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An April Almanac
An April breeze can carry the scent of newly-opened flowers one day, and fill the sky with stormy clouds the next. Each spring, children of these "Pennsylvania Dutch" anticipated a visit from the “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws” by making nests for...
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Turn An Okra Hater Into An Okra Lover
In African, Indian, Cajun and Southern cuisines, okra's sliminess is valued as a thickening agent in soups, stews and gumbo. The pointed pods can get 8 to 12 inches long—a proper size for seed saving and even making rope.
An Iris Plan
Much good instruction can be found right here, both onAn iris plan evolves over time. I remember having irises out front that were quite ruffly (I think it was around 1998) in a pale blue shade.
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An October Almanac
The date of October 9 was chosen not for any connection to Leif Ericson's life, but rather because this was the date in 1825 when the ship “Restauration” arrived in New York Harbor from Stavanger, Norway, prompting organized immigration to the U.S
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An Heirloom Garden
By the time we got home it was nearly bedtime for Bailey. This time I walked out in the grass to check the seeds in the birdfeeder and to see if the peach tree leaves had started to curl yet.
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An Inspired Read
Breaking Through Concrete pays tribute to the urban farmers who are leading an environmental and social movement that transforms the national food system. Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Pa., Cleveland, Ohio and Detroit, Mich., to talk with urban farmers...
Repairing an Army
In most cases, bits of dowel stub and excess glue from previous repair attempts remained. Slowly but safely, the low power, slow-speed drill produced fresh sockets. By the time we inherited the collection a few years ago, some of them were in pretty tough...
An August Almanac
The trumpet-shaped flowers always grow in a double row along the stem. The spiky leaves of the gladiolus bear some resemblance to the iris, to which it is related. There are hundreds of species of glads, ranging from two to five feet tall.
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Nest Box Anomaly: An Egg Inside An Egg
Depending on the breed of chicken , much of the time her single ovary fires daily. While each anomaly, like a prized double yolker, is rare, to see two anomalies in one egg is even rarer.
What Is An Arborist: Tips For Choosing An Arborist
This should be a last resort suggestion, only used when all else has failed. Arbor Day Foundation offers a page with certified arborist information that enables you to find a certified arborist in all 50 states of the U.S.Choosing an arborist you will...
George Washington Carver, An American Botanist, An American Legend
He also published six bulletins on sweet potatoes, five on cotton, and four on cowpeas. Carver died several days later at the age of 78 from complications resulting from this fall.
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An Asparagus That Vines
Only then does branching take place. Ever on the lookout for unique plants that will grow in my Zone 5a/b garden, I occasionally discover one that I feel other gardeners would like to know about, because of its ease of care and other positive attributes.
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An Autumn Treasure Hunt
Other objects should be cleaned with gentle care and rested on a paper towel to air-dry before use.Some suggested fall crafts are listed below. This is simply a book of pages, you put together, whichaccording to the leaves you collect.
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Grow an Evening Garden
Foliage Plants The backbone of most gardens, foliage plants set the stage and the backdrop for flowering plants. Situating your evening garden too far away may mean a spilled glass of wine along your journey to the garden or, worse still, fewer visits.
Lichen, an Ecosystem Wonder
Remove tray from oven. In some areas, on trails and summits, signs are posted asking hikers to please be respectful and not touch or disturb the fragile growing lichens.DG member 'Kelli' from the west coast in Canoga, California shared her photos of tree...
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What is an Herbarium?
Only in a herbarium are you able to look at hundreds of examples of a particular plant species, across its area of distribution and across time (the BRIT herbarium has a specimen collected over 220 years ago!), and then able to notice subtle differences.
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Walk Like an Egyptian
If you don't harvest and replant the bulblets yourself, the stem simply topples under their weight. My son's bus driver gave me a small paper bag last fall—it was filled with Egyptian walking onions.
Designing An Herb Garden
You just want to have a good idea of what your finished garden will look like before you start breaking ground. You can mix and match your herbs in whatever style or shape you desire.
An Ode to Spring
In our parks in Bucharest the snowdrops are planted in the lawn,together with the yellow winter aconites, purple alpine squills, orange or purple crocuses, hellebores, white and purple violets , with their divine odor which embraces everyone passing by.
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Celeriac: An Underutilized Vegetable
It also contains essential minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper, and manganese.Celeriac is a warm-season crop, so those of us who live in northern areas might want to start it indoors or in a greenhouse.
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Lessons from an Arborist
He advised me on the best approach, either treating or removing or simply ignoring the problem. The tree was unlikely to live long in any case, as large ornamental pears (both the popular ‘Cleveland' and other types) are prone to both blights and structural...
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An Easy Thanksgiving Banner
Using a 1/4-inch seam allowance, stitch the banner triangles to the bias tape. Fold the seam allowance over the raw edge and press. I'm back with another easy sewing project that is sure to make your Thanksgiving a little more festive: an easy-to-sew...
Olea europeaea--an ancient crop and an acquired taste--olives!
Which is your favorite olive? Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey are the world leaders in olive production (with 2009 statistics), and the relative newcomers of California and Australia don't even place! However, it takes at least four years for an olive...
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What Is An Agrihood: What\'s It Like Living In An Agrihood
Just like some residential communities have communal tennis courts or gyms, an agrihood might include a series ofor even an entire working farm complete with animals and long rows of vegetables.Often, the focus is placed on growing edible crops that are...
What Is An American Bladdernut: How To Grow An American Bladdernut
They appear in spring, growing in hanging clusters. After they mature, the seeds shake inside them like a rattle.If you want to start growing an American bladdernut tree, you'll need to live in a fairly cool climate.
Establishing an Eastern Bluebird Trail
We are a good two to three weeks behind where we normally are at this time of year, and bluebird activity has been equally slow. Often though, houses can be placed in pairs to accommodate tree swallows.Trails are monitored and maintained by both individuals...
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Poems for an autumn day
Tenpas and used with permission. The Fabric painting September Comes is the property of Jessica Heiser and used with her permission. Here are a few poems about my favorite season. All poems are coyright Kahtleen M.
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