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Is Canola Oil Safe

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Tung-oil, an Environmentally Safe Wood Preservative
This makes it a highly desired product for gardeners wishing to construct raised beds. Fortunately, none of us attempted to eat the fruits. According to the FDA Poisonous Plant Database, the primary toxic agent in tung nuts is an albumin that is not present...
El Segundo
Neem, An Indoor Gardeners Best Friend
Repeat the treatment every 5 to 7 days. Mealy bugs are the bane of the indoor gardener, the sight of just one of those white blobs can cause panic. It is known as "the village pharmacy," "heal all" and "nature's drugstore."The beauty of Neem is that it...
El Segundo
Winter Cover Crops With Canola: Tips On Planting Canola Cover Crops
Here in the United States, canola is commonly grown outside of the Midwest.of canola seeded in early September produce the most growth and ground cover and amass the most nitrogen in the aboveground biomass and may be combined with other cover crops such...
Canola: Where Does it Come From?
In Europe, Great Britain and Asia, rapeseed oil for human consumption is called Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed, or LEAR. If you object to the pressing and refining process, and many do, buy your canola oil at a healthfood store or from the organic aisle or...
El Segundo
Summer Bites
They attack the head and neck for the most part. We waited all winter for this. The males are one of the first spring pollinators (think Blueberries) and are an important food source for Bats, Dragonflies and numerous birds.Blackflies like it warm and...
El Segundo
Safe Urban Beekeeping
For example, bee hives shouldn't be placed near sidewalks or play areas where bee air traffic may pose a threat. Urban beekeepers of all experience levels can continue to build their beekeeping safety skills by joining a local beekeeping association.
Safe Spring Planting
Drivers of both passenger vehicles and farm equipment need to be careful and considerate of one another. If something seems like it may fail later, change it now. Having cell phones handy at all times can save time and energy and provide timely help in...
Safe Pesticide Usage: Using Pesticides In The Garden Safely
Garden pesticides should always be your last resort. However, the use of pesticides may not always be necessary, and if they are, they should be used only as a last resort, using them safely and responsibly.
Is My Produce Safe?
All rights reserved.Reduction of poliovirus 1, bacteriophages, Salmonella montevideo, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on strawberries by physical and disinfectant washes.NY Times Soap and Water Rinse Gets Produce Cleanest
El Segundo
Dog-Safe Shade Perennials
The leaves boast striking red veins and red undersides. Cross-referencing perennial plants that love full or partial shade with those considered non-toxic to dogs can be a daunting task -- but it's worth it to keep your curious companions safe.A nontoxic...
Santa Monica
Is Your Compost Safe?
They do this in order to reduce the amount of organic materials that is going to landfills. Here's an excerpt fromAspergillosis is a fungal infection of the lungs that is caused after the inhalation of a fungus commonly found in rotting plant matter.
El Segundo
Using safe gardening practices
I found a great bargain on men's long sleeved summer shirts at the local Good Will store and those are specifically for me to wear out in the garden. Workers handling the product are advised to wear heavy clothing and gloves to protect themselves from...
El Segundo
Safe Flowers for Children
Species safe to grow around small children include butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii), hardy in USDA zones 5 to 10, Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia), hardy in USDA zones 3 to 6, flowering maple (Abutilon spp.), hardy in USDA zones 8 to 10, weigela (Weigela...
Santa Monica
Distinguishing Pure Olive Oil from Imposters
The value of ESI-MS for analyzing plant fatty acids has been recognized since at least 1994, but Lin's ESI-MS protocol helps make this application simpler. Read more about this research in the May/June 2013 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.
Safe, Natural Insecticides for Strawberries
This natural insecticide powder kills slugs and snails on contact. Several safe, natural insecticides can protect strawberries, but the right choice depends on which specific pest is causing the problem.Low-hanging foliage and fruit make strawberries...
Santa Monica
Store Gasoline Safely This Season
Protect yourself and your farm from a gasoline-related mishap this season by implementing these five tips: Store fuel in UL-classified containers (red for gasoline, blue for kerosene or diesel), and label them clearly.
Gardening Safely in Hot Weather
Be aware of how the heat can affect YOU while carrying out your gardening chores. Summer's here and it's HOT! Our beautiful gardens aren't the only things that suffer from high temperatures and suffocating humidity.
El Segundo
Horse-Safe Flowers and Shrubs
Another example of a large shrub to small tree that has showy flowers, star magnolia (Magnolia kobus var. Hardy in USDA zones 5 through 8, fall leaf drop reveals interesting branching structure.Evergreen shrubs nontoxic to horses provide screening, boundary...
Santa Monica
Is Burning Lilac Wood Safe?
Burning them will not be harmful, but if you merely discard them rather than burning, the disease could spread to other plants in your garden. In this case, burning lilac wood is not only safe, it is the safest thing you can do for your garden's or nursery's...
Santa Monica
How to Safely Plant Foxglove
Instead, the medicinal compound found in foxglove is isolated and used in the drug industry, where its concentration can be exact. I decided to do some research on the history of the plant, hoping that knowing more about it would make my husband more...
Grow Smart: Keep Food Safe
When it comes to food safety in growing fruits and vegetables, it doesn't matter if you're a commercial wholesale grower, hobby farmer, home gardener or direct marketer, the risk of food-borne illness is the same and the precautions that need to be taken...
What Is Rapeseed: Information About Rapeseed Benefits And History
The plants harvested for their oil are annuals.There are also biennial plants that are mainly grown as feed for animals. Because of the high fat content, biennial rape plants make an excellent feed and is often used as forage.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Castor oil, anyone?
Well, of course it is. It is also used in hydraulic brake fluids and in biodegradable laundry detergents, as well as in paints and varnishes. Castor oil was one of those dirty words that I never wanted to hear when I was growing up.
El Segundo
Making Olive Oil
The Christmas gift acquisition season has begun! Read more of Digging Italy » Tags frantoios , oil cooperative , olive oil , olive press , olives , pressing olives , rick gush I'm writing an article about how to make your own olive oil for Urban Farm...
Almond Oil Information: Tips For Using Almond Oil
It also treats chapped lips and purportedly can heal scars and stretch marks.One caveat regarding the use of this oil on skin or hair is that it's oily and can cause clogged pores or skin breakouts, so a little goes a long way.: The contents of this article...
Sidewalk de-icers: effective AND safe?
Product labels and literature can be misleading in stating effective temperatures. They react with ice, and the resulting salty solution drains away from paved surfaces. Calcium chloride is the best ice-melter of the group.
El Segundo
Make Shearing Day Safe, Efficient & Fun
Have tags on hand if you need to keep track of which fleece belongs to which animal. If you're keeping your fleece, have plenty of bags on hand to scoop up what you'll retain and get it out of the way.