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Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
Of course, there are the obvious ways. What exactly is a farm truck? Four-wheel drive is also ideal if you want to get down and dirty in tough conditions. You probably won't drive your tractor 20 miles to pick up a load of lumber or your new goats—your...
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Transportation laws and regulations should not saddle farmers with additional regulatory hurdles simply because they farm closer to a processor in another state than a processor in their own state,” says NFU president Roger Johnson.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Too much tongue weight can make the steering dangerously squirrely and cause the headlights to shine into the eyes of oncoming drivers, even when on the low-beam setting. Starting uphill from a dead stop with a heavy load takes its toll on a clutch, and...
San Francisco Airport\'s Farm-to-Flight
Former dairy farmer and now oil tycoon Arthur Fremont Gilmore started the famous market to help farmers during the Great Depression, and it has been serving the city every since. SFO is the first airport terminal looking solely for vendors who […]
Tillers International Helps Keep Traditions Alive
Dreams don't always pay the bills, so Roosenberg returned to school and earned a law degree. There were some French volunteers nearby who'd had some experience droving in France, so they taught us some things, but we learned a lot just by working with...
Slow Down with Slow Food
The result: McDonald's built their Rome franchise, but yielded to pressure to remove its eyesore golden arches. At Slow Food gatherings such as Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, foodies celebrate the diversity of locally prepared cuisine.
A Guide To Digestive Health In Chickens, From Beak To Tail
You might have noticed the crop as a bulging area at the base of a chicken's neck. Intestinal pockets called ceca collect fibrous food, where bacterial action further breaks it down.
Chase Away the Blues with St. John\'s Wort
Traditionally, this herb has been picked around the feast of St. John on June 23. The plant excels as a nervine—that is, a plant that targets the nervous system—and most everyone is able to use it.
Party Like It\'s the Year of Soils
With 2015—the International Year of Soils—on our heels, here's your chance at a free soil education. You can watch and download a free video each month, too. I've gone to seminars, read books and watched films.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
Someone in charge of municipal maintenance should be able to tell you what's used to make the compost, so if you are concerned about it, just ask. Even free compost isn't a good deal if it harms your plants.
2012 Celebrates Cooperative Businesses
The ICA, which boasts 249 member organizations in 94 countries, includes other co-ops (such as those related to tourism, utilities and education) under its umbrella, as well. Co-ops were also asked to participate in the IYC “Cooperatives Are …”...
Traveling with Livestock
Another way to haul small livestock in a van is to halter and tie each animal to something sturdy. They traveled in a covered goat tote in the back of our truck. You will always need up-to-date health papers issued by a vet.
The International Year of Quinoa
Thepossibilities for quinoa recipes are endless. They define whole grains as being foods that contain all the essential parts and naturally-occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed.
El Segundo
World to Celebrate Kitchen Garden Day
Perhaps by taking this step, you'll be on your way to helping combat the world food crises. Doiron suggests trying a salad garden in a 4- by 4-foot raised garden bed . “For others, as large as a small farm.
Get The Most From Dewormers
Ask your vet first! Some dewormers cause terrible problems if used at the wrong time, in the wrong dosage or in the wrong way. When you use that dewormer over a period of time, it gradually kills off nonresistant worms until all that remains to breed...
Internal & External Parts of the Plants
Stamens produce pollen, which lands on the pistil and grows downward into the flower's internal parts to release sperm to fertilize the egg. While these visible structures play a role in the plant's survival, within those roots, stems, leaves and flowers,...
Santa Monica
Become a Farm Intern, Learn Sustainable Farming
About the Author: Arie McFarlan is owner and operator of the Maveric Heritage Ranch Co . Interns can find leads on internship programs, as well as health insurance and assistance with work visas through several agencies.
Feeling right proud of myself, I hightailed it out of there. This is the proper way to harvest any wild food, always leave behind more than you take ensuring the plants are around for future generations to enjoy.Fiddleheads taste like a cross between...
El Segundo
Weird Llama and Alpaca Behaviors
People who keep llamas and alpacas call them dung piles or poop piles. This is handy for several reasons: You can haul your llama or alpaca in your van or SUV because he won't make a mess in the back.
Sunflower History- From Humble Wildflower to International Superpower
Sunflowers have the unique ability to turn their flowers and keep them facing somewhat sideways and towards the sun. I grew them for their down-home charm and bird-attracting qualities.
El Segundo
Turkish Delight: an International Treat for the Holidays!
Lewis (or the recent 2005 movie based on the book) will probably come to mind. There is even a well-known confectionary store in Istanbul whose owners claim to be the descendents of that first creator of Turkish Delight.
El Segundo
Word\'s First Self-Chilling Can
Joseph Company International is taking the word “cool” to a different level. Photo courtesy The West Coast Chill Pure Energy Drink can drops 30 degrees Fahrenheit within minutes of being activated.
The mixture should cover the bread very well. Thankfully, speaking only for my own palate, by the latter half of the 18th century English puddings no longer included meat.Sometime along the way, the ancient Roman cooks recognized the binding properties...
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
The truck, a retrofitted cargo trailer designed by students from Savannah College of Art and Design, pulls up at organic restaurants, schools and parking lots throughout Savannah on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and parks at the Forsyth Farmers Market on Saturdays.
Local Food Prices Indicate Value
To avoid bias, the researchers asked questions only after the customers chose their food. Customers who dine at a restaurant are less inclined to fill out long questionnaires. “The study helps restaurants make decisions on whether it makes sense to...
Muddling Mint for a Magical Mojito--a Refreshing Summer Beverage from Cuba
Garnish with lime and has a different recipe, stronger and much sweeter. Meanwhile I perfected my Mojito-making technique.So I had regular generic spearmint from a big box store, and I had my friend's 'Mojito Mint'.
El Segundo
100 Years of Bloom: The National Cherry Blossom Festival
Washington D.C.'s National Cherry Blossom Festival attracts over one million visitors annually. You can see these trees in the East Potomac Park along with cultivars Fugenzo, with double rosy-pink blossoms, andor Higan cherry tree.
El Segundo