I think sweetgum balls will break down in a couple of seasons, just like pine cones, fir needles, and other organic materials that are not kind to bare feet... This will produce a happier garden, as opposed to who your veggies' neighbors are.
Sunlight, lamp light, flashlight, any kind of light will impede or even stop germination altogether. If you're not getting ANY blooms, then by all means, go ahead and cut it way back like you did; this is called rejuvenation pruning.My husband generally...
Sweet potatoes from the grocery store make a great houseplant too. The healthiest and largest plants will be found in the optimum ‘middle conditions' of climate and PH.answers: By adding leaves and kitchen scraps to the holes, they will eventually fill...
That gives the roots a milder environment than in a pot above ground. Iron sulfate and gypsum or other products for alkaline soil might be found at larger nurseries or stores that sell farming supplies.
Other questions may be moved to one of our other forums so your fellow members can help you. Our writers and admins will handpick a few of your questions and answer them in an upcoming Ask-a-Gardener, one of our Saturday morning features.
Mine is just starting to show a bit of change here in Kentucky and the image on the left shows normal color starting to develop. If you're not familiar with its appearance, it can look like a problem.
There are no blue tulips, roses, clematis or daylilies, despite the wishful thinking of many breeders. Or maybe find a friend who likes blue but not purple. For instance, we were planning some indoor painting projects, and one was to choose a more neutral...
I have some scarlet milkweed that I'm going to try and over-winter in the ground, so we're in the same boat. Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing.
Could you start a compost bin? Some of the plants are new so they're still small, others have just been harvested for the last time, or they're annuals killed by the last cold snap.For more information on how to set up an herb garden with rocks, please...
Make sure to keep all your light-sensitive indoor plants rotated so they don't lean too much to one side.Finally, I like the asymmetrical, off-center look, but that's just me.http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/plantid/all/Remember, if you have...
If your question is chosen for this feature, you can be sure you've helped others with the same question.: Aside from the obvious poison-ivy (which can actually be somewhat hidden and still get you when you're not looking) I know of a few other problem...
Thank you."Hello...I plan on planting this palm from a 15 gallon container over our sewer line about 15 feet away from our house. A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions...
Your little squash should grow and mature. Many farms in Japan use this method because space is at a premium there. Several have specific temperature and soil requirements or the seeds will simply rot.
That worked for me. Then loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole. You need to fertilize. Causes are crowded seedlings, cool conditions and improper watering techniques.When this happens, your best bet is to simply start over, as the plants will always...
You need to cover/wrap up all plants including the pots, so their roots won't freeze.But that should be only temporary, not all winter. Buddleja blooms on new wood so you're not harming next year's blossoms when you prune like this.
Answers: We have knowledgeable gardeners who will be delighted to assist you at Dave's Garden. If you're still interested after reading what they say, you can scroll back up to near the top and find the link for "7 vendors have this plant for sale." That...
We'll just have the reception in the backyard here,” I quickly chimed in, hoping to stop her tears.“But mom, no offense, this is no English Garden,” she said, clearly worried.I was going to have to come up with a sophisticated, charming, not to...
Or make up your own theme using my next suggestion.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Once you have an idea of which direction you want to take your masterpiece, grab a piece of graph paper and some colored...
If, determine the type and amount of edging material as well.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Once you know how to create a flower bed, you're ready to build it.
Add seating to areas where you want others to view.. For instance, a garden that is dominated by nothing but lawn can look bleak, empty, and uninteresting. A well-focused garden is a great way to spruce up a dull layout.One of the greatest things about...
This should keep the bed from sliding around. Using a sledgehammer, pound the rebar down into the ground until the top is level with the top of the cinderblocks. Is there any truth in this?
Of course, this ended up being more like a three-toned or even four-toned splash of color since smaller flowers of other types shared the same space.magically popped up from out of nowhere, so at one time I had all three colors of yarrow going.
My guess is that it would appreciate a bigger pot. I'll plant it here in a week or two since the temperatures have moderated a bit. He always told me never to over feed dahlias. When they start to show some growth, pinch each of the growing tips to encourage...
We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and writers) helpful as you grow your gardening knowledge! They should have a half day of sun and be watered and fed like any conventional garden plant.
For planting in groups, dig down about eight inches so you can loosen the soil in the bottom of the hole and add fertilizer. ' is the best cultivar you can plant if you want to eat raw quince, but '' is the most cultivated in California.
Answers: Winter sowing is a great way to get a jump on your garden, but there are a number of plants that you'll want to wait and plant conventionally. Whether you use traditional or organic fertilizer, these numbers will be somewhere on the package,...
Gardening is both art and science, with some luck and skill thrown in for good measure. A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions for one another.