At Mockingbird Meadows we grow ginseng in the front flower bed underneath the hawthorn tree . I spent last evening watching “The Lorax” with my kids. Ginseng can be harvested sustainably, in a manner that ensures natural stands continue to stay healthy...
Therefore they are a healthy diet choice!Important when using leeks in cooking is to clean them well, since they often contain sandy residue.To clean, trim the greener part of the leaves and cut off the roots.
All fruits and vegetables can be easily measured for Brix. The answer is that Brix measurements tell us how flavorful and nutritious our foods are, or could be. Why should Brix matter to me?
There has also been a noticeable lack of pest insects in my garden. This two-week period is necessary to harden off the tubers and thicken their skins for long-term storage. It hasn't been hot enough for them.
In a multimedia world, it's the just the thing to grab the next time you : Have that perennial conversation about starting a CSA Get together with other producers who are looking for ideas Start talking about developing a relationship with your own local...
The answer feels overly simplistic, and it's not without a tinge of embarrassment that I deliver my standard response: We wanted to do something good. Do our 12 acres matter in the grand scale of planetary health?
When Susman and Monbouquette stopped in Seattle, Wash., they experienced their most memorable moment: milking goats with the Goat Justice League. From children swiftly entering their teenage years to small towns hastily developing into cities, growth...
According to Sheehan, the farmers who donate produce to the program “want to see the food they're growing made accessible to everyone.” In the future, Friendship Donations Network plans to offer classes and recipe books to teach recipients — those...
We chatted for awhile about the weather and so forth and then wished each other a happy spring season. They had planted an old lemon tree on the site years before. I explained to them that most kiwis need both males and females growing nearby in order...
Whether it's a large planting of mixed plants, polished row of hedges, or some tall potted plants, don't be afraid to play around with ideas. When creating these living screens, you should first determine its overall purpose, size, and location.
Payoff! They are loaded with blooms and bees right now. My peas are up several inches and are nearly grasping onto the grapevine and branch teepees we erected. I got lots of free leaf compost from my municipality and used it as a mulch.
Then, she rolled backward unexpectedly and no matter how much she kicked, she couldn't get up! When Mom and Dad rushed out, she could hardly breathe. Sometimes something that at first seems bad is really good.
The bad/sad news is that we can't actually afford to do it all. My previous post mentioned that we didn't want the pavers anyway, so now we get to find a good concrete guy to talk about some less pricy alternatives.
Hobby farmers may submit a proposal for one 2011-2012 project to receive a maximum of $5,000. Former grantees are eligible to apply for and receive this year's grants. Details on grant priorities can be found on the AWA website .
A Natural Healer One thing that seems to be agreed upon, however, is turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties. In excessive amounts, it's a blood thinner and can slow clotting. Learn about other herbs from 5 Herbs Your Chickens Will Love...
Photo on left by kakiana, and right by troisBut even the poisonous snakes have their effect on wild rodent populations and should not be maligned just because they are poisonous.Without these snakes we would overrun with rats and gophers.But I do think...
Age your hackberry wood one year to get the best it has to give, Dried hackberry logs burn much better than freshly cut or unseasoned wood. Resilient and adaptable, it tolerates wide-ranging soils and urban pollution, and it usually scoffs at wind.
Just fill out the nomination form , and click “Submit.” The hardest question on this form—and also the most important—asks you to describe your organization's work in 100 words or less.
These ingredients work together to rehydrate a person after he has expended a lot of energy, usually after performing some form of athletic activity.In a lab test conducted by the Western Program at Miami University on the effects of hydration on plant...
Walk, run, dance, ride, swim, jog around the house if you have to, but move! Forgive. If you had to make difficult decisions and you aren't sure you did the right thing, forgive yourself.
I found a number of suggestions, but I didn't really want to suspend her in a small wire cage for four days … it reminds me of that scene in Pirates of the Caribbean . I nudged her out of the shavings bag and picked up the eggs.
When The Girls are out foraging and I come out into the yard, they generally all run in my direction, hoping for treats or at least some attention. Taking actions such as holding her upside down or pressing her to the ground may help.
The question should be more what is "good" stress and what is "bad" stress. There is a sickly green-brown to yellow-brown color that corresponds with a mushy texture that is every succulent collector's nightmare.
Roses greatly benefit from large amounts of organic matter, the best ratio is 50 percent organic material to 50 percent soil.Crushed eggshells can also be scattered on top of the planted rose bed as a mulch.
Tomatoes are the most commonly grown vegetable in home gardens in America, according to the University of Illinois. Combine 3 tbsp. Because tomatoes are naturally acidic, vinegar can be used as a natural fungicide as well as a fertilizer on these tasty...
Both can be inoculated into the soil using spores, or a prepared granular inoculant like MYKE , used when planting trees. Part of a healthy soil structure means creating fungal structures, called mycelium, through which plants communicate and share nutrients.
Green wood is heavy and dry wood is lighter. It is also easy to split, burns cleanly with little aroma and burns longer than softwoods, with no popping and little smoke.Citrus wood is suitable for campfires and for smoking foods.