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Food Industry Prioritizes Ag Sustainability
Companies are looking at measuring key environmental-performance indicators like the amount of energy used, and focusing less on the process used to produce the food” says Gordon Bacon, CEO of Pulse Canada, an industry association, which compiled one...
Industrial Hemp: Uses Ancient and Modern
It was one of the first crops ever cultivated by humans and is considered the first source of textile fiber. The oldest extant records mentioning hempcome from central Asia and were made in the third millennium B.C.The Chinese symbol for hemp, for example,...
El Segundo
Small Farmers Gain Organic Industry Voice
Service eligibility defines a farmer as someone who owns, leases or is a partner in an organic farm, has a full-time functional role as an organic farmer, and derives his or her primary income from an organic farm.
Washington Gets Support for \
Apple and pear growers throughout Washington have agreed to make a historic investment of $27 million over the next eight years to support tree-fruit research and extension activities at Washington State University.
The Shakers: Innovators in the Seed Industry
The New Lebanon community appears to have been one of the most successful overall: one of the longest-lived seed businesses and one of the most innovative. Many outsiders found the demands of the Shaker faith a small price to pay for a safe life and the...
El Segundo
Should You Grow Hemp?
Imagine the police trying to attempt something akin to random drug screening on thousands of acres. If you are ready to try hemp on, here are some useful tools to help you decide if it fits you: For a starting point to understanding hemp legislation,...
Beekeeping Conferences
New and experienced beekeepers alike can benefit from the educational opportunities offered at bee-industry seminars and conferences. The overall beekeeping conference may also have a separate entry fee.
Smart Agriculture Can Curb Climate Change
He pointed to industrial agricultural practices as causes for soil degradation and biodiversity loss. Graziano da Silva highlighted the FAO's Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture , which was launched at the UN Climate Summit in the fall to put...
Burning Question: Why Don\'t Certain Farmers Eat Their Own Crops?
Farming is one of the most underappreciated professions on Earth, and it's hard work. Not All Crops Are Human Food Then there's commodity farming. The vast majority of animal farming is done in feedlots in order to make it more efficient and profitable.
Practice Farm Safety Year-round
Often, nature does not leave a big enough time period to get the work done, so farmers and farm workers feel the need to hurry, but it's important to slow down and think about the safest ways to go about your work.
5 Years of Big Ag: Has It Gotten Better?
The CLF promotes research and develops and communicates information about the interrelationships among diet, food production, environment and human health. The CLF's report aims to address the public health, environment, animal welfare and rural community...
Are You Ready for a Black Petunia?
When 'Black Velvet' bursts onto the garden scene in 2011, there are bound to be both accolades and brickbats. That claim is based on observations at two trial gardens, one in the city of Buffalo, New York, and one atAlmost lost in all the hype are two...
El Segundo
Mushroom Farming
Once the mushrooms start appearing, they should be harvested frequently while they are producing. The basis of any mushroom-growing operation is the growing medium that supports this mycelium.
7 Key Points In The Sheep Care Guide Updated For 2017
Finally, I appreciated the guide's recommendations on feed handling to prevent mistakes and unintended harm. Depending on where you live, not all safe animal disposal options are necessarily legal .
Future is Bright for Solar
The 75-megawatt Martin concentrating-solar-power plant installed in Florida is the largest to go online in nearly 20 years and foreshadows a pipeline of more than 9 gigawatts of concentrating-solar-power projects under development.
The News Hog: California Is Irrigating With Oilfield Wastewater
Here's something I don't remember reading about when California's drought hit cataclysmic proportions last year: They're using wastewater from oilfields to irrigate food crops. The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board put together a panel...
USDA Proposes Horrifying Bird-Flu Control
Another Option If this heading (“Another Option”) sounds hopeful, it shouldn't. They are planning, in fact, for a worst-case scenario of 500 or more commercial poultry operations to be affected across the U.S. (To give you an idea of what that entails,...
Leaf peepers - what are they and what do they do?
LEAF PEEPERS! The first time I heard the term was from my husband, who was at that time working for British Airways. "This area is at 63% peak right now, while this other mountain range is 72.58% peak." Now I was imagining some hi-tech scanning system...
El Segundo
Millennials Seek Out Nontraditional Farming
Millennials may just continue to bring their passion for farming into this new arena, but will it affect traditional farming? As the population in the United States to continues to grow, the need for additional jobs and food production will also grow.
Study Gives Insight Into Portland\'s Food Economy
According to the study, “the food industry is responsible for approximately 167,092 direct and indirect jobs in the region, producing approximately $6 billion dollars in income and nearly $22 billion dollars in output for the state overall.
The Dutch Bulb Fields and Tulipomania
In addition, the soil in the western part of the country, where most of these bulbs are grown, is almost pure sand amended with organic compost, which provides a well-drained growing field and is easy to dig in for harvesting the bulbs.Introduced by a...
El Segundo
Video Explores Youth\'s Impact On Future Of Farming
Younger populations are seeking out jobs that take them to the city, perhaps job that will earn them a better wage. In the short film Age of the Farmer , director Spencer MacDonald collaborates with photojournalist Eva Verbeeck to introduce us to “a...
Shetland Sheep
One of the most diverse sheep breeds as far as wool color, the Shetland comes in many shades, including white, fawn, gray, true black, moorit (brown), and silver-gray. Shetlands, whose naturally short tails require no docking, are grouped with the other...
New Products on the Market for Gardeners!
For a limited time only, those that purchase Training Your Praying Mantis will receive an extra kit to keep for yourself or to give as a gift (just pay separate shipping and handling).This is a limited time offer, so be sure to call before midnight tonight...
El Segundo
Keep Backyard Flocks Salmonella-free
Backyard Biosecurity Salmonella is transmitted among chickens through contact with fecal matter from infected birds or other animals. Vaccinate Your Flock In the U.S., vaccines are sold in doses of thousands to accommodate the factory farm, which can...
Cruise Lines Receive \
Increasing heat absorption from sunlight, which contributes to the melting of glacial ice, are black oil or diesel particles falling on the white ice at the North and South Poles. Given by the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union, 2011's “Dinosaur...
Hand Lotions and Scrubs for Gardeners
Bag Balm is available at drug stores, feed and tack stores around the US for about $7.O'Keefe's is a family owned and operated business from Oregon that was started by a woman who had just graduated pharmacy school when she set out to create a hand salve...
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