He Iowa Roundup, now in its sixth year, continues to be the most popular and well-attended one in the U.S.Attendance at this year's May 3 event equaled that of the previous year.Two members flew in from Texas (without knowing the other was coming) and...
I am stuck to DG like a piece of iron to a magnet for all the good reasons. My enthusiasm is the plant, DG is water and manure, DG-friends are sunlight and my curiosity is the digging tool and this is what brought me here and made what I am today.
When watching some of the earlier Disney classics, like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty or Song of the South, you can't help but notice how all the major characters have a deep affinity with the natural world.
She would rise up so early and be back in the woods clearing brush, making paths and then filling them with daffodils that multiplied through the years. She created mini gardens all around their Annapolis home which everyone got to enjoy.
Some have other fun features including swimming pools (bird baths) in the roof. It takes about 1 hour to mount one securely. John, an active young man with so much life before him, was depressed and devastated.
Bouquets of red roses, chocolates and diamonds wrapped with red ribbon will be arriving at homes and offices around the world. Valentine's Day is set aside each year as a day for people celebrate their love with gifts and togetherness.
Each highlighted Latin name links to cultural information and gardener comments in Dave's Garden PlantFiles.Even more numerous than heart-named plants are those that simply have heart shaped leaves.
In the most northerly regions, these plants are treated as annuals.the West Indies, and parts of Central America and South America, firebushHaving a beautiful fall garden is well within the capabilities of most gardeners.
We encourage you to add your favorite references or check out the titles added by your fellow members.We hope you take advantage of the birding resources here at Dave's Garden. The friendly folks gather from all corners of the globe to share information...
Nicolaus.I learned about the history of ‘Potato Top' from Doug Oster's gardening column in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The larger, lobed leaves really do look like the leaves growing on top of a potato plant.
Since my original lease expired over a year ago, I have been on a month to month lease. A family is growing and their hearts are overflowing with kindness from the DG community and friends.
Don't let that slow you down. Ask for a couple of volunteers who are willing to linger over a cup of coffee and help clear away the aftermath. Picking a theme for the party can be fun, and it helps people answer that often-asked question, "what should...
This here's goin' to be chewed like tobacco." Somebody's gonna chew this? They are little tiny, so we'll put each clump in one of the paper bags first so we don't lose none of 'em.
She also collects and sells flowers and the mixture of wild greens called Preboggin. There is one wheel in front and two wheels in the rear. She has a nice flat piece of ground by one of the smaller creeks that run down from the surrounding hills, and...
When something on the scooter does break, and it happens once a year or so, I simply push it to the closest mechanic, (seems like there's one on every other street) and they fix it, usually for some ridiculously low figure.
The U.S. Senate recently passed an amendment to S.1813, the transportation or Highway Bill that would exempt farm trucks from the restrictions of commercially licensed truck drivers.
I once snapped the clutch cable when I had two sacks loaded. One of the things I really like about living here in Liguria, Italy , is having lots of water features near my garden. I pushed the Vespa—still loaded—to the nearest mechanic.
We use our four-wheel-drive truck every winter for the purpose of moving hay from one area of the farm to another, and in the aftermath of major snowstorms, it makes all the difference in allowing us to stay productive despite the tough conditions.
Many of these trees now enhance the grounds of the Washington Monument.Of the 12 varieties of cherry originally planted, two types now predominate --. The year 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of a floral show celebrating an enduring international friendship.
The two important factors here are gross weight, which is the weight of the trailer plus the load, and tongue weight, which is the downward force that the trailer coupler places on the hitch ball.
According to American Farmland Trust , the San Francisco Bay Area produces $1.8 billion of food a year. There are many initiatives to bring local foods into international travel hubs and seek to offer alternative food choices.
“I watched these old men working their draft horses, and I thought, ‘We really do need a bridge to tap into the historic reserve of knowledge that still exists in this country, before it disappears forever.'” Page 1 | 2 About the Author: Carol Ekarius...
Read the organization's Slow Food Manifesto . The organization holds events, activities and programs all over the world to encourage people to cook with regional foods. The result: McDonald's built their Rome franchise, but yielded to pressure to remove...
A 40-acre pistachio grove provides Ottolenghi's flock with cover from overhead predators. “If I didn't have my own spring, I'd purify the water using a Berkey [water filter] or something similar.” Variety Is Good, But Quick Change Is Bad Shutterstock...
It's also known for blooming as a very young plantlet, sometimes producing a bloom or two while still attached to the mother leaf.Optimara's "space baby" series of violets tend to have ruffled edges on their blooms, often tinged with green.
Here's what they had to say: Melissa Griffiths Farmer and Blogger at Bless This Mess “Gourmet popcorn! I've been growing organic heirloom popcorn that my late grandfather cultivated over 50 years ago.
Perforatum leaves, when held up to the sun will contain large, telltale oil spots. I also love it for healing sunburns. With so much concrete, most people feel disconnected from nature and tend to get depressed.