If you don't, planting a river birch tree or two in your yard will make for an attractive specimen and shade tree. Its attractive bark is especially striking in the winter when the rest of the tree is bare.
Cut back to healthy wood. Bright white bark and long, downward growing shoots at the ends of the branches create an effect unmatched by other landscape trees. Always mow so that any sticks or debris caught by the mower blades will be thrown away from...
Some are landscapers, others have a unique product, and some are qualified nursery folk, growing specialty plants and trees. One of the best resources we have at Dave's Garden is a group of members who garden in a professional capacity.
I eventually took care of my gopher problem for a good 4-6 months, though they always come back.: You can sometimes stimulate a rose by pruning, providing that it is one that does repeat bloom.
The larvae are drawn to it and you can easily toss them.If you have to, repot some of your most infested containers with new medium. Water from the bottom if possible, and until your gnats are gone only water enough to keep the plants from wilting.answers:...
When I say a few...I mean a couple each season, not a couple dozen! Kudos to you for finding the free amendments! The seed balls are great organic matter and your gardens will benefit from the addition.adds: My first question is, do you garden wearing...
Impatiens are fairly sturdy once established (as long as they get enough water) but the just germinated seedlings are more fragile (especially if they've spent their lives in a nice warm house) and might be endangered by a hard freeze.
This is sometimes called "planting on 28 inch centers," ( or whatever the measurement may be.) Planting 28 inches apart will certainly assure ample growing room for those plants. Every week or so,I change the water to keep it fresh.
You can fill the gap with an insulating material like Styrofoam, crumpled newspaper, dead leaves, or more potting soil if desired.Hard water can be a problem, usually not so much because of the calcium content but because it is alkaline.
If your question is chosen for this feature, you can be sure you've helped others with the same question.Marie Harrison, (can2grow) and Melody answer the question:Remember, if you have a gardening question that you would like to suggest for this feature,...
Gardening is both art and science, with some luck and skill thrown in for good measure. However, you are from Halifax, Nova Scotia, and the average first frost for your area is October 20, which makes October planting risky at best.
Most stings are the result of inadvertantly trapping the bee where it can't escape. Good luck with your purple and white garden.adds: Color is affected by soil composition, but each plant responds differently to the trace elements available.
A few inches of mulch and maybe a large bucket covering that would insulate the roots enough to survive the winter. The house blocks the worst of the wind and holds a bit of heat from the sun.
Some may need protection during harsh winter storms.The photo on the left shows my own small herb garden (today) set in a bed of stones between two buildings. Do not let the containers dry out and when the little shoots start to appear, gradually move...
Pot up all the cuttings you prune off - they may reach perfect shape and size before the 'mother plant' does. Occasionally we come across a question that we find particularly interesting or intriguing.
You could even apply a mild insecticide to the plant and soil if you wish. The plant will require less water than when it is actively growing and will tolerate lower light conditions.
Thank you."Hello...I plan on planting this palm from a 15 gallon container over our sewer line about 15 feet away from our house. My question is, would be possible to use grow lights outside?
There is ais a bush canteloupe. Your little squash should grow and mature. You can experiment and see if it is a pollination issue by hand pollinating squash yourself. They are blooming now, but all of a sudden for the first time ever, I see dime size...
I've lost seedlings more times that I care to think about myself. Mix a good fertilizer "bulb food" into the soil, and compost if you have it. Your bulbs have several weeks in which to use the food now but will die down no matter what as their natural...
Buddleja blooms on new wood so you're not harming next year's blossoms when you prune like this. We hope you find these questions (and answers, penned by our admins and writers) helpful as you grow your gardening knowledge!
It can't take up water until it grows new roots, and meanwhile extra humidity around it will keep it from wilting. I think I'd try something that sounds more drastic -- cut off the crown (the rosette of leaves and the stem that holds them together) and...
Keep reading to learn more.An instant garden is essentially a quick shortcut for making a garden overnight using potted plants, both flowering and foliage. It was very enjoyable seeing it all come together so nicely and so quickly! An old garden bench...
I'm not an “artsy” person per se, but I always tell people that the garden is my canvas because it truly is my way of letting the artist out. One cold spring morning you may decide you want to start the painting all over again.
Use a hose, spray paint or flour to mark out and shape the bed. Where do you begin? Don't forget to add an attractive border to define the edges.approach. You can plant a flower bed right away if the grass was dug out or within the next season using the...
Be sure to look around you. Create focal points that draw the eyes toward the garden's most attractive features. Don't be afraid to experiment with different plants to create various effects.
This should keep the bed from sliding around. This will make the bed much sturdier and less likely to fall.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Stack the blocks so the holes are facing up too.
Since hardwood cuttings take quite some time to strike roots, they need enough food to keep them alive until the roots form. Stems with nodes spread far apart need to be longer than stems with closely spaced nodes.Always be sure to maintain the integrity...