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Bran: More Than Just \
Add egg, vanilla, and molasses. Try adding some wheat bran to the crumb topping on green bean casserole or au gratin potatoes. Time was, the mention of bran muffins brought on a snicker, but the value of brans and whole grains in our diet goes well past...
El Segundo
A to Z Gardening for Food and Nutrition: Vitamin A
The chart shows vitamin A for everything at one ounce (28 grams) for best Vitamin A comparison. The gardening process itself provides physical activity - a wonderful win-win for you and your family's health.Vitamins and minerals fuel our bodies with nutrients...
El Segundo
The International Year of Quinoa
Quinoa seeds are now available from garden seed suppliers too - you may want to grow it in your garden! We like quinoa pilaf with veggies, herbs, dried fruits and toasted nuts, orbonus of being gluten-free for those looking for gluten-free alternative...
El Segundo
Healthy Hens
Their normal pulse averages 300 beats per minute, but it can reach 400 beats per minute if the chicken is stressed. Marek's disease, infectious coryza and Newcastle disease are just a few of the nasty illnesses circulating the bird […]
Healthy Homemade Dog Treats
Here are some good, healthy homemade dog treats for your faithful canine farm hand. Visit her at . Pet expert and author Arden Moore offers up some homemade dog treat recipes for your hard-working farm dogs.
Keep Show Livestock Healthy
(i.e. Is the barn sweltering with no fan in sight?) If you notice problems, promptly bring them to the attention of show officials. To help keep your dream livestock show from becoming a nightmare, Dr. Christine B.
Choosing Healthy Plants: How To Tell If A Plant Is Healthy
Plants are expensive and the last thing you want is for your beautiful new plant to keel over and die shortly after you bring it home. However, keep in mind that if you buy a rootbound plant, you will have to repot it soon.
Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right
It's easy-to-grow and self-sows beautifully.has attractive textured leaves and blooms tiny blue blooms that produce nutritious chia seed.Chia seeds expand and get gelatinous when soaked in liquid.
El Segundo
Importance Of Healthy Roots – What Do Healthy Roots Look Like
You can buy it and transplant it, and it will probably be alright, but it will take some time to adjust and begin growing well.If you can find a plant that's growing healthy roots, always buy that one.
7 Necessities for Healthy Chicks
A 1-quart dispenser will water about four chicks daily. By the time your chicks are fully feathered, the chick cage will be standing room only. Instruct children to close the door behind them after leaving the “chick room.” Enjoy Daily Allow your...
Keeping Poultry Healthy in Winter
In fact, they do not like being closed up at all and will more than likely not go into a shelter without being coaxed into it, no matter what the weather is like. The same is true for ducks and geese.
El Segundo
Cattails: A Delicious, Healthy Nuisance
They can be pounded down to produce a starchy flour. Of course, being who I am, I can't leave you without talking a bit about the medicinal uses of this fabulous weed. The feeling is quite different to see my first soaring red-winged blackbird when the...
Dirty Kids Equal Healthy Kids
In the February 2015 issue of the journal Nature , researchers explain that the societal shifts in our microbial communities could be contributing to our hyper-reactive immune systems.
Could Healthy Crops Be Hurting You?
But the majority of research suggests that naturally occurring pesticides are not altogether harmful to humans. The beautiful smell of fresh cut grass? Plants protect themselves in two main ways: structurally and chemically.
8 Natural and Healthy Canning Substitutions
If a recipe calls for 5 cups of sugar, add 2½ cups sugar and 2½ cups of honey. Using honey in jams and jellies might affect how long the product is processed and how well it gels.
Promote Healthy Waterways On Your Farm
Remove Invasive Species Invasive species are found in the water and on land as animals and plants. Use Your Resources Your local cooperative extension agent, soil and water conservation district, and NRCS office can help design a stream-management protocol...
USDA Proposes Healthy School Snacks Rule
» Tags USDA proposed rule “Good nutrition lays the groundwork for good health and academic success. Highlights of the Smart Snacks in School rule include: Emphasis on wholesome foods.
5 Signs of a Healthy Hive
Bees might be circling the hive after pollen collection, or they might be gathered at a hive entrance. This is the pollen that they've gathered from nearby plants—and evidence that they're hard at work.
Choose Healthy Plants for Holiday Gifts
Planters can have drainage holes or not, but don't allow plants in containers with drainage holes to sit in saucers filled with water, unless the plant is suspended above the water level by a layer of rocks.
Grow Better Crops From Healthy Soil
Not only is soil fairly self-reliant, but it's also reparable—even heavily damaged or depleted soils can be rebuilt. In the end, the best approach to maintaining healthy soil is a mixture of observation, soil testing, care and a dedication to the fact...
Keep Calm and Cultivate a Healthy Liver
When this filter becomes clogged or when it's weakened and not doing its job properly, there is a cascade of problems. How people react to those stressors tells us a lot about the condition of various body systems.
Herb Pastas: Making Healthy Homemade Herb Noodles
There is NO limit to what can be added to your own homemade pasta! As many herbs become ready to pick and use, let's spice up basic pasta dough with herbs. It makes a beautiful, soft and silky dough that is easy to work with.
El Segundo
Keep Your Chickens Safe & Healthy This Winter
Scheideler and extension poultry assistant Chad Zadina at the University of Nebraska recommend that “any supplemental light should be added during the morning hours, as sudden darkness can cause chickens to panic and pile up in a corner, which can consequently...
Your Winter Checklist for Safe & Healthy Chickens
The birds are relieved of the summer heat, and most of the laying hens take a hiatus from their egg-laying duties. Well, for one, you don't remove the bedding all year. Some might say that heating the coop will keep any indoor water fonts from freezing,...
3 Autumn Chores for a Healthy Lawn
Thatch build up is not the result of leaving grass clippings behind when you mow—those clippings are actually good for the lawn because they break down and return nutrients to the soil, but thatch is not.
Tips For Maintaining Healthy Roots In Fall Planting
Often in urban areas, development, construction and heavy vehicles compact soil and damage the habitat that absorbing roots need. Perhaps farmers can learn from the forests and breed a little more wildness back into their grain and potatoes so that they'll...
Cottonseed Meal Gardening: Is Cottonseed Healthy For Plants
Cottonseed meal fertilizer is recommended for acid-loving plants such as, leading to spectacular flowering. Yellowing leaves may be a sign that the pH needs to be reduced with an application of cottonseed meal as fertilizer.Most acid loving plants tend...