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Sweet Potato Scurf Information: Treating Sweet Potatoes With Scurf
Sweet potatoes provide us with a variety of nutritional benefits, such as vitamins A, C, and B6 as well as manganese, fiber and potassium. Scurf is usually spread by sweet potatoes coming into contact with other affected sweet potatoes, contaminated soil,...
Sweet Potato Vine Division: Tips On Dividing Sweet Potato Vines
Dividing sweet potato vines to propagate new vines is easy, as the vines grow from fleshy underground tubers. Cut the tubers into smaller chunks. Greenhouses and nurseries charge a fairly hefty price for sweet potato vines, but splitting sweet potatoes...
Sweet Potato Black Rot : How To Manage Sweet Potatoes With Black Rot
The fungus can also live in soil for several years and enter through wounds in the tubers. Slips or roots can be treated with a pre-planting dip of fungicide. The disease may be noticeable at harvest or well into storage time or even market.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Sweet Potato Plant Starts: How And When To Start Sweet Potato Slips
The slips take about eight weeks to mature, so you should be starting sweet potato slips about six weeks before your last frost date in the spring.and add enough water to make the moss damp but not soggy.
Sweet Potato Varieties: Learn About Different Types Of Sweet Potatoes
There are more than 6,000 different varieties of sweet potatoes worldwide, and growers in the United States can select from more than 100 different types.are versatile veggies that may be mild or extra sweet, with flesh of white, red, yellow-orange or...
Potato Vine Plant Leaves: Are Sweet Potato Leaves Edible?
For the big, sweet tubers. If you've never tried eating potato vine leaves, you're missing out on a tasty, highly nutritious veggie.So, are sweet potato leaves edible? They love heat and won't tolerate chilly weather or heavy, soggy soil.into the soil...
Sweet Potato With White Leaves: Ornamental Sweet Potatoes With Bumpy Leaves
It's unlikely to be a serious problem, but read on to learn how to cure a sweet potato with white leaves.The most common causes of white bumps on sweet potato leaves are edema,Edema occurs when the water distribution and intake systems in sweet potatoes...
Sweet Potato Rotting After Harvest – What Causes Sweet Potato Storage Rots
The lesion is spongier and moister than healthy tissue. The infection and resulting decay usually start at one or both ends of the root. The sweet potatoes become covered with grayish/black fungal growth, an obvious sign of Rhizopus soft rot vs.
Care Of Sweet Peas – How To Grow Sweet Peas
The seeds have a tough coat that makes it difficult for them to germinate without a little help. The sweet pea seeds usually emerge in about 10 days, but it can take two weeks or more.when they are about 6 inches tall to stimulate lateral growth and bushiness.
Sweet Potato Root Knot Nematode Control – Managing Nematodes Of Sweet Potatoes
Signs of root knot nematodes include stunted vines and yellowing. Symptoms of root knot nematodes in sweet potatoes are easier to identify than those caused by reniform nematodes, which are usually not discovered until harvest, but the damage can still...
What Is Sweet Potato Pox : Learn About Soil Rot Of Sweet Potatoes
The pathogen can spread from field to field on contaminated equipment. In the home garden, such infections can render the soil unusable. The tubers themselves develop black crusty lesions, become distorted and have dents in places.
Sweet Thorn Information: What Is An Acacia Sweet Thorn Tree
Sweet thorn is an attractive and fragrant tree native to southern parts of Africa. The loose canopy allows dappled sunlight through so that grass can grow right up to the trunk.Sweet thorns make attractive specimens, and you can also grow them in containers.
Why Don\'t My Sweet Peas Flower – How To Get Sweet Peas Blooming
Are not blooming! It can be frustrating when you've done everything you can think of to help your flowers thrive, but they refuse to bloom. There are several reasons why this happens.
Sweet Pea Problems: Reasons For Sweet Pea Flowers Falling Off
Find out what causes bud drop and what to do about it in this article.We all hate to see the sweet pea flowers falling off, but it's even more distressing when the buds drop off before the flowers begin to bloom.
Sweet Potato Companions: Best Companion Plants For Sweet Potatoes
Are long, vining, warm season plants with sweet, delicious tubers. (18 C.) but easily up to 100 F. (38 C.) – to mature, meaning they often have to be started indoors early in the spring.
Sweet Pea Seedpods: Tips On Collecting Seeds From Sweet Peas
Are one of the mainstays of the annual garden. If you harvest the sweet pea seedpods before they are completely mature, they won't germinate. As the seed pods dry, they pop open and drop their seeds to the ground.
How To Pinch Sweet Peas For Fuller Plants
Take the growing tip between your forefinger and thumbnail and snip the growing tip off using your nail as your blade. If you're a beginning gardener or just new to growing this lovely vine, you might want to experiment by pinching sweet peas in half...
Ornamental Sweet Potatoes: How To Grow An Ornamental Sweet Potato Plant
Suitable for small containers.– Bold, chartreuse green foliage with heart-shaped leaves.– Another less vigorous grower with small pointy leaves that are multicolored and variegated in shades of green, pink and white.You might be asking yourself about...
Sweet Potato Container Crops – Tips For Growing Sweet Potatoes In Containers
A perennial in its native environment, growing sweet potatoes in containers is actually an easy endeavor but the plant is usually grown as an annual this way.are highly nutritious and come in two different varieties — dry flesh types and moist flesh...
Sweet Potato Storage – Tips On Storing Sweet Potatoes For Winter
Once the curing process has been finished, the sweet potatoes are ready to be packed for long term storage. Traditional methods recommend storing sweet potatoes in sand, but you can also use a box or perforated plastic bag in the right temperatures and...
Companion Planting With Yams – What To Plant Next To Yams
, you have had yams. Yams will sprawl with vine-like growth, so using plants such asYams are tropical and subtropical species. These easy-to-grow tubers prefer United States Department of Agriculture zones 9 through 12.
Yellow Sweet Potato Leaves: Why Do Sweet Potato Leaves Turn Yellow
We've been hearing a lot about “super foods” of late, those purported to be high in certain vitamins and minerals, often with antioxidant properties. Unfortunately, if the plant is afflicted, the tubers, even if they look fine, will become increasingly...
Winterizing A Sweet Potato Vine: Overwintering Ornamental Sweet Potatoes
Add tons of interest to a standard flowering basket or hanging container display. Then cut back the vine to just a couple of inches and spread a thick layer of mulch around the container to act as a blanket to protect the roots.
Container Grown Sweet Peas: How To Grow Sweet Pea Flowers In Pots
Plant your peas 2 inches apart and, when they're a few inches high, thin them to 4 inches apart.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });When you plant your container grown sweet peas depends a lot on where you...
Information On How To Grow And Harvest Sweet Potatoes
Plant the slips 12 to 18 inches apart on a wide, raised ridge that is about 8 inches tall. When thinking about how to grow sweet potato plants, realize that these particular potatoes grow on vines.When thinking about how to grow sweet potatoes, start...
Can You Eat Sweet Peas – Are Sweet Pea Plants Toxic
These romantic annual climbers are known for their vivid colors, aroma and lengthy bloom time. You've probably heard that pea vine can be eaten (and boy, is it delicious!), but that is in reference to the), a completely different animal than sweet peas.
Sweet Peas
In cultivation since the seventeenth century, it is immensely popular as a cut flower. They have tendrils which they use to attach to the supports, but you will need to initially tie the stems to the supports.
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