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Organic Industry Sees Growth
What's more, 46 percent of respondents anticipate an increase in employment in 2011. Companies with fewer than five employees were least likely to add full-time employees. Sales of organic food and non-food products increased in 2010, and the industry...
Food Industry Prioritizes Ag Sustainability
Reports show that key players in the food industry are looking to sustainable practices to increase the quality of their products. More than 30 interviews were conducted with leaders in the food industry to discover what they think about sustainability...
Industrial Hemp: Uses Ancient and Modern
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) has been an integral part of human cultures for millennia. It was used primarily as rope. Here is just a sampling:Food: Oil for salads and baking, roasted seeds, flour, mealTextiles: Clothing, sports gear, canvas, household...
El Segundo
Small Farmers Gain Organic Industry Voice
Interested organic farmers and state and regional organic-farming organizations should email OTA's executive vice president Laura Batcha . “One of OTA's Core Values is the understanding that organic farms are the foundation of the organic industry,”...
Washington Gets Support for \
Allied industry members have made additional gifts of more than $500,000 in support of tree-fruit research at WSU, and efforts will continue to secure an additional $10 million in gifts from other businesses associated with the tree-fruit industry over...
The Shakers: Innovators in the Seed Industry
Commercial dealers offered seed for sale in and around major cities on the east coast, but poor transportation and mail service limited the availability of these sources to rural communities.
El Segundo
Air Purifying Houseplants: Common Houseplants That Purify Air
Although all plants are believed to be beneficial, researchers discovered that some plants are especially effective at removing dangerous pollutants.Air purifying houseplants include several familiar, inexpensive, easy-to-grow houseplants.
What Is Air Layering: Learn About Air Layering Plants
Wedge a toothpick or small piece of wood into the cut to keep it from closing, then wrap the moss around the cut and secure it with floral ties or plant twine. The best plants for air layering using the simple technique would be:to wrap around a wounded...
Examples of Air Plants
This air plant grows naturally in the southern United States from Arizona through Texas, Louisiana, Georgia and the Florida peninsula and south into Argentina. It is most commonly found on dying or dead branches of trees.
Santa Monica
Hand Lotions and Scrubs for Gardeners
Upper Canada's products can be found at variety stores and online for about $12.Earths Organics Gardeners Hand and Body Scrub is made in New Zealand from organic botanical ingredients such as crushed apricot kernels and walnut shells along with lavender...
El Segundo
Air Plant Misting: How Do I Water An Air Plant
They tend to grow on logs, in cracks and crevasses, and even off live plants, although they are not parasitic. In their native regions, this is almost true but in the home setting, ambient air is too arid and no sudden storms will pass by.
What Is An Air Pot – How Does Air Pruning Work
Keep reading to learn about air pruning roots.How does air pruning work? Plants don't want their roots to grow above ground, so when a root encounters air, the plant stops its progress in that direction and concentrates its energy in other parts of the...
Plants For Good Air Quality: Using Houseplants That Freshen The Air
Varieties are available with fragrances reminiscent of apple, coconut, lemon, rose, cinnamon, and dozens of other scents. There are many houseplants whose flowers or foliage will contribute enjoyable scents to your home and help cover disagreeable odors.
Air Root Pruning Info: Should I Trim Air Roots On Plants
If your philodendron is growing on a moss stick, you can try to pin them to the stick., is another common plant that frequently develops air roots, but most growers think the roots should be encouraged.
Reviving A Tillandsia Air Plant: Can You Revive An Air Plant
You may need to tie the plant to a heavy object to keep it from floating to the top of the water.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Place the bowl in a warm location and let it soak for 12 hours.
EPA Releases Air Toxin Stats
According to an EPA press release, at both schools, “levels of the key pollutants monitored were below levels of both short- and long-term concern.” The EPA will continue monitoring and issuing notices of air-toxin levels around the selected schools...
Foul Air at Factory Farms
Heinzen is not aware of plans to conduct future studies using non-CAFO farms. “Smaller, more diversified farms are already doing things right [when it comes to environmental stewardship],” she says.
Low-light Air-cleaning House Plants
It grows slowly. Use a well-draining potting mix and fertilize in the spring, summer and fall months. Use a well-draining potting soil mix and keep the plant evenly watered, but not soggy.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Air Plants
Their roots are sensitive and cannot absorb urea like terrestrial plants. Submerge the entire plant in room-temperature water for at least 30 minutes every seven to ten days, shake off the excess moisture and return the plant to its original position.
Santa Monica
Beauty in the Air: Hanging Basket Gardens
Even specimens that enjoy direct sunlight will burn or wilt under these cauldron conditions.Obviously, you want to be able to water and care for your hanging garden, so see that the location you choose is easily accessible.
El Segundo
What Do Plants Release Into the Air?
Plants also lose water vapor through their stomata; this process of water loss is called transpiration.Transpiration is essential to plants; in combination with the high surface tension of water, it creates negative pressure that draws water up the plant's...
Santa Monica
How to Care for an Air Fern
If using for an aquarium, place in your tank immediately after un-packaging.Move your air fern to an area out of direct sunlight as the branches can bleach under direct sunlight and cause any dyes pre-applied to them to fade.Dust your air fern lightly...
Santa Monica
No-till Farming Could Improve Air Quality
These findings could help Pacific Northwest farmers reduce erosion from their fields and assist communities in complying with federal air-quality regulations. The scientists found that in the spring, soils in spring-barley and spring-wheat rotations were...
Why You Need To Check Tire Air Pressure
A simple tire pressure gauge and an air compressor are all you need to ensure that your machines have the air pressure they need to run smoothly and efficiently. (On a side note, I'm excited about the possibilities offered by these beautifully weathered...
How Does the Boston Fern Improve Air Quality?
But do not discount the importance of actual air circulation: Always open doors and windows whenever you can to let out the old, stale air and let in the new. However, for the typical 1,800 square-foot house, The University of Minnesota recommends 15...
Santa Monica
Plants That Clean Tobacco Smoke From the Air
Not only do they help improve indoor air quality and remove dangerous pollutants from cigarette smoke and other chemicals inside the home but Chrysanthemums also add cheer to any room with their brightly colored flowers.Chrysanthemums enjoy a combination...
Santa Monica
Butterflies: the prettiest pollinators in the world
As it hardens it contracts, deforming the shape of the egg. I often wonder where they rest when we drive down the road and glance over at the subdivision that now fills that field.I have felt sorrow for the hundreds of Monarch butterflies that litter...
El Segundo