer and let her push a couple more times to get things closer to start assessing what you have.
Learn 4 Proper Techniques For Milking A Goat
Animal stress, poor hygiene, improper milk handling and environmental factors are common causes of mistakes that occur when milking a goat. Always squirt the first streams of milk into a strip-cup and check for abnormalities.
Working Goats
We goats are smart, so it's easy to teach us to do lots of fun things. Even studly bucks like me can work when we aren't in breeding mode, but because of our autumn aroma, we don't usually learn to drive or pack.