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Is Arnica Safe

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Use Arnica For Bruising
Strictly Medicinal Seeds tells us that this plant is hardy to most temperate zones but really prefers high altitudes. In both my and my father's cases, the first plant that came to mind was arnica ( Arnica montana ).
Safe Urban Beekeeping
Erecting a bird bath or other water supply near the bee-hive entrance will reduce the likelihood that bees will become a poolside nuisance. By taking precautions, your bees can thrive within city limits.
Safe Spring Planting
Carry a Cell Phone “Farmers should look at their phones as a safety feature, not an inconvenience,” Field says. “Taking time now to get ready for planting season will prevent more mishaps in the long run.” Field offers these tips to farmers for...
Safe Pesticide Usage: Using Pesticides In The Garden Safely
Once all other control methods have failed or have been deemed impractical, go ahead and try safe pesticide usage, selecting one that is specifically designed for your particular situation and target pest.To avoid adverse effects of pestice use, always...
Is My Produce Safe?
Salmonella is no stranger to peppers, avocados, basil, spinach, lettuce, beans, tomatoes, cauliflower, peanuts; and as recently reported in the news - parsley and sprouts. Soil contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria...
El Segundo
Dog-Safe Shade Perennials
Depending on the cultivar you choose, the heart-shaped leaves may have patterns of red and gold, silver and green or neon tones. Another small-leaved ground cover that's safe for dogs, plumbago (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides) is a more compact plant that...
Santa Monica
Is Your Compost Safe?
We don't know because no one tests commercial compost.According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors several diseases can be contracted through improperly processed compost.
El Segundo
Using safe gardening practices
I've often wondered if there's a relationship there when losing socks? Peat having a rather unique cell structure that enables it to aerate plant roots by loosening heavy clay soils; add boy to sand soil; and save water by absorbing and holding moisture.that...
El Segundo
Safe Flowers for Children
One of these is that some species, while lovely to behold, are toxic when eaten or when their sap comes into contact with the skin or eyes. And not to worry if your adventurous toddler picks up a wayward dandelion flower (Taraxacum officinale), which...
Santa Monica
Safe, Natural Insecticides for Strawberries
The grubs feed on the roots and the base of the strawberry plant and can kill an entire patch of strawberries.At night, set out a tray or cardboard box under the strawberry plants.
Santa Monica
Store Gasoline Safely This Season
Prepare for the season's farm work and stormy weather by properly storing gasoline in your barn or garage. Store gasoline away from the house, if possible, and away from electrical equipment.
Gardening Safely in Hot Weather
Symptoms and treatment are described later for the four main heat-related conditions: dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke.Most of us (except the proverbial mad dogs and Englishmen) don't go out in the midday sun, but gardening tasks...
El Segundo
Horse-Safe Flowers and Shrubs
Most coral bells are hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9, with variation depending on the cultivar. Some evergreens also provide showy seasonal color, such as camellia (Camellia japonica).
Santa Monica
Is Burning Lilac Wood Safe?
In this case, burning lilac wood is not only safe, it is the safest thing you can do for your garden's or nursery's health.As with all wood, if you burn lilac wood in your indoor fireplace, be sure that the chimney is clear.
Santa Monica
How to Safely Plant Foxglove
If you would like to grow foxglove, plant it out of reach of small children. An English botanist named Will Withering, while doing research on the plant in 1741, rebelled against the scientific community when he came across someone who had used foxglove...
Grow Smart: Keep Food Safe
That chain of quality, safety and cleanliness has to remain unbroken from start to finish.” If you're heading out to the field or garden, keep in mind these points for preventing food-borne illness in the crops you grow: 1.
Sidewalk de-icers: effective AND safe?
If snow and ice haven't yet arrived in your zone, they may soon. The safer part of the formulation comes from their lack of sodium and chlorides.Pet owners can worry about chemicals in contact with their animals paws, or ingestion when a cat or dog licks...
El Segundo
Make Shearing Day Safe, Efficient & Fun
Watch the herd for signs of stress and make sure they have access to shade, water and food. With increased animal density in a limited space, barns can get stuffy. This can be stressful to some animals, especially young or pregnant individuals.
Infographic: What Chicken Treats Are Safe?
Instead of mere producers of eggs and meat, chickens—backyard chickens in particular—have become a part of the family. The other way to treat chickens is by providing them vegetables, fruits and other treats in or near their run, either by placing...
Eat This: Safe Foraged Foods Guide
Why pass up the green and blooming bounty around your homestead that many count as weeds or decoration: Make something to eat instead! Brackney to see which foraged foods are safe to eat.
How To Safely & Humanely Handle Sheep
Sheep hate to have their legs grabbed. Create A Holding Area When it is time to move, begin by moving sheep into as small a space as possible—for several sheep, a 6-by-6-foot space or smaller is ideal.
The Key to Safe Mushroom Foraging
You don't need a fancy app. No, you know this from experience. They say all mushrooms are edible—once. In short, the only good field guide is one with two legs. In Southern Africa, where they eat a lot of mushrooms, there's a well-known adage: “The...
Keep Chickens Safe During Holiday Travels
Someone can stop by to let the chickens range for the day, and then she can return to button them up at night. The fountain holds too much water to dry out in a few days. I'm more likely to keep them cooped during a winter trip out of town, and more likely...
How Safe Are Foster Farms\' Chickens?
Outbreaks of salmonella and listeria. However, yesterday Foster Farms, a family-run poultry operation in California and the Pacific Northwest, released news of a different type of food-safety issue they've been battling this month: the physical safety...
7 Tips For Transporting Animals Safely
Try your best to empty and re-bed the trailer after a day of hauling. If you have to brake suddenly or take a sharp turn, the larger animals could accidentally step on the ruminants and cause serious injury.
Summertime Robbing: Keep Your Bees Safe
But part of what makes hives so easy to manage for the beekeeper—healthy populations and abundant honey stores—also makes them targets for robbing. Leaving these out invites trouble, simple as that.
Tung-oil, an Environmentally Safe Wood Preservative
However, after a few hurricanes and hard frosts, many of the trees growing in Gulf States died. Ingestion of the nuts can be fatal.Thanks to Andrew 60, pieohmy, and arcadon for their images of the tung-oil tree and its blossoms.
El Segundo