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Food Industry Prioritizes Ag Sustainability
Combined with the significant contribution pulses make to human nutrition and health, pulses have a big role to play in foods that deliver healthy people and a healthy planet.” The first report, “Measure What Matters,” written by independent consultant...
Industrial Hemp: Uses Ancient and Modern
The basic idea is to use a preparation of hemp hurd [pulp] and lime to create a kind of cement, "Agstone," which may be used to construct floors and walls which are stronger and more durable than cement or concrete, yet less brittle and much lighter.
El Segundo
Small Farmers Gain Organic Industry Voice
He notes that while OTA's membership has always represented the entire value-chain for organic, including farmers, this formal step makes that commitment clear. Service eligibility defines a farmer as someone who owns, leases or is a partner in an organic...
Washington Gets Support for \
“We, as growers, benefit economically from the partnership; this investment guarantees that will continue.” Dan Bernardo, dean of the WSU College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences, agrees.
The Shakers: Innovators in the Seed Industry
They worked side by side during the day, but when the day was over they went their separate ways.I first discovered the Shakers back in the 1970s when my wife and I visited the Shaker community at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky which is a short drive west of...
El Segundo
This Water Pump Is Propelled By The Water It Pumps
But in the late 1700s, a Frenchman named Joseph Montgolfier —improving upon a slightly earlier patent—placed a valve on the pump that made it self-acting and made the water able to move itself.
Picking Sprayer Pumps and Nozzle Tips
Other non-glyphosate products on the market are traditionally acid based, which can lead to tip deterioration. The Silver Series costs three times that of cast iron but lasts seven times longer.
Tools of the Trade: Alternative Water-well Pumps
Manufactured in Houlton, Maine, they provide generous volumes of fresh water with every stroke, from wells with a static water level of up to 200 feet. On the downside, all hand pumps require priming before use, and cast-iron hand pumps can freeze.
Should You Grow Hemp?
“If you're in it to learn, to make yourself a better person and connect to the land, go for it.” Final Suggestions And Resources Whether you're a serious producer or an adventurous gardener, hemp requires some forethought.
Why Must The Water Pump Be At The Bottom Of A Deep Well?
Various tanks have different ways of separating the water and pressurized air inside the tank, but all the results are the same. These residents may not need to pay water and sewer bills, but this is true only because they have already spent many thousands...
Bringing Back The Windmill
If the pond is in a flat landscape, the height becomes an aesthetic preference for the hobby farmer. In these instances, windmills are a supplemental source for maintaining the water level in a pond.
Beekeeping Conferences
Before you commit to a particular beekeeping conference, review the schedule to be sure it offers activities and lectures suited to your skills and goals. American Apitherapy Society : Promotes apitherapy, a holistic medicine relying on natural beehive...
Gardening Off the Grid: Mastering Water and Solar Systems
Shutterstock Also important about the type of tank: It must be opaque. They are dependable and easily moved. You also now have options such as bubble film. If this will be your only source of water for a garden that is a source of income, consider getting...
Smart Agriculture Can Curb Climate Change
FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva presented a convincing argument that modern agriculture must change. Graziano da Silva highlighted the FAO's Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture , which was launched at the UN Climate Summit in the...
Burning Question: Why Don\'t Certain Farmers Eat Their Own Crops?
It is fascinating to ponder how many things we use in our daily lives that come from plants. A feedlot is not a pretty place, how many feedlot owners do you think are eating their own hamburgers?
Practice Farm Safety Year-round
The most common source of fatal injuries to youth is machinery (including tractors), motor vehicles (including ATVs ) and drowning. Also, make certain that all safety equipment is working properly and that you follow the appropriate safety procedures...
5 Years of Big Ag: Has It Gotten Better?
The commission assessed the current state of industrial animal agriculture based on site visits to production facilities across the country; consultation with industry stakeholders, public health, medical and agriculture experts; public meetings; peer-reviewed...
Are You Ready for a Black Petunia?
The selling point and slogan accompanying this petunia, it appears, will be "Black goes with everything!"There are those who caution that 'Black Velvet's' flower power may strike gardeners as underwhelming.
El Segundo
Mushroom Farming
Inoculation Mushroom growers don't use spores to directly start growth in the beds. They're well capitalized, and have large established sales and distribution systems that certainly intimidate new entrants to the market.
7 Key Points In The Sheep Care Guide Updated For 2017
Feedstuffs, feed troughs and water supplies need to be protected from contamination by chemicals, foreign materials and manure. Reflections, bright spots and shadows cause sheep to balk, as will sheep chutes that require sheep to move into blinding sunlight.
Future is Bright for Solar
Fluctuating natural-gas and heating-oil prices will determine the future of these markets. According to Rhone Resch, SEIA president and CEO, the report shows that solar energy is one of the fastest growing U.S. industries, offering growth opportunities...
The News Hog: California Is Irrigating With Oilfield Wastewater
Flint, Mich., is on the phone , and they'd like to talk to you.) The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board put together a panel to study the safety of irrigating food crops with oilfield wastewater—but farmers are already doing it, and...
USDA Proposes Horrifying Bird-Flu Control
It's not that chickens have to die. Chicken Death If the worst-case bird flu outbreak comes to fruition, think for a moment about all of the millions of live birds that will need to be euthanized and then disposed of.
5 Techniques For Preserving Homegrown Herbs
Most fresh herbs dry in three to four weeks. As you can see, preserving homegrown herbs is a simple and fun process that enables you to enjoy their delicious flavor for months after harvest.
Leaf peepers - what are they and what do they do?
The green leaf peeper was created by my husband. "This area is at 63% peak right now, while this other mountain range is 72.58% peak." Now I was imagining some hi-tech scanning system by helicopter, or an individual leaf-by-leaf count.
El Segundo
Millennials Seek Out Nontraditional Farming
If the indoor farmer also has an advanced degree in the field, he or she may make as much as $90,000 per year—figures much different from traditional farming, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .
Worldwide Peat Shortage: Soaring Prices, Dwindling Supplies
Any time you change growing media components, you get different results. And anybody who thinks they're going to resolve this by using coir it's not the same product."To increase the amount of available peat beyond spring, Buffington says Eastern Canada...
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