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How to Create a Vegetable Garden on a Slope
Natural stone is often free if you live in a mountainous area, and as long as you stack a low wall so that it tilts slightly backward, into the slope, it should need only minor restacking at the beginning of each season.
United Kingdom
5 Tips for Late Summer Planting Beds
Fall-sown legumes like winter peas boost soil nitrogen when allowed to grow until they begin to bloom in spring 3. Summer Compost for Fall Veggies My new seedlings of broccoli, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi and other widely spaced plants get a huge helping...
United Kingdom
How to Ripen Fruit Faster
You can hasten ripening by removing the leaves from immediately around the fruits to minimize the amount of shade cast so that the fruits can remain sun-kissed and work on their tan.
United Kingdom
6 Ways to Extend Your Harvests
Continue watering a suitable organic liquid fertilizer on to hungry fruiting vegetables like tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. Pickings from fruiting and pod-producing vegetables such as beans and tomatoes are coming thick and fast right now, but as summer...
United Kingdom
Fight Pests Without Using Bug Spray
If you're regularly affected by a particular pest, it can be worth looking for early or late varieties of plants which may avoid becoming part of a pest's rations if they're not growing at the high-risk time.
United Kingdom
Growing Cabbages from Sowing to Harvest
You can use a string line to insure nice, straight rows. Spring cabbages , which may also be harvested young as ‘spring greens', are ready from mid to late spring. Savoy and other winter cabbages benefit from a light frost to bring out their flavor.
United Kingdom
Make the Most of Your Summer Garden
Consider the look and feel of the bench, which will become a feature in its own right. Then feed more sand in between the pots right up to the rims, before pouring in water to thoroughly wet the sand.
United Kingdom
Try Asian Radishes this Fall
There is some truth here, in that a review of studies from around the world concluded that compounds in daikon radishes may help prevent diabetes, cancer and disorders of the digestive system.
United Kingdom
3 Ways to Use Up Your Glut
Like a fine wine, chutney matures with age as all the ingredients meld into a delicious symphony of flavors. Making Pickles and Chutneys Pickles – raw vegetables preserved in spiced vinegar – and chutneys – vegetables and/or fruits cooked slowly...
United Kingdom
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
I like to sidestep hot summer sun by starting the seedlings indoors and setting them out when it's cloudy, but the seeds are such willing germinators that they also can be direct-sown into a prepared row and thinned to proper spacing.
United Kingdom
Saving Seeds from Beans, Peppers, Onions...And More!
It'll save you money, closes the loop on your growing but, above all, it's delightfully satisfying. Especially suitable candidates include peas and beans, tomatoes, peppers and lettuce, which can all be saved at the same time they are harvested or very...
United Kingdom
Keep Plum Trees Healthy and Productive With Summer Pruning
These branches begin to droop when they're heavy with fruit, and are liable to break. Soft shoots can be pinched out with your thumb and forefinger. July and August is the best time to prune plums in most Northern Hemisphere locations.
United Kingdom
How to Dry Chili Peppers
Begin by tying a knot into one end of the line. Arrange the chili peppers by spacing them out in a spiral formation – each chili should be offset about 30 to 60 degrees from the previous one.
United Kingdom
Help Your Garden Survive a Summer Drought
Success with Germination In hot, dry conditions getting seeds to germinate can be tricky, particularly those of cool-season crops such as lettuce. If it's exceptionally dry, water again a few hours later to recharge all that valuable soil moisture.
United Kingdom
Grow Potatoes for a Christmas Crop
You should have no problems holding them back for an extra month or two provided conditions remain cool but frost-free. Potatoes need a period of dormancy before they can sprout into a new plant, so in this case you really will need to start with genuine...
United Kingdom
Growing Fruit: Why Thinning Creates a Better Harvest
Some fruits, particularly plums, can become exceptionally heavy if they aren't thinned, leading branches to strain then snap under the weight. I'm using a sharp pair of pruners for the job, but if the fruits are really close to each other you may find...
United Kingdom
5 Organic Controls for Greenhouse Whitefly
They will attack plants growing outdoors as well as in the greenhouse. A few pots of choice favourites placed inside will almost certainly seal the deal. The real clincher for quibble-free identification is their habit of swarming away when approached...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Shallots (Growing Guide)
Alternatively, plant first thing in spring, or grow from seed and set out seedlings in early spring. Spacing Single Plants: 5" (15cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 3" (10cm) with 5" (15cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Set individual cloves in prepared ground...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Cucumber Beetle, Striped (Growing Guide)
Use yellow sticky traps to monitor populations. Floating row covers are the most dependable way to protect plants. Damage: Striped cucumber beetles emerge in late spring and immediately begin feeding on cucumber, melon and squash seedlings.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Borage (Growing Guide)
Borage attracts large buzzing insects that dominate their air space. The foliage can be gathered and composted. Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Any average, well drained soil.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Onion Root Maggot (Growing Guide)
Onion root maggots Onion root maggots Onion root maggots in garlic Onion root maggots in garlic Onion fly larvae burrow into plant roots Onion fly larvae burrow into plant roots Onion flies lay eggs at the base on onion plants Onion flies lay eggs at...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Valerian (Growing Guide)
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. After two years, valerian will grow into a 18" (45 cm) wide clump. Frost tolerant Extremely cold hardy, even in harsh winter climates.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Lemon Balm (Growing Guide)
Lemon balm grows into a rounded mound. Lemon balm can be transplanted from early spring to early summer. Frost tolerant A cold-hardy perennial, lemon balm can survive temperatures to -20F (-30C).
United Kingdom
How to grow: Tulip (Growing Guide)
Harvesting Cut tulips to use as cut flowers just as the buds open. Planting tulips behind daylilies or other summer-blooming perennials hides the fading foliage from view. Clear primary colors create a festive effect in a mixed planting.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Ageratum (Growing Guide)
Most gardeners buy ageratum seedlings, but only dwarf varieties are widely available as bedding plants. Spacing Single Plants: 7" (20cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 7" (20cm) with 11" (30cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Sow tiny ageratum seeds atop moist...
United Kingdom
How to grow: Tomato (Large) (Growing Guide)
Notes Bushy determinate plants can be tied to stakes, but long-bearing indeterminate varieties need a sturdy cage or trellis. Harvesting Pick regularly as soon as the fruits turn color but are still firm.
United Kingdom
How to grow: Parsnip (Growing Guide)
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Notes Thin seedlings to proper spacing when they are 4 inches tall. Companions Onion, Onions and Radish.
United Kingdom