Our birds make valuable contributions, in addition to decorating the landscape.The guineas have reduced the Japanese beetle population drastically, and we hope they are also protecting us from Lyme disease by keeping the ticks cleaned up.The chickens,...
Tags gluten-free , grains , grow , Lists The leaves are also edible and make a nice addition to stir-fries and salads. Amaranth can also be popped into small, puffed white grains that make an ideal addition to garden salads and homemade fruit-and-yogurt...
Medium-sized farmers face the same difficulties of foreign competition as do American farmers, but they aren't being bought up or forced out in the same way. Family run farms are more common than not and there are a whole lot of organic growers.
Cover, bring to boil, and then reduce to simmer, cooking until liquid is absorbed. Add rice, stirring to coat. Grate some Parmesan on top before serving if desired. Add stock, tomatoes and all herbs.
The flooding is mainly to protect the young plants from pests like snails, soil insects and rodents. The classic method of rice cultivation calls for flooding the fields once the young plants have been planted.
Mix the olive oil and lemon juice and pour onto the rice. Season to taste. Photo by Judith Hausman Bright nasturtium flowers add an extra dose of color to this rice salad. Colorful Rice Salad 1 cup brown rice 2 cups broth or water a dozen or more cherry...
Spread the pumpkin chunks on a greased shallow pan, toss them with oil until well-coated and roast until they yield to a fork, about 20 to 30 minutes. Photo by Judith Hausman Pumpkin and rice are winter comfort foods.
The cherry and yellow pear bed will also be important, as will the sauce tomatoes bed. It's mostly mineral, so I'll add as much organic material as I can round up in the way of cow and steer manure, old leaves and our home-made compost.
The plant spreads as new tillers grow from the basal nodes of the older ones. This forms a dense clump. The bottom portion of the leaf, called the sheath, clings to the stem. A single seed will typically develop six or seven tillers in one season.The...
It's estimated that 40 percent of landfills in the United States are overrun with packaging. Fill your own containers: Bath and body products, such as shampoos and liquid soaps, as well as household cleaners are often dispensed by the ounce into customers'...
The wood duck has an unusual trait of nesting in trees. Canada geese eat other plants, such as clover, water lilies, cattails and grasses in addition to the rice fields. These Asian birds make their nests in fruit trees or shrubs, and will leave the nest...
It was, in fact, one of the few species I've ever seen that bloomed as well in person -- er, in plant -- as it did in the catalog photo. Yellow flax was one of the first houseplants I grew back in the dark ages when I was a young and beginning gardener.
After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about the webinar. Highlighting […] He's worked in the poultry industry since 1984 in multiple positions, from a poultry breeder to a diagnostician with a state...
Larvae come to the surface to take in oxygen through a breathing apparatus that resembles a snorkel. Quick Kill Mosquito Bits is another product that contains Bti and promises results within 24 hours.
Since its inception in 2005, the Yahoo group has grown to 315 members, but Gordon believes the program has a much broader reach. In order to meet the demand for free worms, students started offering produce grown through the campus Sustainable Food Project...
You can make your hydroponics garden for less than it would cost to buy one, but there is more risk in investing in those materials if you have never tried hydroponics before. One of the benefits of a do-it-yourself approach to hydroponics is that you...
The Louisiana flood and heavy rains in Arkansas have left the majority of the nation's rice crop hurting. Here are some articles that can help: 5 Natural Disasters and How to Rescue Your Garden 6 Ways to Cope with Disaster Recovery How to Rehab Your Soil...
Stir and cook gently for about 25 to 35 minutes, adding stock as needed, until the rice is almost tender to the bite. Add the diced carrots after about 2 cups so they have time to cook.
Keep your tomato plants pest-free this summer by monitoring tomato pest activity--and try these tips for an organic approach. Plant resistant varieties to help ward off problems before they start.
Most herbs are fine in a lean mixture, but other plants like roses and tomatoes tend to be heavy feeders.grains are dried and hulled before being polished, parboiled or "converted," or sold as brown rice.
Just this year, the United Egg Producers, a leading U.S. egg industry trade group announced that caging hens is better for food safety. If you participate in a walk where a lot of people will be in contact with your chickens or equipment, prevent chicken...
Several of my friends were rightfully concerned about the potential pesticide and/or herbicide content of city compost, as the ingredients are largely unknown. The compost feeds your lawn, as well as all the beneficial soil organisms in the soil below...
The Kentucky Horse Park is accepting free clinic applications from horse owners unable to afford routine gelding surgery. Tags gelding clinic , geldings , horses , Kentucky Horse Park
Ripe fruits often fall to the ground, where they can be collected and taken to the kitchen. The Big Enemy psychmike/Flickr The biggest challenge we've faced when growing tomatillos is in the form of a tiny insect called the three-lined potato beetle.
The ALBC recently released the Dairy Processing 101 course workbook online in a self-guided format. Hobby farmers can walk themselves through the process of setting up a dairy-processing business from the planning stages to the implementation of all the...
Nails If you do happen to hit a nail, the chain will dull and perhaps derail from the bar, so double-check your stacking technique to avoid that. If the pallets are dirty, I blast the dirt off with a sweeper or jet nozzle on the end of my garden hose.
Weight is also a consideration, as heavy pruning shears can get tiresome to handle. Maintaining Cleared Fields If the trees you're cutting are several feet tall, it can be helpful to work from the mature trees outward, since the young trees will be leaning...